It’s been a busy few weeks for us working on the site. Recently I had the chance to visit a couple of sites down in the Mekong Delta. As often happens, time wasn’t enough for me to visit all the places I had set out to because I had to return to Saigon in the evening instead of staying the night in Can Tho or Vinh Long. So remaining on the list for future visits in IV Corps are places like Sa Dec, Cao Lanh and Can Tho. I can’t wait to go there.

I did however visit Vinh Long and the former airfield there and have gotten great feedback from veterans who served there during the war as well as lots of additional input in to what the base looked like then and also where they went for a fun evening out in the city. On the way back to Saigon I stopped by the old 1963 battlefield at Ap Bac west of My Tho. I have read a few accounts of the battle and it seems the V.C. outsmarted the ARVN troops and caught them out in the open on the vast rice paddies. The museum was unfortunately closed the day we came there but we could have a look through the fences to see the large monument on the site and some of material from the war such as a Huey, an APC and an artillery piece. Maybe I will be back one day.
Along QL1 between My Tho and Vinh Long I saw more signs marking old battlefields. The areas around there are scattered with old battlefields and I look forward to come back and explore some of those sites as well.
Now that I have gone through all material from the visit, I have completed the pages for Ap Bac and Vinh Long and published them to the site.
Recently I also added videos for Camp Evans and Camp Carroll, making those pages even more rich on content. One exciting addition to the site is the page Black Jack 33. The page describes a Special Forces patrol area during a combat mission in 1967. We have traveled through the area and have pictures from where the patrol worked its way through the jungle. During the next few months we will add pages on several former Special Forces camps, maybe even create a section in itself for former Special Forces Camps.
We have also added a new page on LZ Betty located just outside Phan Thiet. LZ Betty has some interesting remains such as the old gate and runway including the chopper pad. It is a great destination for those who are visiting Mui Ne and want a couple of hours break from sun bathing.
Apart from adding new material, we are also re-writing some existing pages in order to keep the quality of the page on the high level you can expect from us. Recently we have done work on Hamburger Hill, Ashau Valley and the Hai Van Pass to mention a few. This work is on-going.
2018 is a big year for us, our ambition is to at least double the number of sites published to consolidate our position as the leading website in its category. So this year our focus will be on content and quality. We will never deviate from publishing original content only, everything published on this website is, and always will be, produced by us.
Thank you for coming here to enjoy our site and please let us know via our email address if you have any questions or suggestions.