Camp Rainier, Dầu Tiếng

Camp Rainier was established in 1966 in Dầu Tiếng village in Bình Dương province. Some of the first US Army units from the 25th Infantry Division assigned to Camp Rainier originated from Fort Lewis, Washington, south of Tacoma, where views of Mt. Rainier are an everyday sight. Constructed to support American attempts to control heavy PAVN infiltrations into Tây Ninh and Bình Dương provinces from over the border in Cambodia, Camp Rainier had a key role protecting Saigon from the southern terminus of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Just 65 kilometers north of South Vietnam’s capital city, this was one of the most highly militarized sections of the RVN. Tây Ninh and Bình Dương provinces were the home of the famous Iron Triangle, a heavily contested area north of Saigon that the US Army and ARVN just couldn’t pacify. This Triangle was home to massive tunnel complexes and daily mass infiltrations of northern troops and supplies, most notably Cu Chi which was 20 kilometers south of Camp Rainier. NLF and PAVN troops launched attacks from the tunnel complex, and retreated back underground when faced with heavy counterattacks from US and ARVN forces. For years, they lived underground and in the forests of the Iron Triangle and conducted frequent operations that rendered Saigon’s outskirts highly insecure.

Many of these installations were built after the US found a heavy presence of NVA troops in and around the Michelin Rubber Plantation, which at that time, stretched to the border of Dầu Tiếng town. Camp Rainier’s location, supply depots, and airstrip enabled the US to rush reinforcements to nearby firebases and operations quickly. Launched in 1967, Operation Cedar Falls was designed to destroy large swaths of the Triangle and deny this real estate to communist forces. Five hundred troops stationed at Camp Rainier were among the vanguard units deployed during Cedar Falls.
The responsibility of pacifying Bến Súc, a town that the NLF had captured two years earlier and used as a base of operations, fell to them. The Bến Súc story is harrowing and began with a surprise landing on the town by 60 helicopters from Rainier, evacuation of residents, deployment of bulldozers, and concluded with air strikes and napalm. Camp Rainier regularly came under NLF attacks launched from the adjacent Michelin Rubber Plantation, notably during the Tet Offensive and later in February 1969, when the base was in danger of being overrun. Two battalions of PAVN broached Camp Rainier’s surrounds that night, and several soldiers breached the perimeter of the base. Rockets landed on the very airstrip that remains in Dầu Tiếng town today, and small units attacked bunkers in and around the runway.

The old airstrip of red soil and surviving chunks of tarmac from Camp Rainier crosses the town’s main road. The dimensions of the runway were more or less retained. There’s no construction here, and the backyards of homes border either side of it. An informal market of conical-hatted and colorful pajamas-wearing women squatting over tubs of live shrimp and vegetables was at the intersection with the main road. I crossed the intersection, proceeded along the runway, and encountered the ingredients for some kind of a carnival or fair.
Video below is provided by Luke Johnston at Viet Nam Heritage – Healing Through History
Rows of colorful two-seater rocket ships and bumper cars were parked on the cracked pavement and red soil, waiting to be assembled as carnival rides. Random Vietnamese stuff piled up along the sides of the airstrip – stacks of weathered lumber, concrete, rusted fences, and burned couches. The old airstrip is now mixed use public land: a place for community events like carnivals and markets, a dump, and a motorbike short cut across town.

In Dầu Tiếng town center a community park and sports center with a front lawn display of dozens of US bombs, a Willys Jeep, an M-41 tank, and a UH-1 Huey helicopter. Next to this display is the famous Camp Rainier swimming pool. It is a raised pool on the second level of the construction housing it, and it’s well-maintained and still used today. It was gated and shut when I visited, as I’d shown up before opening hours. This was unfortunate, as I was curious to see if the black mosaic of a Playboy Bunny rendered by American GIs in the late 1960s on the pool’s floor was still there. The pool was originally built around 1930 by French who were affiliated with the Michelin Rubber Plantation.

By 1967, it had been sitting idle for about twenty years in a dilapidated state. Soldiers from the US Army 12th Infantry Regiment decided to fix up the pool and deliver themselves a luxury few troops in the field had. They built ten showers under the pool, repaired structural damage, of which part was caused by a grenade blast, and gave it a new coat of paint. They installed a high dive platform, with a diving board that was constructed from a UH-1 Huey rotor. They installed a hi-fi system and painted the Playboy bunny on the floor of the pool.

At the time, this pool was written up in Army journals as the biggest morale boost since the Armed Forces Network started broadcasting the TV show Batman. It most likely got a lot of use in the late 1960s, even if it was mere meters from PAVN soldiers hiding in the rubber forests that ringed the base. I climbed around on the structure to see if there was any way I could get around the locked gate, but it wasn’t promising. I was left to imagine these soldiers cranking Tommy James and the Shondells, the Miracles, Marvin Gaye, or Buck Owens on a hot Bình Dương afternoon, swimming and drinking beer, taking a break from the war.
Back to III Corps>>>
Worked out of Dau Tieng many times. I was a crew chief on a gunship with the 116th assault Helicopter Company. Wrote book ( Xin Loi, Viet Nam) about my 31 months “in country”. Write about a day in Jan, 69 when we had a gunship breakdown at Dau Tieng, so gunship crew got on one of our slicks with some Infantry from 25th Infantry. Slick fell out of the sky on the way back to Cu Chi with zero survivors.
Recall sitting around Dau Tieng with guys from Infantry who were showing us pictures of female crews of Recoiless rifles. Recall guys saying, “Look at these. We are fighting girls!”
Also fought against enemy who had ambushed a convoy outside of Dau Tieng. Quad 50 drove up from back of convoy and cut down rubber trees like cutting your grass! Being on a gunship, I was NOT allowed to shoot into the rubber trees–probably owned by Trump!
RVN, Cambodia, Laos–68,69,70,71,72—Cu Chi; Vinh Long; Chu Lai; Da Nang; Quang Tri
My cousin, Mike Mc Murray, was there as an MP with the 25th MP Co. in 1968-69. He is still. living in South Carolina if anyone knows him.
I was in Dau Tieng (after about one month in Tay Ninh) from August 1967 to August 1968. I was with HHC, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, MOS 71M20–that’s right, a Chaplain’s Assistant. That job put me in the field
on many, many occasions. I was at FSB Burt and later at The Battle of Good Friday. I remember the swimming pool and the room beneath it where the lifeguard slept. I remember the snack bar nearby, and I recall the
air-conditioned library. The base’s main chapel was just down the road in front of the PX. The chaplains I worked for? Barry, Wilson, Johnson, Father Tobin, Father Hartlage, The chaplain’s assistants: Eddinger, Reybitz, Madrid,
Edwards, Beasley, and a few replacements I don’t remember. All the chaplain had to do was make a phone call to the appropriate officer, tell me to load up my rucksack and meet him at the airstrip and I was out in the boonies
in no time. I went one time with Chaplain Barry to the top of Nui Ba Dinh. We usually marched with the infantry during the day and then the chaplain held a service in the evening. I was out with the mechanized infantry on at least one occasion.
My dream was to get home alive, go to college and get a degree or two, fall madly in love and marry a Princess and have a career that would satisfy my soul. And by the grace of God, it all came true.
I wonder if anyone knew that the 4th Inf. Devision was there also. It changed to the 25th Devision in late 67.
I was that lifeguard April to August 1968
I arrived with the initial group in January of 1967. We had no barracks and lived in small tents for a while. We were the 3rd of the 4th, which was deployed from Ft. Lewis. Mid year we became 3rd of the 25th on got new patches!! We helped put up an 8 man tent and sand bagged it to up above where we were sleeping. We finally got a PX several months later, and built a mess hall. We poured the cement in the evening – it would set up too quickly during the day.
I was a records clerk and did not have much to do when the troops were in the field. The swimming pool was fantastic!! I spent many an afternoon there and came home with a great tan!! I turned 21 in country, and was also lucky enough to find college and a wife. I left on 11/15/67. I was very blessed!!
i went from ft lewis wa i think in 67 on the ship walker and arived in vn went to bearcat folr 1 moth then to fook bin i think for a month long range then to dau tieng
we was walking by that pool that was growed over with brush and i realized it was a pool itold the sgt maj i new pools he sed its off limits.
about a week after that he sent for me and sed the curnel sed to fix it and that was my job, when i drained the main pool the plug that i puled out of the bottom had a double hand full of bullits on it and it was only 8 in across i cleaned and painted the pool and also the large plaboy bunny in the floor and i went tokio japan tdy for 11 days and bought a de filter i also had the first villa next to the pool for our office and a clirk and Lt willis was my co he was kiled on patrol after he transfered back to the 2 22during soy tree. we also had all the camp randr’s to take care of and the 6000 book library and tape library with 4 life gards i only remember one his name was webster he was a medic that transfered over he was from hawaii that flight of stairs that went up to the pools is where i lived in a room under
we also had the red cross girls towatch over when they came.
i went to longbin scrap yard and found a huey rotor and cut it off and it worked for a diving bd as i cud not find one. this pool and 13 villas was built in 1930 for the french michelin rubber co
My father, SFC Orlan M Nelson was KIA 2-23-1969 at Camp Rainier .
His story started as the oldest of 5 children in Black River Falls Wisconsin. He joined the US Army as a young man . While being stationed in Aschaffenburg Germany in the early 60’s me met and married my German Mother. In 1964 his oldest child, a daughter was born in Wisconsin, 19 months later a son, me born at Ft. Leonarwood Missouri. Once his US tour was over he was again sent back to Germany, Darmstadt. In 1967 my brother was born. In the summer of 1968, my Father received orders for Vietnam. His deployment sent him to Ft. Lewis for training while my Mother and her 3 children remained in Germany.
Once my Father made it to Vietnam the letters started, my Father telling my Mom that if anything ever happened to him that he wanted his body to be buried in Tacoma, Wa. His time at Ft. Lewis made quite the impact on him. He was a hunter and fisher and this place was where he wanted to spend the rest of his life or death.
On the morning of 2-24,1969 we got the news. I remember the soldiers at the door and the crying began. Bravely, my Mother packed up her 3 children and had her husband sent to Washington where we met up with his body for burial. We recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of his death with his sister, brother, niece’s, nephews and his small family that he left behind.
To this day I live in the shadow of Mt. Rainier and have explored the many beautiful surroundings of Ft.Lewis.
My Father is an American hero and loved this country and was willing to die for it.
I am and always will be proud to be his Son !
BRO took over from 25TH not long after bad guys came up via medical area on village side of camp. Apparently they held camp awhile and had machine gun set up on elevated pool. I understood they had killed a couple of medics. We added wire around our area. Motor Sgt acquired two 50 caliber machine guns to place in wooden small buildings he constructed. There was dual mounted serious weapon on road toward village. I was CO of Co. B 1st infantry medical battalion. Treated many fine young men. One of the last had heel shot away.Told him he would dance at his wedding.Of course didn’t say when as knew he faced a long arduous course. This was 1969 rainy season. All still vivid.
I was 2/28 Recon in the Big Red One at Firebase Mahone (renamed Firebase Kien in the fall of ’69). When Recon was not in the jungle, we had to walk the ditches each morning from the firebase to Dau Tieng while the engineers swept the road for mines. When we got to Dau Tieng, a dip in the pool was SOP before humping back to the firebase. Then, one day in September (I think) the dinks hit the pool with a 122 rocket. Talk about wartime tragedies.
Glenn Peyton I was in Dau Tieng from 28 Apr. 1968 to 24 Apr 1969 with the 587 th sig co. I remember the pool, used it a couple of times, only nice thing i can remember other than very good friends i made. One Sam Beasly , Robin Shendly, Tom Moraldy (not sure of spelling). we were all 31m20 radio rly&carr op. there was a tall antenna we used for our radios but i don’t see it in any of the pictures.
I went into Dsu Tieng with the 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division in Aug 66. I was the Supply Sgt for Co D 4th Med. This was right across the dirt road from the chopper pad.
They destroyed a lot of choppers with mortar and RPG.
They also blew up a large JP4 fuel bag a few days after we arrived.
Our docs were the best. If I remember, ther was a C130 or C123 shot down at the end of the run way.
I was there when the Engineers fixed the pool, amazing. The painted a Playboy Bunny on the bottom of the pool. I saw General Westmorland at this pool. Came home a year later. Lucky to have missed Tet. We did lose a lot of Infantry guys though. The Michilin Rubber plantation was home for a year.
I was there for TET in 68. Hard to imagine but that was one of the quietest times I was there. Guess the VC were at all the other places and not at Dau Tieng. But right after TET we got all the ammo that they had left over threw at us. It was normal for us to get hit 3-5 times a day. We got hit hard July 4th 68.. Had several NVA and VC make it inside. The Medic had a commercial washer on a trailer which was quite big. It was one of the first thing that the enemy blew up. Guess they never had seen one and didn’t know what kind of weapon they had destroyed.
My name is Dennis Ulmer. I was a rifleman in B Co 2Bn 12th inf from Oct 1966 to Oct 1967. We arrived at Dau Tieng from long biehn before the rest of of the 3rd Bdg. We dug fox holes where the bunker line was later located. We patrolled for a long time while the base camp was expanded ….
Was at Dau Tieng on New Years Eve Dec 66. Every GI loaded a magazine with tracers. I still had M14 and removed tracers from M60 belt. At midnight everyone let loose with mad minute of nothing but tracers. Officers went crazy. It was a memorable show. One of the highlights of my tour.
Wow some memories here. I was at Dau Tieng in 66/67 in HHC 2/12 and B /Co 2/12 and back to HHC. Our Company was in tents not too far from the Pool and we went there whenever we could. I spent lot of nights on the top of the tower on the road approaching with a Radar set and infa red sniper rifle as well as on the perimeter in a bunker. Eventually transferred to the 9th Inf. Div. my last few months and then home with less than 30 days left. My heart goes out to those who died there.
i was in HHC commo2/12 in 67, do you remember the snack near swimming pool
I do, I was assigned to the PX after I was transferred out of the 196th in Tay Ninh. Lucky break, I guess they figured I only had 3 months left in country. The snack bar was great, didn’t feel like you were in nam standing next to the pool with the smell of hot dogs and homburgs.
I was at Dau Tieng a few times when my unit was working out of there, A/3/22nd. I have some pics of the pool here plus pics when I was a door gunner out of Cu Cho.
Does anyone remember the large NVA force that approached the perimeter near the wooden tower in mid November of 69. They trooped in in a long column and set up in a staging area almost directly in front of the tower. The force was rumored to be 600 strong. When they staged they all lit up and began smoking. It looked like a small city spread out in front of the tower. It seemed there was about 600 out there just by the number of smokers. You could plainly see their cadre moving about with flashlights; in the open and bold as Hell. After that they approched the perimeter with several groups leading. A gunship came in and after several passes laid down a line of mini gun fire. The ricochets from the shrapnel was impressive. Afterwards the artillery started up and continued for a while. The force then melted away. A few nights later a fight started out by FB Kien and continued through the night and next day. Lots of napalm with gunships in beween. The napalm marched from the area around Kien right past our perimeter before it finally ended. Does anyone remember this action. Almost seems like a dream.
I arrived in Dau Tieng in March 1969. I missed the February attack by about a month but saw some pictures others had taken. I didn’t realize until I saw an article that 21 good men had been killed. I was with the 2nd Bn 77th Artillery and trained at Ft. Sill in fire direction control. When I arrive at Dau Tieng they made me a clerk typist and awards clerk. I remember an old French house which was our headquarters and listening to Aquarius until it was ringing in my ears! We lived in hootches but slept in hot bunkers at night where I read Exodus. I pulled guard duty a few times drinking cold black coffee to stay awake. We received mortars mostly during the day to catch us during lunch. One round hit my hootch in front of my bunk and tore up one of my boots. I was not there at the time. I don’t remember the swimming pool. One guy, a cook, got in trouble after he made marijuana biscuits. I never had one! We transferred to Cu Chi in July of ‘69. Never forgot Dau Tieng and the rubber plantation.
On Feb 23,1969 _ my father TSgt Edward Dupere was one of those killed on the attack that night.
He served as part of the fac/tacp mission as pail of the airforce support detachment for the army’s 3rd infantry brigade, 22nd infantry regiment, 25th infantry division. From what I understand he was killed by a mortar landing near him.
His sacrifice is just one of the reasons I spent a long career in the military.
I don’t remember much about him but can still recall when the airforce representatives came to the house to inform us as to his passing.
Miss Rose:
It”s hard for me to believe that I’ve found this story about your father but, I have. My age is now 77 and I was one of four of us in the Air Force that were stationed with the 25th infantry div. in Dau Tieng Viet Nam back in 1969 with your father. We were aircraft mechanics on a OV-10 A (Bronco) FAC aircraft. myself and a Ron White from Winchester Kansas helped remove your father from the battle field as Mike Sterling from New Jersey help keep us covered under fire .
That night was truly ugly as the battle raged on for that night and a couple of days later. I’m sure he would of been proud that you followed him going into the military.
My Father SFC Orlan M Nelson was also one of those killed that night . He was shot in the heart.
I was with 7/11 arty bn fdc 25th Inf Div at Tay Ninh in Jan of 1970. In June went up to a new fire base Denny a few miles south of Katum Special Forces camp and airstrip(had to build the tac ops bunker before our culvert bunkers). This was for the Cambodian Incursion. Was one big mud pit there. Went back to Tay Ninh in July but U S was turning Tay Ninh base camp over to the South Vietnamese Army. We relocated to Dau Tieng and do remember those 2 story houses. When we pulled bunker guard we would try to fire our M79 across the airstrip at the roofs which were mostly destroyed anyway. Then our first Sgt said to stop firing at it as there were kids playing there at night. Our side of the airstrip had about 5 rows of triple concertina wire. The last one was up to our underground bunker and was about a 10 foot drop down from our entrance. Someone got hold of some local home brew liquor and we all got pretty shit faced. One of our guys went out to pis down the drop off and fell into the concertina wire and was cut from head to foot! Our Colonel had a few words to say to us the next day! [email protected]
I arrived in Dau Tieng in Aug ’68, left in July ’69 assigned to the 25th med. Most vivid memory is flying in the pilot came over the intercom and said when he hit the ground he’d taxi to the end of the runway, do a 180, drop the ramp and we should run to the ditches beside the runway. I jumped off the ramp and heard incoming mortar rounds and hit the ditch. What a welcome.
I also remember from the attack or Feb ’69. Laying on the ground and firing at NVA running beside the pool. As I recall there was some kind of hootch there that was burning and lighting them up. Had befriended the guy who maintained the pool and worrying about where he was. Few days later ran into him, he’d moved down on the perimeter when it hit the fan. Maybe he did lifeguard duty at the officer’s pool, not sure at this time.
The library was geat, it had a/c.
Missed the big attack, been attached ( PSYOP FIELD TEAM) line units all over III Corp time I got to Day Tieng, fall 69. Other than “Charlie Walking the Dog Again”– regular mortar in coming, Nicest Base Camp I saw. Pool ( when not closed due to said in-coming, ) WAS Fantastic. That high dive still there! And the little library. Unheard of! AC indeed!
Ron Ewen, 267th Signal Company, Telephone Construction
Arrived in Dau Tieng September 68, we were TDY from Bear Cat, to reconstruct telephone lines. This was my 1st assignment in Nam. We set poles, dug trenches, ran cable every day and then went to the perimeter bunkers at night to assist the regulars. Pulling cable out near the perimeter one day I was starting up a pole when a shot rang out, the guy in the tower opened up with the 50 cal and lit up the tree line, no more shots after that. Rockets and mortars almost every night as I recall.
On nights we were not assigned guard duty we swam in the pool, sneaking in after dark. Could not believe what beautiful pool out in the middle of nowhere
wgas with the 588th combat engs c company remember july 4 th 1968 was real bad also Aug 22 1968 when we where uver run again wasnt a good day was glad to leave
I remember that night July 4
Arrived at Dau Tieng as an E5 Sargent around Feb 1 1968. Served with HHC 2/22 mechanized recon. Daily mine sweeping and convoy security between Dau Tieng and Cu Chi. Frequent mortar attacks, ambushs and attack on base. One night was called out to help protect the base perimeter . As we were standing around I saw a tracer round that hit the tree next to witch I was standing. Had the person manning the 50 cal open up into the village. Had to do a little explaining the next morning. End of Aug 1968 we were assigned to Saigon where we were security for a bridge on Hwy 1 and Ambassador Bunker’s quarters.. I remember the pool but never had a chance to use it. Don’t remember many names but did have a Lt Lawrence and got promotion for Doug Yetti . Left country 54 years ago either today 8/25 or 8/26 1968.
Hey Don, I also was in the Recon Platoon from Aug. 1967 to Aug. 1968. You must have been among the many replacements after FireBase Burt. I think when you came into the platoon in Feb. we were escorting the convoys between Dau Tieng and Tay Ninh. I was on the platoon sergeant’s track, Sgt. Russler. We hit a mine on the road near Tay Ninh and I was dusted off. Spent some time in the hospital by the pool but never went into it. Sorry I don’t remember you but I do remember Yetti, I think I have a picture of him. Lt. Opsahl was our platoon leader. Then lt. Skrove, but he got wounded and Lt. Opsahl returned. I do remember guarding that bridge near Saigon, have plenty of pictures of that and also the factory nearby where we would place our ambush patrols. I found this site as I plan to visit Vietnam in 2023 and I was doing research about the location of Firebase Burt and Dau Tieng using Google maps and I did find much useful information. I belong to the Triple Deuce and 22nd Infantry Regiment Society, good for finding former buddies. And other info. Good luck to you!
Hello Thomas. Thank you for your comment. I hope you will have a food trip back. We run a Facebook group that is affiliated to this website. It is called Vietnam War History Travel. There you can find more pictures from the areas tou want to visit. Also together with some information gow they reached them. You can of course also ask about practicalities around visiting Vietnam today. You are most welcome to hoin the group. If you have any questions, just send me an email on [email protected]
I would be happy to hear from you.
/Jonas, found of
Hey Tom – just saw this – I don’t ever remember this pool – I remember Yetti
I was up in the big wooden lookout tower, (anyone remember it?), on July 4th 68 when all hell broke loose. I could hear the incoming mortars and rockets flying through the air. I lifted open the entrance hatch in the floor and started down the top stairway. That is when I saw the demon! A REAL demon!!! It was on the first platform down. Scared the hell out of me and I ran back up through the hatch and slammed it shut behind me. My buddy, who was behind me never saw it.
A day I will never forget. I still don’t enjoy fireworks displays. Feb was scarry to. I was short…… Left country on March 8th.
I was there Dec 1966 till Aug 1968
I arrived in Dau Tieng March 1968. I was a Radio Teletype Operator for HQ Battery 2/77 Artillery.
Because of Tet that year we were transfered to Saigon thinking a massive attack would take place on the 4th of July (1968).
We were told we would be housed in airforce buildings. But we ended up bivouacked along side the Ton Son Nut airfield! Fun!
At some point one of my radios went out and I had to catch a cargo flight back to Dau Tieng. I arrived in the afternoon, got some food and just hung out since everyone I knew was in Saigon or on guard duty (cooks, clerks). I secured a working radio, hung out then went to bed. Around 1 pm I woke up. I don’t remember waking up because of explosions or gunfire. Looking thru the screen at the top of the wall I could see flares. Obviously something was up. I got dressed, grabbed my rifle and went outside and hid in the trees. Someone, approached….I readied my rifle and it was someone I knew, a sergeant I can’t recall his name. I asked if I should come with him and was told to stay put. He would return if I was needed. I waited until dawn.
Finally people started coming into my area. I asked what happened and was told sapper squads attacked both ends of the airstrip. I lost a friend that morning, SP4 Bradley Bowers and an acquaintance. Their bunker was hit with an RPG.
I flew back to Saigon the next day, nothing had occurred there.
I was also with HHB 2/77 the same time you were there.
I was also with HHB 2/77 the same time you were there. Stayed in two story house next to the airstrip. Capt Battle and Lynn Tucker were there also. Fisher Markwell and Zamora were all Kia’s in the battle on July 4th
Steve I was also HHB second 77th worked on the TOC on radios part-time Dau Tieng Artie fourth of July, 68 three of those guys were survey brand new I believe it was a 107 hit that hooch there was something in August also December 16 or 17 I was at mole city was also there the night of 22 February 69
I also were there on July 4th I was on gun 4 and got hurt in August from a power explosion
I served with the A co. 2/12 25th Infantry Div. 1967 first platoon
i was the one who wrote was with the 1st mobile communications group for operation junction city feb10 1967 to april 30 1967. yes did also swim in the pool with a uh1 rotor blade as a diving board..
I was at Camp Rainier from Dec. 1966 to July ’67 when I was then transferred to the 25th Div. at Cu Chi. I served with HQHQBat. 2nd Bn./77th Artillery (Survey/F.D.C. Section). I’m writing this on the 55th anniv. of the Battle of Suoi Tre Mar. 21, 1967. I am a survivor of that battle. I attended the 50th Survivors Reunion in Colorado Spgs.
At that time, we received our Presidential Unit Citation. Most of us were not aware of the Citation because it was approved Sept. 1968 when most of us were out of the Army. (It'[s not listed on my DD214 either).
Thanks to all who helped put this website together and those who have commented. I only recognize the name Tom Mohar, but do not recall if I met him. I think only through regular and e-mails years ago.
Thank you for your comment John. I am happy you made it out.
/Jonas, founder of
I came to dau tieng in a convoy as a shotgunner on a deuce and a half. That was in early Jan 1967. My outfit was C/3/22 part of 3rd brigade 4 inf div. We had been on operations in the Mekong delta for 3 months. The next day I took a walk to see what our new camp was like. I saw this pile of rubble and next to it was a big wall and I could hear talking and water splashing. I walked up the steps and there was a swimming pool. I sat on a bench and as I was admiring what I was seeing a B52 strike was unfolding. What a site to see.
I spent about 3 nights at Dau Tieng base camp. 8-1/2 months in the field always between Tay Ninh and Dau Tieng. Was in C Troop 1st. Squadron, 10th Cavalry 3rd Brigade 4th Infantry DivWe were road security and led the convoys from Dau Tieng to Tay Ninh and back every day. Always Black Virgin mountain in sight. Lost many apc’s and 3 tanks
to mines. It was a daily occurrence got a lot of men messed up. Spent 3 weeks on Operation Junction City. I was a gunner on a 4.2″ mortar , later track commander and for a short time section leader over all 3 mortars.
Did anyone remember Larry Dumce ? With the 1st INF DIV Scouts 2/2 around 7-8 /1969
I arrived in county in November of 66. I was assigned to the 4th Inf and we moved via a convoy to the site in early 67. We spent the first night in the old mansion and were then moved out for officers. We spent several weeks in Artic Tents (that’s what they had). Then we got a 10 man tent that worked well. Built lots of bunkers on the air strip. Came home 11/15/1967. The 3rd of the 4th was changed to the 3rd of the 25th. New patches for everyone!! I lucky to work in Admin and spent a lot of time at the pool😊. I spent one full year in county and had less than three months left when I returned so I was released. I was incredibly lucky and fortunate with the time I spent in Dau Tieng.
I remember when they changed from the 4 th to the 25 th
I was a first cook in the mant co
Got there on Dec 1966 left Aug 1968
I was with the air force’s 1st Mobile Communications group “1st Mob” and we were TDY at Camp Rainier for operation Junction City – while their saw puff dragon C47 B52 gunship in action one nite and another nite mortars came in because there was a c7 caribou twin engine plane there that nite because it lost an engine on take off with army rangers on it and came around and landed and they kissed the ground when they got off!! B52s woke us up one morning-BOMBING 7 MILES AWAY AND SHOOK US AWAKE. YES THAT pool was welcomed. That’s all for now.
Our 319th Transportation Company convoyed to Dau Tieng often during our tour in the late ’60s. I drove my 5 ton truck into a square of buildings with some other trucks and was greeted by a mortar round or rocket landing right in the middle of us. Then we had to stay overnight. A company near my truck had a small outdoor movie. I couldn’t enjoy the movie as an M-60 machine gun crew near us was spraying the woods outside the perimeter. Hated to be there but grateful to God for bringing me home safely.
I served in D Co, 2/28th, 1st Inf Div ( Black Lions) from Sep 69 to Jan 70, and then was transferred out to several other units when the BRO rotated back to the states. We operated out of FSB Kien ( formerly Mahone) south of Dau Tieng and close to the Michelin Rubber Plantation. One of our operations was to move our whole company (D) into the rubber at night to catch the enemy off guard. We were issued potato sacks to put over our boots so we wouldn’t, theoretically, leave any footprints. It was pitch dark & the company moved in single file with each trooper hanging on to the rucksack of the guy in front. We walked for a long time when word was received to move off the trail (or road) and set up for the night. Didn’t make any contact there for the next several days so we went back to Kien. I just thought it funny that we used sacks to cover our boots.
Ron, I was with Delta 2/28 first platoon from 8-69 until Feburary when they cased the colors and went back to Ft. Riley, Kansas. I was then reassigned to Americal Division. If I remember correctly you were a Sgt. at the time. I was an e-5 also. I remember the story you told. Yes we used sand bags to cover our foot prints and taped up anything that might rattle. The Company Commander at the time was Capt. Gail Woods. The Company along with the ARVN’s were sealing off a village south of our Firebase (Mahone) when Major Kien was killed. He was assisting putting wounded on a Dust Off when he was killed. This was during the rice season and the VC/NVA were coming into the village for rice. The Firebase was renamed in honor of Kien. Glad you made it back. Black Lions Sir!
Ron my email address is [email protected]. Was with D/2/28 first platoon 8-69 to 3-70. Thanks
I served in Dau Tieng, never knew it as Camp Rainier, from Oct ’68 – July ’69 with the 25th Med. Remember well the attack in Feb ’69 and spent as much time as I could at the pool. What a luxury.
The lifeguard at that time had been serving in Europe, as I recall, teaching something to do with maps. Kept screwing up and the Army sent him to Vietnam even though his MOS wasn’t in country. He went out as F O for an arty unit, suffered a ruptured ear drum and was reassigned to the pool. I seem to recall their was a smaller one for officers somewhere over around the plantation house.
Also had a library that was air conditioned in one of the plantation buildings. During Feb attack story goes there were some guys hunkered down inside while NVA were out front on the porch. I was part of the reaction force that pushed them away from that building and the pool.
I was one of the five guys pinned down in the library. My name is Larry Hamilton, from Lancaster, Mass. with me we’re Bill Sluis of Mokena, I’ll. Hector Nadal of San Francisco, CA. John Caldwell of Bogalusa, Louisiana. The fifth guy was a stranger. We each thought he was a friend of one of our buddies. He refused to work with us and hid under the stairwell. We were elated to hear the reactionary force yelling if there was anyone inside the building! We knew the NVA were on the other side f the door. We could hear them talking. I had my M-16 with me with one full magazine, Bill had a 45 pistol with one clip. That was it. We each watched the door and windows all night. After we were rescued we hound out that the N.VA. Were above us on the second floor most of the Night!! Boy, we’re we lucky!!!!!!!!!
This is one of my favorite Vietnam War websites. I was wondering if you were going to do a segment on Nui Ba Den, the “Black Virgin Mountain” in Tay Ninh Province. I was there with the 25th Division during Operation Cliff Dweller IV in January 1970.
Hey CJ. Yes we have that in pipeline. We have visited and have the pictures so we just need to get the article together. Thank you for the kind comment. Much more material to come.
I remember the pool. We, enlisted men, swam in it. I remember the snack bar at the base and a gift shop where I bought Vietnamese guitars.
Does any one know what happened to the Michelin mansion near the pool?…It was there in ’68… went back several years ago but couldn’t find it.
I was wounded and after became a life guard at the pool in May of 1968. I lived underneath the pool in the filter room to avoid the mortars and rockets.
did you know dan persons
Yes, I believe he was killed right before he was to rotate.
yes dan persons was killed two weeks after he was to rotate his friends wonder why he was still in country. if you have any idea why he was still in viet nam please let us know.
When I first arrived in Dau Tieng Dec 66 we were quartered in ten man tents. A month or two later we were moved to buildings next to the in ground swimming pool. That is where I met a 25th Inf soldier (he had broken his leg and was recovering) who was taking care of the pool and serving beer and soft drinks to the officers that swam there.
I arrived at Dau Tieng on October, 67. There were ditches behind the bunkers near the airstrip. Was that your first line of defense there? That place looked very remote and creepy arriving there about dusk dark!
I was with the 94th Maint. Contact Team, made up of 12 men and a CO
just behind the fence at the pool in 1969. The pool and house were in bad shape at that time , the house was unoccupied and the pool needed parts for the filtration system and concrete repairs. I managed to order the parts and we fixed the filtering unit. The Contact Team could order just about anything for repairs. When I get back home to Tn in April I will post some photos of the pool and cabana.
Hi Stephen,
I’d love see the pics of the pool. I was lucky to have access to it when I arrived at Dau Tieng in mid ‘66.