An Hoa Combat Base

The 8th of March 1965 US Marines landed on the beaches of Da Nang. These were the first official combat units that were sent to Vietnam. Their initial task was to provide security for the Da Nang airbase. Starting out, the Marines established a stationary defense around the base that reacted to threats and attacks. As time went on, it was clear that a more effective way of protecting the airbase was to start patrolling the areas west and south west to clear out any threats before they could reach the airbase.

Runway at An Hoa Combat Base

Over time the need also grew for more permanent presence in order to pacify these areas. The An Hoa Combat Base was first used in January 1966 during Operation Mallard as the Marines needed a firebase in support of the operation. Later during that year, in April, the base was used again and it was at this time it became a permanent installation.


Base area at An Hoa Combat Base

Over the years the base grew and incorporated large Marine units as well as a 1000 meter runway able to take the large C130 transport aircraft. The base was located south of the Thu Bon river which marked the southern border of what was called the Arizona Territory.


The base as such covers a large area, parts of it has developed in to an industrial zone today, but most of it is more or less untouched. The runway is in decent condition and is possible to drive on. Locals use it as a road. At the east end of the runway are a couple of craters and some dug out areas that seem to be from the era. The old chopper pad at about the center of the runway is now covered with trees.

South of the west end of the runway are remnants of concrete structures, perhaps command bunkers. According to some accounts it was here at the western perimeter, that PFC Dan Bullock was killed in 1969 during an attack on the base, making him the youngest American casualty of the war. other accounts have the event at a smaller outpost a bit north west near the river.

Concrete structures at An Hoa Combat Base

The Arizona Territory saw large concentrations of PAVN and Viet Cong troops during the whole war, especially up around ”Charlie Ridge” in the north west part of the area. North of the river are also located Hill 65 and Hill 37 in Dai Loc, the remnants of the Victory Bridge are just a few kilometers north east of the base.

Victory Bridge

A few kilometers south of the base, across the mountain ridges is the Que Son Valley with plenty of old firebases including LZ Baldy and LZ Ross that are also very interesting to visit. The Antenna Valley is located across the pass to the west from the Que Son Valley.

Driving around these areas will give you a good idea of how the war was fought in this very strategic part of the country. Countless of operations were launched to clear the areas and small firebases were established all across the place. Only in Que Son Valley there were at least fifteen firebases on different sites at some point in time.

Looking south towards Que Son mountains

For the general traveler there are certainly reasons to visit the area. The My Son temples are located just a few kilometers south east from An Hoa Combat Base. This complex of temples were being built over the course of almost 1000 years. About a third of the temples are still standing in various condition. Time has taken its toll as well as the war. With ready built structures the temples were used by the VC forces as a hide out and served as a launch point for their operations against the An Hoa Combat Base and other targets in the area. This meant that on at least one occassion the area was bombed by US jets as they tried to drive out their enemy.

My Son Temples

Overall we really recommend a visit to this old base. We believe it might be interesting also for the general traveler thanks to its proximity to other interesting tourist destinations and to Hoi An. It is one of the most convenient ways to see one of the large combat bases and understand a bit of how the Marines fought during the war.



How to get there

Getting to the base is very easy. Only 25 kilometers west of Hoi An it is a half day trip for those who are interested in discovering a legendary US Marine Corps base. Get on a rented motorbike if you have a driver’s license or take a taxi out here.

Decimal coordinates: 15.787721 108.077795

187 thoughts on “An Hoa Combat Base”

  1. India 3/9 took up positions at An Hoa in April 1966, while the entire 9th Marine Regiment was attached to the 5th Marines until late November, when we finally rejoined the 3rd MarDiv, preparing to move to the DMZ. We were involved in many operations and battles from Hill 55, Phu Lac 6, My Loc, Antennae Valley, Cu Bons, and countless other locations. Our most significant company contact occurred in a three-day running battle with the R-20th battalion, where we trapped and destroyed them at Le Nam. Two of my three PHs were in the An Hoa TAOR. Another memorable operation was Kern in Antennae Valley during the October Monsoons. We were chasing an NVA regiment in those hills that had tried to over-run an Army SF Camp that only had four surviving Americans when we made contact. We walked 18 clicks in the pouring rain all night, crossing the river on a single remaining railroad rail. There were too many dead NVAs to count; instead, they and their body parts were stacked for others to handle. The heavy week-long heavy rains had completely shut down air support, and we went four days without chow. We were all soaked to the bone, with some starting to have emersion foot taking its toll.

    1. God Bless you and the Boys
      My cousin was there in 69 with1st Marines 5th Battalion Delta Co @ AnHoa
      He is gone but loved his Marines

  2. That was on the road near hill 65 in Sept 69 on his last tour. I was nearby with Fox 2/5. I was tyold the Amtrac went around a little culvert that would not have supported it and hit the mine. If it was the same Trac.

  3. I was with Echo 2/5 in July and August 67. Wounded on a morning road sweep from Phu Loc to An Hoa. Medevacked to Danang and then US NH Guam. Returned in 11/67, back to Echo. Spent the next few weeks doing the same ole same ole that grunts did. When we moved to Phu Bi (12/67??) I was transferred to H&S Company (S2) and thought I had caught a break…. 0311s don’t get breaks. I was assigned as an S-2 Scout with Fox 2/5. We ran patrols, ambushes, LPs and Ops outside of Phu Bi near a rock crusher that the Seabees were building. As I was working with two Chu Hois everyone though we should go on all patrols, ambushes, etc. Mid-January ’68 R&R to Bangkok helped, then right back into the field. On Feb 2 Fox was the 2nd 2/5 company sent into Hue City. Golf had walked in the previous day and had suffered mightily. Hotel came in the day after us. Echo, the company I had been with originally, never made it into Hue City. Fox spent several weeks in the City on the University side of the river. My Chu Hois had gone home for Tet and were never seen again. Basically, myself, the two engineers and the FAO created an additional fire team for the Gunny to do with as he pleased. The CO, Capt. Downs, while just in his late 20s was a special leader. I got my 2nd Heart in Hue. When we left the city we went back to the area outside of Phu Bi, along Rt 1, and the coast and ran patrols and company size things up into the hills (Bach Ma). I left the RVN in May 68 and was sent to USNH Yakuska for them to try again to repair the leg that had been damaged with my first heart. I was a short timer by then and when the Dr in Phu Bi said I was going to Yakuska I knew I was going home. He said my unit would be notified of my status but asked if I want to go back to the company rear to let them know, turn in shit, etc. Nope I didn’t need to see any of those guys in the rear. The 1st Sgt was an ass and the others were poages who did nothing but make a grunts life miserable, as in making me leave their hooch (with several empty cots) and sleep in a bunker the night before I went on R&R. That afternoon I was on a fight to Danang and the next day I had arrived at the hospital in Yakuska.

  4. I think this was where I was things are not clear anymore. I was 1371 combat engineer and swept road down to river. When 3rd Amtrak was pulled out Nam. They moved us to Marble but they left me and my sweep team to train Arvins. We got hit one night and that’s last thing I remember. I was not wounded but I have no clue. So any help would be great! Tex

  5. Hi Gordon Calkins!
    It was a real suprise hearing from you. Thanks for your comments above. It was really appreciated. I’m happy to see you made it okay. The boxing was a great escape during that time huh? Boxing was one of my loves but, in and out of that hobby, I ended up getting into somthing else closer to home. I always liked being an artist. I did have the privelidge when I left An Hoa, to work as a Combat Artist for awhile, out of our Battalion area on Hill-37. But eventually, I was pulled out of it and sent to Hill-65, as a Rocket-man and then Machine-gunner, attached to India Company. It was a memorable experience. After about two or three months there I was rotatated back home to the U.S.. A happy occasion of course. But strangely, a feeling of ‘abandonment’, went with me in doing so. Thanks again for your comments! At this point in time, by coincedence, I just so happened to be writing a book (first time) a memoir, about many of my life experiences… which included Vietnam. I don’t know if it will be a seller but, I know it it will help me with PTSD symtoms that had carried over with me. I am a Catholic Christian and find that voiceing some very personal oppinions helps me. Take Care. My contact info is down below but you can also do an email if you want.

  6. My name is Ted Diaz. I was with H&S Co. 3/7th 1st Mar. Div., 81 Mortars team. stationed on An Hoa Airbase in 1968 for about two months. Don’t remember the exact date. It was a new and defferent experience for me. It was my first time being rocketed. I remember the power of our 175mm cannon there . Also I remember some fun we had having a little boxing mach with the Army Four Duces Mortar team. I always loved boxing but I lost my first mach with the Lietenant /or Captain, can’t remember. I was very impressed with the size of the 4 Duce Mortar. And I remember doing the garbage colection duty… the old fasioned way. I had left to Hill 37 and worked with S-3 as draftsman.

    1. Hi Ted,
      My name is Gordon Calkins. I believe I was the 4.2 mortar Lt. that you boxed at An Hoa. I think we got rocketed about that time. I remember you being a good boxer, but I was a weight class or two heavier than you. Anyhow, I’m happy you got home safely and hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
      Semper Fi,
      Gordon Calkins

    2. Hi Ted,
      Pretty sure I was the Lt. you boxed at Anhoa. I commanded a 4.2 mortar platoon during the time period you referred to. We were a Marine unit, not Army! I remember you were a good boxer, but I was a couple of weight classes heavier than you, so had an advantage. Glad you made it home safely, hope you had a good Thanksgiving and wish you a very Merry Christmas! Keep your hands up!
      Semper Fi,
      Gordon Calkins

  7. Fox Company 2/5 1968. Thank you Steve Nolly (aka Sundance) for likely saving my life one night in August while sitting in ambush. Two more steps and that VC would have stepped on me.

    1. We’re you guys F/25 August 68. We were on nightly “stinger’s” out of Phu loc 6 at liberty bridge.
      Joe MaMa

  8. Does anyone remember Amtrac Platoon from. Alpha Company, 3rd AmTracs stationed An Hoa and charged with Road sweep clearing.mines on road North towards Hill 55?
    Our platoon was attached to 2/7 at Hill 55 late 67 and early 68. NVA were thick in Arizona and we lost Marines (2/7) there and survived thanks to 155’s on Hill 10.

    1. I was stationed at An Hoa with the Seabees from around June 67 through December 68 – I have a picture of that Unit’s sign outside their camp – it read – “AMTRAC” 3rd —– BN underneath – 3 LVT ( In a shield) —–“A” COMPANY – 4TH PLATOOIN —wrapped in a chain with ” THE FREQUENTLY FORGOTTEN FOURTH”
      I be happy to send you that picture and a few others of Amfac’s that I have in my records – if you want them?

    2. I was with 3rd Amtrac at An Hoa from 12/66 until 11/67. I can remember going to Hill 55. But the engineers were the ones sweeping the road. They would use Mules and mine detectors. Once they were ambushed and just about whipped out. Only one Marine survived and the rest were executed. Amtracs were charged with the rescue and found only one alive. I was the radio operator assigned to 3rd Platoon “A” Company 3rd Antrac Btln.

      1. Joseph Hartford… I was wounded while acting as flank security for the engineers while they were mine sweeping the road from An-Hoa to Phu-Loc6 on April 2, 1967. I along with the engineers and a fire team were riding back to An-Hoa on top of a brand new Amtrac when we hit a mine on the same road we had just finished sweeping. If I remember correctly 1 or two of use were KIA and several of us were WIA’s that were riding on the top on that new Amtrac. Do you remember Wes Hamilton from Amtrac’s? Wes went by Baron. Baron was driving the Amtrac that was behind us when we hit the mine. After the explosion and a firefight Baron picked all of us and took us back to the BAS at An-Hoa. Baron’s Lt from Amtrac’s was on the Amtrac that I was riding and he along with several of us were medevacked from the BAS at An-Hoa by CH34 to the hospital in DaNang. I was with 2/5 at An-Hoa from December 8, 1966-December 19, 1967. I later spent 1968 and 1969 attached to 2nd Amtrac’s at Courthouse Bay at Camp Lejeune. I was with 1/6 before going to Vietnam. Semper Fi…

  9. My father was a mechanic in the USAF stationed in Taiwan. He volunteered for a mission at An Hoa for the search, recovery, and repair of a C-130. That base came under heavy fire. My father and his crew were awarded the Bronze Star after that.

    Many thanks to all the veterans out there!


  10. Was with MAG (Marine Air Group) 16 at AnHoa April of 70 ’til we abandoned the place in August/September of ’70…
    …One of the last Air Traffic Controllers…watched a CH53 hook up to our control tower (actually a box about 6x6x6 feet)
    and take off for parts unknown………probably Marble Mountain……that’s where we convoyed to that same day…I believe
    there were 6 or 7 of us at a time at Anhoa with the Airwing………3 Air Traffic Controllers and repair/maintenance men for the radar equipment and generators…Normal cleared to land & cleared to take off stuff plus advise the pilots on which batteries were firing & what direction/grid……….Remember the night we were supposed to get over-run….& instead the
    NVA went into the orphanage …still can’t believe there were hundreds of us Marines just yards away playing defense while a few NVA killed all those kids!…still my worst memory of my year over there……

    1. I was with one platoon of MT truckers attacked to 5th Marines from October’69 until late ‘70 when we left An Hoa. We did mine sweeps all over An Hoa basin including Liberty bridge, hills 65, 25 and 52 and as far SW as LZs Ross and Baldy. We were called up the night the NVA killed those kids in the orphanage with our gun trucks expecting a nasty battle but we’re held back for some reason. We did evacuate some of the wounded. I returned to VN in 2019 and toured the entire area I served in. Pretty much blew my mind on how the country looks today, especially Danang.

  11. As C O of B1/5 I served at Liberty Bridge for combat operations in the Arizona Territory and later out of An Hoa & the 1/5 battles at An Bang 3 in the Arizona territory as we named the VC/NVA location 80 plus days on patrol or fighting from May 15th until July 31st, then because I complained of poor logistic support the 5TH Regt C.O pulled me out of Bn to be the Regt logistics officer S-4 & An Hoa base security officer as a Capt.
    On June 9th ,1968 we caught the 90th NVA Regt off guard, as we had camouflaged so well & moved at night when the NVA lest expected Marines on the move & foufgt a successful battle at An Bang 3 village area killing 80 NVA by body count, & collecting 100’s of enemy wpns. If any of you Marine were with me in 1969, please contact me. Semper Fi, I AM PLEASED YOU SERVIVED. [email protected]

    1. Happy New Year and Semper Fi (Capt.) I was with you on June 9th 1969. Castagnetti Raiders, you will always be my Hero. Bravo 3 Alpha!!

      1. Willie Harris,
        You where at AnHoa Air Base on June 9, 1969? Do you remember PFC Gerard McGrade who was K.I.A. there on 6/3/69?
        My best friend is on his way there tomorrow 3/18/24 to pay homage to his cousin ‘Buster’ McGrade.
        Please let us know if you knew of him or had any stories from that week of fighting.

    2. Can someone explain what all of the numbers mean? Such as “Fox Company 2/5” Does that mean 2 Battalion and the 5 Regiment? What would company k, 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 1st Marine division be called? Thank you

  12. I was in An Hoa from 12 /69 to9/70 when we left for LZ Baldy Was radioman for E 2/5 and one of last Marines to leave AnHoa We could hear B52s coming our way on our way out. They left 17 of us to guard what was left on 2/5 base We could hear orphans screaming but could not help. I think of An Hoa every day of my life want to say SEMPER FI to all who served there.

    1. we shot many arty support for you guys, E and HQ 2/11, we even shared our beer one Sunday. When the beer ran out we had a John Wayne type of brawl. Great fun

      1. I remember all the artillery there. Used to love to walk over and watch them fire. They were very good. I know from experience. Welcome home. Oh and for sure appreciate the help

    2. I was a Tank Crewman, with 2nd platoon, B Co. from November,69 – March, 70. We were at An Hoa doing security for morning road sweeps to the River

    3. Hi Jerry. I was the 81 FO attached to Echo 2/5 at An Hoa from January 29, 1967 to Januaey 16, 1968, when we moved to Phu Bai just in time for the TET Offensive in Hue City. Left Phu Bai on 20 Feb 68 for DaNang, then caught the Freedom Bird home. Semper Fi. Glad you made it home Brother

      1. Hi Mike! Good to see you post! I pause to remember the souls of the 5th Marines who walked the ground there at An Hoa, and gave their lives in the AO. Special memories of F/2/5 and my brother LCPL Arthur Byrd. Never forget!

    4. Semper Fi brother!
      I was with 2/5 H co. 81’s. 69-70. I remember the hump to LZ Baldie Glad you made it home.

      1. I was with H&S 81mm mortars 2/5 from 11/1968 to 12/1969. You were probably one of the Marines that replaced me. Glad to see you got h9me.

  13. Does anyone recall 1st Lt Paul Bertolozzi of Echo 2/5 KIA 8/2/67 while on the road sweep and know any details of the incident?

    1. I do remember him. I was in E Co. weapons platoon ( guns) I went to graves registry in DaNang to identify his body.

    2. Yes

      I was on the radio when his unit was attacked.

      We could hear the gun fire from our hooch..

      I remember his radio operator yelled “we’re surrounded!!” And then the radio went dead.

      Mike Harris
      2847 radio tech
      July 67 – Aug 68

    1. I was 0341 motorman on Jan 6 1970 when FSB Ross was attacked. Lucky to be on gun watch instead of perimeter watch. Lost 18 Marines that night & many wounded.
      Semper Fi🇺🇸

  14. I arrived at An Hoa on 25 January, 1967. I was attached to Echo Company as the 81 FO. However, I served with Fox, Golf, and Hotel companies as well. I have so many memories from An Hoa. My first combat operation was Operation Newcastle in the Arizona in March 1967. I had been wounded on 27 February at our outpost at My Loc 2. Three VC crawled up close enough to fire 3 RPG’s. The last RPG hit behind me just as I was diving into a bunker. The force of the explosion knocked me head over heals, and knocked me unconscious. When I awoke Roger “Doc” Lansbury was at my side. I was bleeding from the ears, nose, and mouth. I had no shrapnel wounds and felt lucky to be alive.
    On May 25, 1967, I experienced my worst combat action to date. I was attached at the last moment to serve as Fox 2/5’s 81FO. We swept the Que Son Valley with other Marines from 1/5 for a week, but made very little contact with the NVA. That all changed on the afternoon of June 2nd. I was with the command group, Capt. Janes Graham, a very bold and capable leader. We came to a 1000 meter rice paddy near the village of Vinh Huy. We had two “Chieu Hoi’s” with us for the Op. One of them I knew. His name was Kinh. He had been an NVA machine gun leader and had spoken about the number of Marines he had killed. But Kinh was with us now and was a very good asset. We were ordered by our regimental Commander to enter the huge rice paddy and secure Vinh Huy. Kinh told Captain Graham not to take his company into that rice paddy. He told him that the NVA we in the horshoe hedgerow that surrounded the paddy. Captain Graham attempted to get permission to go around tland llflank the hedgerow on the left. The conversation with the Regimental CO was to the point. Take the village from the front. Captain Graham organized the Company and sent the three platoons in to the rice paddy in skirmishes. As we got 20 to 30 yards into the paddy Kinh and the other Chieu Hoi had killed a half dozen NVA that had dug spider holes in the rice paddy and hid. I heard sometime later that in total they had killed 32 NVA before the hedgerows came alive with automatic weapons fire. Two machine guns on the left tore into 1st platoon. I saw my buddy that I had gone to boot camp with get hit by a burst of machine gun fire. His name was LCpl Billy Daugherty. The bullets tore into his body, and shook him like a rag doll and threw him to the ground. Then the entire hedgerow came alive with NVA fire. To make this long story short, we got our asses kicked that day. In less than 30 minutes, 1st platoon practically disappeared. By days end 36 òof the Marines were dead. Captain Graham took Marines from his command group and rallied the 1st platoon Marines and attacked the two guns causing most of the damage to his Company. He would die, but would be awarded a posthumous MOH. The only officer alive in the fight had us retreat to some high ground behind us where we began our attack. There is where we fought the rest of the day and night. In less than an hour we had air support through the night until early morning. The NVA had escaped into the Que Son mountains. We would be choppered back to An Hoa while other Marines chased the NVA. The ride back to An Hoa was a quiet one. 46 KIA says it all. Additionally, Delta 1/5, which had been on our right flank, was also badly mauled. Our two companies ran smack dab into 1200 to 1500 NVA from the 2nd NVA Divsion. Total casualties between the two companies was 110 KIA and that many wounded.
    We left An Hoa for Phu Bai on 16 January 1968. I was short by that time. 24 days and a wake up. I thought maybe I would escape the rest of the War, but that was wishful thinking. On January 31, 1968, South Vietnam exploded from North to South. I ended up in Hue City, where I got hit for the third time during my tour of duty. It was February 13, 1968. I had seven days left in my tour when it happened. I made so many great buddies with 2/5. Lost alot of them also. I don’t know how An Hoa compared to other places in Vietnam
    But I can only say, it was more than enough for me. Semper Fi to every Marine who served with 2/5 at An Hoa

    1. Hello Sgt Harris, my name is Hector Vasquez SSGT USMC, 1978-1984. First an foremost Welcome home an thank you for your service in our Marine corps 🙏. I am currently researching my uncles foot prints in Vietnam. His MOS was with 105 ,or 106 mm. Arty. He supposedly served with 2/5 1st Marine division. An was stationed at An HOA, Vietnam. Just wanted to check maybe you served together or knew him. He survived Vietnam an made back home. He passed in 1996 . Was hoping to make contact with someone who might know him. His name is Ricardo Duran Morales. I believe he was a PFC/LCPL. Hopping to hear from you. Again thanks

  15. Airlifted off the An Hoa airfield matting runway by Air Force C-130s to Phu Bai while with Hotel Co. 2/5 1st MarDiv in Jan 68.
    Anyone have photos of the airlift that day?

    1. I have all kind of photos of that base – not sure of about the airlift on that day – but Photos from about July 67 – through December 68–

    2. Hello Mr Treska, my uncle is Ricardo Duran Morales was with 2/5 1st Marine division, stationed in Anhoa combat base, the Arizona territory.
      He survived Vietnam an made it back home.
      He passed in 1996 in San Antonio Texas. Just wanted to make contact with someone who might know him. Welcome home Marine. Thank you for your time.
      SSGT Hector Vasquez USMC 1978-1984.

  16. My mom had a vendor shed on the north side of Liberty Bridge selling soft drinks and souvenirs during the period.
    She had a jeep willy pulling a trailer to bring the goods out in the morning and bring the unsold back home in the afternoon.
    My dad worked in the SVN administration office below the french fort, hill 37. My house is in the front of the district administration build, across the grassy field.
    I came to visit the vendor shed sometimes and remembered there were a nice big ship docking near the liberty bridge. The people on the ship had colorful magazines of naked ladies
    I remembered some solders didn’t pick up laundry services. My mom kept bringing them out until the last day we were there.
    I remembered seeing tanks with flame thrower keep burning the area.
    I remembered one time farmers brough young rice plants to wash in the river upstream and the solders fired recoiless canon at them. I didn’t know if there were any caualties and didn’t know why.
    I remembered trying to talk to the solders but didn’t do well. I didn’t start learning english until 6th grade.
    This web site brought back old memories.

    1. Hello. Thank you for your insightful comment. I really learned something and I am thankful you shared a part of your story. If you want to share more, please contact me on [email protected]

      /Jonas, founder of

      1. I was on the south end of the runway. First Force Recon. 68-69. Was an artillery battery beside us. We never slept even when not in the bush. So many memories of An Hoa

        1. That arty battery was Tango, 2/11, a provisional towed 155 mm battery of four guns. I was a 2d LT.. and the CO and then the XO of the battery from approx.15 Oct. ’68 to approx. Jan 31 1969, when it was disbanded.It turned out that the guns were of WWII vintage (along with all of the other towed 155’s in RVN). Those guns did not age well in storage after WWII. There were many explosions after they fired a lot of rounds in quick succession. In fact, one of our guns exploded on the nite of Nov. 8 ’68 when we were supporting a Force Reconn team out in the mountains west of An Hoa. I came close to getting wounded. Our mission was to provide direct support for Force Reconn. I am now a civilian and, as a result of my other adventures in RVN a 60% combat disabled Marine. You can review my bona fides at the website Juris Pro expert witnesses.

          Semper Fi and best regards to those who made it back. RIP for those who didn’t — Joseph H.Reinhardt, Captain USMC (H.D.)

          P.S. – As a general comment, we were winning while I was there. If the politicians had supported us, we could have wiped North Vietnam off the map.

          1. Captain that battery was very good. We’ve asked them for help several times. I still have pictures of them firing when I was in base camp. Seems the marines always got the “hand me downs “. While the other branches got the best and lived the best. I’m 100% DAV now and retired. Occasionally we’d lose our way and would ask the battery to fire a smoke round spotter to help us get acclimated and back on track. Semper Fi Sir and welcome home

  17. I was the 2/5 Bn Armorer from May thru December 69 at AnHoa. I remember the constant rocket strikes and the base being overrun on May 7 and F 2/5 Dan Bullock’s death that evening.
    I once attended a Catholic service in a bunker by regiment and had this beautiful blond sit down next to me and later discovered she was from the German Hospital outside our wire.
    The hospital was still standing when I returned there in 1997. After all of these years I still keep in touch with several Marines from those hedy days.
    When I look back I can’t but wonder how we as a countty could have allowed that war to continue. AnHoa served as a jump off point for regions fought over from 66-71. What a dammed waste of America’s finest.
    S/Sgt Greg Smith H&S 2/5

    1. I was there when Dan Bullock was KIA. First Force Recon. South end of the runway by the artillery battery. High school classmate was Mike 3/5. KIA May 10, 1969 at Liberty Bridge.

      1. My dad was there that night Dan bullock was Kia. He almost didn’t survive that battle and earned his Purple Heart that night his name is Darrel McMaster.

    2. Cpl David Paul Bagwell (rank when i was discharged 1970)
      Rock Hill SC
      Arrived An Hoa november 7th 1967, assign to 81’s H&S 2/5, First Marine I remember meeting was Sgt Jerdo . L knew the people i arrived with but he was the first to take us and show us around and draw M16 and other gear. Set us up on rifel range to scope our weapon. first of 1968 went to Hill 55 until pulled off for Hue. I’v talked with some of the Marines I was with but most have Passed on. Nice to see a post from you on An Hoa

      1. Hi, I have a living family member that served in An Hoa as a Staff Sergeant from December 1969- December1970. 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment Company K. Were you there at that time and if so do you have more stories to share?

    3. I have a family member that served in An Hoa from December 1969- December1970. Battalion 3, 5th Marine Regiment, Company K. What do you mean when you said “AnHoa served as a jump off point for regions fought over from 66-71. “? Thank you for your service to our country.

    4. I remember you SSgt Smith,in fact I have your picture from An Hoa. I can not remember the details why,but I think you briefed Fox Company late one evening when we were going to Delta Sector saying you wanted a working party when we got to our bunkers. The working party went with a Mule and collected ammo belts from Tanks and distributed them about 30 boxes of M60 belts to the bunkers on the North side of the runway. I was at Delta Sector and Dan Bullock was in my fireteam. He and three others including my Squad Leader were KIA the night of 6/6/69 when a Sapper got a Sachel Charge into their Bunker which was the first sound of that attack that left 5 Marines KIA and 18 NVA/VC KIA. Only 2 were able to get by us and were killed the next morning. If you know,please explain the limits of Delta Sector because I have heard so many differing stories that I’m confused. I have always remembered it being the Southeast end of the runway and around the corner looking toward Duc Duc. Semper Fi Brother. Also,do you remember the Lt who took over Fox 2nd Platoon and was traumatically wounded early on July 11,69 having been there less than 12 hours. We can not find his name anywhere. He left the bush alive. Lt. Huth Golf Co was KIA same day. Been searching for his name for years.

    5. My mom was at the German hospital that year – Christina, her name. Could have been her. There might have been one more blond at the time 🙂
      Anything else you remember about the hospital? I went to see the remnants two years ago since I work in Hanoi at the moment. But just a few ceramic tiles and some rubble on the floor. Where the hospital was, there is now mostly a local cemetery .
      Peter B

  18. Took a swim to cool off while on sand bag duty. A bridge guard threw frag at something in the water. Ears still ringing
    Liberty Bridge is long gone There in 2000

  19. Hi all. My father, Sgt. Ken Nielsen of the 2/5 (1st Division) recently passed. He was stationed at An Hoa when he was wounded by mortar on July 4, 1967. I’m doing some research on his time in-country and am hoping to find someone who might remember him.

    Thank you.

    Collyn Nielsen

    1. Looking for Marines that serverd at An HOA in May12 May 16 69 My brother L/Cpl George Thomas from VA was kia by rocket fire. There was all so 9 Marines hit by the rocket. Looking for the other guys any help would be appreciated.

      1. I was wounded May 16, 1969 at An Hoa combat base by the rocket attack and, unfortunately, your brother must have been the KIA I never knew. I do have some specifics, but you understand my hesitancy, considering the length of time and the ‘fog of war’ effects on my memory.. I know you still miss him. I’m so sorry.
        John Conley

        1. John, where did you go to high school? Thinking I may of went to the same school. Was at An Hoa from Sep. 1966-July 1967 Welcome home my brother. Semper-Fi.


      2. I was there with 1st Force Recon 1969
        I also worked in 5th Marines COC
        Not a nice place slept with flack jacket and helmet all the time !
        I watched the firefight from our trench line

      3. I too worked in the the COC as a watch sgt for the FSCC. I was there during that time period. Lived in a tent next to the sniper platoon. Still remember all the rockets all too well. Never been so scared in all my life.

        1. I worked the radios in the FSCC on a temporary assignment in late February 1969. I was lucky to be inside the COC bunker on the night shifts when most of the incoming was happening. I remember very well the ammo dump blowing up on Feb. 23. If you read this message, I would like to talk more about the FSCC.

    1. I’ll try again!! I was there in I/3/9/3. We moved up in support and later established a perimeter. Ya’ll came into our perimeter right at dark with all operating equipment and casualties. A lot of people have forgotten we went there in March of 1966. I later served with personnel from both companies at Camp Pendleton. Take care! Maurice

    2. I remember Capt Pavloskof, CO of K 3/9 when it was ambushed on 4 July 1966. He was the Company Tactics Instructor at the Basic School when I went through as a green Second Lieutenant. I was the Forward Observer from F 2/12 attached to India 3/9 (the Flaming I). We ran to the sound of gunfire that day to rescue K 3/9 in the big open rice paddy northeast of An Hoa. In September 1966, while recovering from a gunshot wound received on Go Noi Island, I was at the Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan where I met a CH 46 pilot who flew one of the medevac choppers that carried out the wounded from K 3/9 the night of 4 July 1966. He had been shot in the heel by a round fired through the chin bubble of his chopper while he was taking off that night. The memories of that day still haunt me.

  20. Was assigned to Bravo Company. 1/5 Third Platoon, USMC An Hoa Base, as A “Grunt” Marine, from October 1968 to November 1969. Participated in many combat operations. Would like to know the name of the area on the map, where Operation Mead River and Operation Arizona Territory took place?? If any one knows. I was there.

    1. That area was known to us as “Dodge City” located about 10-12 miles South of Danang. Harvey 3/5

      1. Operation Meade River was right out side the wire surrounding Hill 55, 7th Marine Regiment Headquarters. This area was patrolled by my platoon during 1967 and 1968. We used to patrol Dodge City day and night with just squad size patrols

        1. Keep in mind in late part of 1968 the 2 NVA Division which hung out on Go Nio island moved a regiment of NVA hard core the 36 NVA regiment into Doge city M¥ bro was with 3/5 Lima company in operation Meade river lots and lots of bunkers

          1. Yep, 3/26 led the attack into the Northern Bunker Complex at the end of Meade River. Alpha 1/7 and Hotel 2/5 were attached to 3/26 for the three-day battle, December 7, 8 and 9, 1968. It was against the 36th NVA Regiment. In the afternoon on December 10th, Hotel 2/5 flew into Hill 55. We landed at the bottom and walked up a path to the top where we caught another chopper and headed back to An Hoa. The Marines stationed at Hill 55 all stood up as we walked past. Not a word was said. Will never forget it. All that could be heard was the clanging of our equipment as we walked along. On December 13th, a Friday, we left for the mountains to begin Operation Taylor Common. No rest for the weary!

    2. My name is Paul Conrad I was there August 1968-November 1969, welcome Brother Marine. I don’t have any of the information you seek but, I would like the same info, if you come across it I hope we can share it. By the way I was: 1st Bn 5th Mar Div H&S Co 81 Mor Plt.

      1. Looking for a Lt. who came to Fox 2/5 2nd Platoon on 11 July 69 And stepped on a box mine less than 12 hours later. He left the field alive but traumattically wounded. Nobody knows who he was. We were told he came from 81 Mortars at Phu Loc and his Father was a navy Admiral.I have no name as only several Squad leaders were introduced and they are either gone or never knew him. His story is out there. [email protected] Would like to find out who he was.

      1. I was his squad leader. I was in the Naval Hospital in Danang when he killed. I learned of his death when i returned to my squad.

    3. Hi Boone, This is Doc Vek. It was an honor to be taken in by grunts like you ,don’t regret one minute of our time together. You grunts were everything a Doc could ask for and more. Remember helping me pass out malaria pills. Thanks to you and all my grunts that touched my life.

    4. I was there between July 68 to September 69. I was with”W” 2/11 Mortars. All the area operation data has been unclassified and easy to Google.

  21. I was a 2nd Lt, 2nd Platoon Commander, Bravo Co, 1st Tks at An Hoa from Setpember 1968 until April 1969. 4th Plt was also at An Hoa, We had 10 tanks split between An Hoa and Liberty Bridge. Mostly we were on perimeter duty at night and road sweeps during the morning. Did make it to the Goi Noi Island; bad place! Yes, the German hospital was outside the gate on the way up to Liberty Bridge. The doctors and nurses would regularly eat in the 5th Marines mess hall.

    1. I looked in one of your tanks,as you were in the road facing the Que son Mts.
      had a Xeon light and 90 mm after seeing how small hot and with the mud
      I was glad to be in Force Recon as a Radio man 1969

    2. Hi Ron,

      Mort Hurt here. No mistakes. Still alive at 77. Say, trying to confirm the name of the CO for 2/5. I thought it was Jameson. He is my Stoic Hero. Believe he was from Texas.

      Thanks so much.

    3. I was with Alpha Co, 3rd Amtracs… we were all over between An Hoa, Phu Loc 6, Hill 55, Hill 10 and Go Noi Island. We had a Tank crewman with us who was kia by an RPG out on Go Noi… was a direct hit in the chest… was this one of your tanks?

  22. I was a Navy Corpsman with Delta 1/5 in ’68-’69. A platoon corpsman in the field and then at 1/5 BAS Liberty Bridge for 4 months (still remember the night we were overrun) and served last 3 months at the BAS 1/5 at An Hoa.
    I often went to W. German hospital many times (the let us use their autoclaves to sterilize our large surgical packs). During an attack on our base two of the German male nurses where driving their white painted (with red cross) jeep near the village and where attacked and one was killed and the seriously wounded. There was a stone monument built at the spot.
    I have good and bad memories of my service in the area. The Marines and Corpsman I served with were all incredible men. My best friend (we grew up together and both became Corpsman and went to Vietnam together} was killed while we were on patrols in the valley.

    1. Hey Ronald ( Doc). 19-March-69, FSB Phu Loc 6 . I was with the Engneers that operated the ferry there and was located just across the river from where you were when your position was over run . New one of the KIA ( Gunny, Floyd Keffe) . Also Corpsman David Ray ,also KIA , received the MOH for his actions that night. Bad night at The Bridge. Semper Fi.Doc!

    2. I was at An Hoa for much of 1967. Was part of the LSU (Logistics Support Unit). We were bulk fuel, ammo, radio relay, etc. I was rations. We were near the BAS. Lived in a tent and used tents to store rations for the mess hall as well as C-rats. Had a pet monkey who helped keep the rats off us at night. Not sure why that worked. With all those food stores, the rats were huge. They’d chew right through the tins. We’d pull bunker duty and convoy runs to/from Da Nang over Liberty Bridge.

      Will always admire the grunts and docs who did so much!

      1. Hey Mark why don’t I remember you. I do remember the monkey but he got mad and ran off to Amtracs across the road🙂. I was there when the CB’s built us a hooch and the tent went away. When Tet began we closed that area and pulled the perimeter back. 2/5 left for Hue and we thought we would be overrun. After that our nights were spent in a bunker on the runway until I left for home in February. Good talking to you,take care and Semper Fi. Monte Fairchild

        1. Monte,

          My father, Ken Nielsen, just passed. I know he was stationed at An Hoa in 1967. He was a Sgt. and was wounded on July 4, 1967 by a mortar. Any chance you knew or remember him? I’m doing some research on his time in-country. Thank you.

          Collyn Nielsen

          1. I’m sorry Collyn but I didn’t know your father. I am sorry for his passing. God Bless

      2. My father was also corpsman Robert Dymond he passed about 10 years ago. Going though some of his papers and found his Navy Achievement Medal with a V . Never realize what he received it to until I read the write up about the attach on Feb 23, 1969. So proud of my Pop. Thank you all for your service.
        Nadine Dymond Trcka

    3. I was celebrating my 1st year in the Corps the night Liberty Bridge was over ran, we had a blonde hair Cor Man who was really good and should be a hero for his actions. Could you be him? Paul Conrad Sr.

    4. Hi Ronald,
      I too was stationed at An Hoa as a Hospital Corpsman with the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, Echo Battery. I was there from August 67 to just before the Tet offensive when we were moved to Da Nang. Shortly after the Tet offensive we were moved to many locations off Highway 1 between Da Nang and Hue. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I too lost a Hospital Corp School friend whose body I had to identify. While I can’t remember his name, the experience is still etched in my mind.

      I want to say that as a Navy guy, I appreciate how the Marines took good care of us and to this day will do the same. I live in an area where there is a large presence of Vietnamese, one of whom is my wife. I know a number of ex-Vietnamese veterans who always thank me for serving in their country.

      If anyone who reads this was attached to Echo Battery between Aug 67 and Aug 68, please reply to this message

    5. The stone monument to the doctor who got shot is still there in the bushes just off the road. In three languages I think. Says something like “he came here to help and that’s what the VC did to him…” I took a picture last year. Peter B

  23. I was at An Hoa 69 70, attached to 2/11 Hq, field radio operator. Worked FDC, then sent to 2/5 to work with them at the other end of the base. Then sent to Delta battery hill 65. With recon for 1 month on top of some mountain top with a 1st Lt. forward observer to watch over a big valley that had been cleared out, to call in arty if we spotted anything. Don’t know why I was always sent to odd places, other radio operators mostly got to stay same place the whole tour. Found an old bugle and they sent a chopper to An Hoa to pick me up to play taps at a ceremony for a fallen Marine in Danang. Hard to believe Liberty Bridge, An Hoa look so different, not much left.

    1. I was a Scout Sergeant with various battery’s in 2/11 attached out to 3/5. I spent most of my time with India or Lima Companies but spent some time with Kilo, H&S and the CAP Co. HQ on Hill-37. I became a Cobra pilot and retired as a LtCol in 94.

      1. I guess I spoke to you. I was in “W” battery 2/11, FDC. I was at An Hoa from 68-69.

    2. From Jon. The reason you were moved around so much was probably that you were very good at your job (2531) and could be trusted! Good for you! I was a Field Wireman (2512) with 3/1 comm., 1/1 comm. and HQ Co. 1st Marine Regt. comm. from Aug76-Sept1980. Lucky me. Other than boot camp at MCRD San Diego I spent my entire 4 year “tour” at Camp Horno with the 1st Marines. I’m hoping to write a book about some of the area you patrolled in around An Hoa and the Que Son Valley if this Covid-19 “crap” ever tamps down. You can NOT get into Vietnam right now. Thanks for your service Don and Welcome Home Brother !!!

    3. Don, I was FDC 2/11 Feb 70-71, HQ, then Echo Battery, then HQ the rest, AnHoa, DaNang, LZ Baldy. Went back in 2000, nothing leftat all.
      Really looking for tower above HQ bunker

    4. Hi. I too was in An Hoa 69-70 I was also with HQ 2/11 assigned to 5 th marines FSCC.
      Just found this site and thought I’d say HI.

    5. I was at An Hoa September 69-August 70, Echo Battery, 2/11, MT running 105 rounds to the 6 guns we had. Pretty much spent my whole tour there. There was a 175 that exploded next to our battery and blew the barrel off. I think there was a company from 2/5 next to us but I can’t remember the company exactly. If you know anyone who was there at about that time frame, please advise.

    1. Hi Jim, I came down with Alpha Co when we first established our camp after being on the advance party at Dong Ha – we set up at the North End of the runway.. There were 28 of us – We built our camp from scratch – replaced the runway and-started with the rest of the base – hospital-chow hall – I extended for 6 month – leaving in December of 68

  24. Can anyone tell me about the disposition of Hill 300.
    I was on Hill 300 in 1967. We would rotate there from Mortars 3/11, based at Hill 55.
    Once, instead instead of evacuation by chopper we went to An Hoa and caught a C-123.
    I was surprised by how many civilians with chickens and pigs got on with us!
    I saw a C-123 at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. A docent who was familiar with the history of the air craft told me that the plane had been flown of An Hoa at the same time period that I was flown out of An Hoa!

    1. Hill 300 (Razorback Ridge) was in Northern I Corps West of Camp Carrol and from what I gather, it is nearly flattened due to the Vietnamese mining of the rock for roads and other construction.

  25. I was with Mike 4/11, a 155mmSP battery in late 68 to May of 70. I think we called it the Rocket Capital of the World, lol.

    1. My name is Richard Vesper I was in AN Hoa 69 and 70 untill we turned it over to the ARVNS I believe in Sept. of 70. I was in LSU-1 2\5 . Me and a Sgt. Webster would come up to Mike 4/11 all the time to change the PTO pumps on your turrents. We may have seen each other and don’t even know it. Ha! Ha! I do remember one guy at Mike Battery . He was a Staff Sgt. I believe. Can’t remember his real name but he looked dead on Lee Marven. That’s what we called him. Do you remember him? Let me know OK? Samper Fi !

      1. I remember you ,Webster , Star ,Gunny Flanagan and the Lee Marvin fellow but not his name ,he was a kick. Glad to see you are still kicking.

  26. I was a radio relay operator at An Hoa in fall of 69,we were next to the air traffic control tower.I remember those 175mm guns.The mess hall served peanut butter,jelly, bread,and warm goofy grape kool aid every evening!

    1. Hi Marine, I was a radio relay tech at An Hoa from About August or September 1968 to June 1969. It’s been a while and I don’t remember the exact dates but those are approximate. But you were there fall of 69 so we didn’t cross paths but it’s nice to see someone else who was at An Hoa and especially a radio relay man. Semper Fi.

    2. my name is Richard Vesper I was in An Hoa 69 and 70 with lsu-1 2\5 untill we turned it over to the arvins in I believe Sept. of 70. Spent 9 mo. there then went to LZ Baldy LZ Ross and LZ Ryder you could only get there my chopper. At An Hoa we were right down by the wire by 2|5 and the little chopper pad LZ. We had perimitter watch every other night on Brovo and Alpha sector. We were the guys that you may have seen changing the big ass tubes on those big ass guns you talked about. Ha! Ha!

      1. Changing tubes on 175s at LSU 1 in 1970 was the hardest work I have ever done in my life . I think we ran on raw youth.

        1. A 175 tube blew in spring or early summer at AnHoa, I was in 2/11 Hq tower and thought it was a rocket attack and almost called in Arty on Hill 250

    3. Tom I First Force Recon and our compound was right by the artillery battery. Those 175’s would rattle our teeth. We never slept when in from the bush. The mess tent was kind of toward the end of the runway if I remember correctly and had lots of dust blow through it
      Semper Fi marine

    4. Tom I remember warm lime koolaid. Still hate it. I remember that mess hall. Dust would get all over your food.

  27. Hi Jonas, regarding the hospital, I read on another site that the hospital was located just south of the compound near a lake,if that helps. The lake might have been called Alligator Lake . There was a refugee camp at Duc-Duc near the river between An- Hoa and Liberty Bridge that was later over run . It was operated by the Maltese and the nurses would visit there from time to time. Wade. E- 2/5 69-71

    1. Alligator lake was over the small ridge to the southeast near Go Noi island. I recall referring to the lake where the German hospital was located as Spider lake. Duc Duc was just outside the west gate of F 2/11 towards the song Thu Bon. I was a Artillery Scout/Sgt attached to 3/5 July 69 to July 70.

      1. Go Noi Island was where Carlos Handcock (sniper-one shot-one kill) was wounded (burned, AmTrac, anti-tank mine). I think he was attached to one of the “grunt” companies at the time?

      2. Semper Fi John, I was with F 2/11, and assigned to M 3/5 from Aug 68 until the end of Aug 69. I returned home sept 6. My memory is bad and getting worse the older i get. Did we meet during the time between your arrival and my departure from An Hoi ?

        1. Simper Fi Leo, I was with F 2/11 1st Mar in the first quater of 69 stationed in An Hoa on the 105’s then we went from hill to hill to support the grunts. Dont remember much about that year my mind must off blocked it off.

  28. I was assigned to H&S 2/5 in An Hoa from July 1967 to December. Colonel Ernie Cheatham was our battalion commander. We moved from An Hoa to Phu Bai in December 67 and then into Hue during TET. I remember going up to Hue in December to visit a buddy and at that time the city was untouched and beautiful. That didn’t last long unfortunately. I do remember the IOWA firing block busters over our heads.
    My best friend wound up at Khe Sahn during TET and over the years we had our share of alcohol talking about who had it worst. We always argued that the other guy had it worse.
    In An Hoa I do remember seeing the German Hospital from my area. As I recall it was a white building about a mile or so away. One time a few of the nurses walked through our area and I just stood there and gawked.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures. If I ever get there, I hope I can figure out about where my bunker was.

    1. Hello Mike. Thank you for your comment. I am happy you made it out. Did you also read the Hue article here on the website? There will be a few places you remember there as well.

      I have heard about the German hospital from others as well. I wish I could figure out where it was.

    2. Hey Mike I “Hate” to bring it up but were you guys involved in the Heavy fighting down in the Que Son valley from the end of May through September of 1967? Maybe it was the 7th Marines?Operations Union I and II, and then Swift. 3 MOH (one was a Chaplin, KIA) earned by Marines that were there and 1,000 Marine KIA during that Summer in those battles and Know Body has ever heard of them! Makes me “cry”! That’s the reason DaNang saw “light” fighting during TET of early 1968. You Marines stopped them “cold” before the NVA could “prep” the battle space near DaNang before TET. I’ve seen Colonel Cheatman and you Marines on you tube. You are ALL truly HEROS!! Welcome Home Brother !! Respectfully, Jon. 3/1 comm.

  29. I have spent a few days visiting the various web sights searching for anything I can find on An Hoa Combat Base and yours has been very helpful, I was there in ’69-70. Finally, my image of An Hoa can be put to rest after seeing all the changes to the former combat base. Thanks for posting!

  30. Served as a Seabee 67/68 served at An Hoa combat and the Liberty bridge. I remember being shot at alot and also having a sense of purpose. I love some Marines (my shortfall lol)

    1. Hey Michael, I served as a combat engineer and was assigned to the Liberty Bridge from mid 68 to early 69 and maintained and operated the pontoon ferry while the Seabees were building bridge #2 . I was there March69 when Phu -loc 6 was over run. The one Seabee Ican remember had handlebar mustache and was nicknamed “Gunsmoke”. LibertyBridge was not a boring place to be. Always busy. Harry 7th Eng. 1st Bridge Co.

  31. I was Army, my 8/4 Battalion of 175mm guns OpCon 3rd Marines up on he DMZ. But my B Battery had been split off from the battalion on arrival in Vietnam and placed in a defensive position near Da Nang. During Tet ’69, my battery split, with two guns staying put near Da Nang and the other two with me, XO, at An Hoa Combat Base. We were positioned at the far end of the airstrip from the ammo dump, that was blown by NVA sappers in Feb (?) ’69. I was great working for the Marines, both in and around Da Nang, An Hoa and at FSB C-1 a few miles south of the DMZ just off Hwy 1.

    I’ve been back to Vietnam three times now, easy for me because after the war I worked as a journalist out of Hong Kong for most of 20 years. I did a few weeks in late 2019, treking down through the Laotian mountains bordering Vietnam. Beautiful country Laos.

    Google “Guns of the DMZ” for more on my 8/4 Battlion. There are links to other sites there. Click on “Members’ Stories” for a feel of our guys’ lives.

    I have a neighbor who fought with the Marines near An Hoa in ’69. He served as a platoon leader

    Best to all

    1. I’ll bet that trip down the “Ho Chi Minh” trail in Eastern Lao was truly beautiful, Ashley (was it rainy? I was in Hue around Jan. 2 of 2010 and it was rainy there. Hue would be just East of the A Shau valley border with Lao). Some of the most remote wilderness still left on the planet. I’ve been to Lao about 20 times (visa run, Thailand) but mostly just the Vientiane area. A couple of months in Vang Viang drinking beer. You actually have to walk across the old American (secret, CIA) air-strip there after you get off the bus and walk North 500 meters to downtown tourist area. The airstrip is/was still there (2008) but had grass growing up thru the cracks in the asphalt. Say Ashley, question for you?……where did you start you trek in Lao? I want to cross into Lao from N.W. Vietnam (way remote N.W. Vietnam; Lao, China border area. Yaa, way remote. I enjoy “hanging-out” with Hill-Tribe people) but people say you can NOT because the Lao Government won’t allow it because it is still a “sensitive” area because of the “Hmong” fighters even today, 2021. Even if you try to access that area from N.E. Lao you will be stopped by the Lao police/army from that area? Have any thoughts/advice on that? Thanks, Jon. 3/1 comm plt. 2512

    2. I have a picture of your gun with the round in the air
      I took it from the 2/11 chow hall ( I was with 1st Force Recon)
      we shared the chow hall when it was in one piece !

  32. I was Alpha Co CBMU301 (Seabees) from June67 -Dec-68 – Our main job was taking care of the Base and Runway at An Hoa – we were located on the South End of the Runway — We replace the runway twice while I was stationed there – Lots of Memories — lots of picture I have – Many convoys to DaNang – and only one time across Liberty Bridge – rest of the times were by Marine ferries –
    Thank you so much for the work and pictures you provided — Like I said — a flood of memories —

  33. Thanks for the post and pictures, sure brings back some memories for sure. I was there from Oct 76 to Mar 68 An Hoa and Phu Bai untill med evacked out of country. I never made it back still today after all the years wonder what happened to some of the guys I left behind.
    Thanks again,
    Chuck Eco 2/5

  34. As a USNavy physician, I was assigned as Battalion Surgeon for 2/5 and arrived at An Hoa Combat Base July 26, 1970, three weeks after finishing my internship. The Marines were a really impressive group of men. I ran the 2/5 Battalion Aid Station, and I got to do some medcaps in the surrounding villages. One was to a Bhudist orphanage nearby. The children were healthy there and I remember their straight lines waiting to see us. That night the orphanaged was mortared and overrun with casualties and wounded who were brought to our BAS. Also, I could occasionally rotate out to the Command Post to serve with the Marines in the field. On September 19, 1970, we moved to Baldy.

    1. I too was stationed at An Hoa with H&S. from Nov 69 to Aug 70. I left in Aug of 70 as a part of the initial move back to Danang. I recall that orphanage which was in front of Bravo Sector where we had a line of bunkers. I also recall hearing that after we turned An Hoa over to the ARVN’s the VC came right through the orphanage, and attacked the base. We would not have allowed this to happen if we had been there still.
      At the time I was there we had the NVA come on our radio net and tell us they would have complete control of Liberty Bridge and our CO told us we were surrounded by 5000 NVA Regulars. Not sure how true it was, but do know that for the next three days/nights we lit up the valley with air strikes, 175mm Cannon and even the New Jersey firing from the Gulf.
      Ahhh the Memories!!!

      Semphi Fi
      Sgt T. Golden

      1. Thanks for your comment Tom. It really adds to the historical context of the base. I am happy you made it out.


      2. I remember that like yesterday. We did a Medcap at the orphanage the day before. Went back the next day. Many children killed. I have pictures of the before and after. Visions never leave my Ming. Why an orphanage?

        1. i was on hill 65 when the orphanage was attacked. I watched the whole thing from my foxhole and listened to the Marines crying out on my radio. Didn’t realize until today the toll it took on the kids.

      3. HQ 2/11 at the same time, we would take food to the orphanage many times, The VC killed all the nuns when we pulled that Aug or Sept

    2. I went on that Medcap with you at the Buddhist Orphanage. Dr Donald Turner DDS and I. I have a pictures of that Medcap. The next day we went back and saw the carnage. Young orphans killed laying out on the front of the temple. I believe one Monk was killed. Vivid image in my mind.

      1. Why? Because us being Americans would Never, Ever do something like that! So the VC took advantage of our way of thinking and they had NO problem doing something like that!! Also, by the time this happen there were NO local VC left because they had been “wiped-out” during TET of early 1968 and I’m sure most of the “VC” were not VC but NVA regulars!!

    3. Dr. Faust, I was with you and Dr. Donald Turner, DDS on the medcap that day. I have pictures before and after. That night the orphanage was mortared and VC in our lines at An Hoa. Went back the next day. So many orphans killed. Forever in my mind

    4. I as with you Dr. Faust that day with Dr. Donald Turner DDS. I have pictures of that day and the day after. That night the orphanage was mortared and VC tried to get through our lines at An Hoa. See so many orphans killed after we treated their smiling faces will forever be in my mind

    5. Where you there when they fragged 2/11’s surgeon’s jeep. They thought some guy was to get General Discharge for drugs when MACV canceled the
      He blamed the Doc

  35. I Served at An Hoa with 2/5, in January 1967 to 15 January 1968. From An Hoa 2/5 moved to Phu Bai just on time for Hue City. I was the FO attached to Echo 2/5.

    1. Thank you for your comment Michael. I am glad you made it out. I hope you enjoyed seeing some pictures from the area. Remember to check out the Hue City article on this website also, you might recognize a few places.


    3. I was with Echo also 67-68… Oct to March when evaced out of country. Remember the move north quite well.
      The many convoy escorts to liberty bridge and back, lost quite a few Marines on those, mines and booby traps,

      1. Hi Chuck,
        I was with 2/11 as a Hospital Corpsman during the same time as you were, I arrive in Aug 67 and left Aug 68.

        I would love to chat with you some more. If you see this post, please reply and we can do so.

  36. I remember while serving at An Hoa that 2 nurses were abducted from the Hospital by the VC and when my tour of duty was over in Aug. 69 they had never been found….

    1. I was with the 5th Marines in An Hoa area 11/68 – 4/69. I read years later in a book about Robert Garwood that some nurses and doctors from a German hospital were brought in to the camp where he was being held, just west of the An Hoa base. I read subsequent to that that some made it, at least one died.
      The An Hoa Basin, as it was in ’69, will always be with me.

      1. I served with CHARLIE 1/5 during TET 68-69 i was a machine gunner in the AZ VALLEY IT WAS THE VALLEY OF DEATH

        SEMPER FI

      2. I was with Echo during that time frame, 2nd platoon i believe it was. I carried the radio for most of my time there, not exactly a smart move on my part.

    2. I was there when the nurses were abducted. I saw them once in the mess hall. I was with 2/5 Flames August 68-August 69

  37. is the german hospital still standing by the river on the way to liberty bridge from an hoa combat base. it was just down from a fire support base across road from a ville. is there organized travel available to an hoa, liberty bridge area or go noi island.

    1. Hi Leslie. Thanks for your comment. Not sure about the hospital. I don’t know about the hospital building between An hoa and the bridge. The road is still there so possible to travel along. About traveling there. There are groupd travels but they tend to only stay at one location for maximum a day. If you want to travel back and spend some time there, I suggest you arrange it yourself. I can be of help with some suggestions. We have helped, without cost, several veterans and history travelers to find their way around the country. Drop me an email on [email protected]


    2. I spent nearly a year at the Liberty Bridge , Phu- Loc (6) area . Escorted many mine sweeps between Phu-Loc (6) and An-Hoa. Never saw a hospital. I do remember a place that we called the Alamo with a refugee camp near by , but that was it. Harvey Wade. E- 2/5 69-71

      1. Took a swim to cool off while on sand bag duty. A bridge guard threw frag at something in the water. Ears still ringing
        Liberty Bridge is long gone There in 2000

    3. Hey Leslie,
      I went to look for the German hospital like a year ago and the villagers pointed me to an area behind what is now a cemetery right on the lake. There is just some rubble on the floor and broken tiles. The hospital was attacked by the VC and mostly destroyed then abandoned if I remember correctly. This would already have been in 70 or 71. My mum was there in 69.

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