FSB Buttons – Song Be

FSB Buttons (earlier LZ Buttons) was once one of the largest bases in the area of north eastern III Corps. Over the years, it was home to Army units together with all kinds of support and flying units. Being located so close to the Cambodian border meant that Buttons blocked the way for PAVN troops infiltrating across the border.
The camp was also used as a staging ground during the Cambodian Incursion, thanks to it being so close to Cambodia, choppers would lift off and be able to support the troops in Cambodia within minutes. Traffic went both west towards the Fishhook region as well as north towards Snoul. Most of these larger camps would also host a Special Forces camp and Buttons was not an exception.
FSB Buttons was the most northern of the large bases in north east III Corps. Other ones were places such as Quan Loi, Phuoc Vinh and Lai Khe as well as the other bases along QL13 – “Thunder Road”. In all directions though were plenty of smaller Landing Zones and more or less temporary bases that were used for different purposes such as operational support or Special Forces Camps such as Loc Ninh. Further south was War Zone D.

All the way through the area runs the Song Be river. Its bridges were highly contested and especially the Song Be Bridge south of Phuoc Vinh would have a permanent guard unit. Viet Cong and NVA units would also use the river as an infiltration route making it a hot spot. This was a very active area during the war.

As the old base area is now being developed, there will soon not be much left to see that resembles the base area. However, the old runway, taxi ways and other base roads are the ones used as main roads in the area. With the mighty Nui Ba Ra overlooking the old base, anyone who were there during the war will recognize the place.
There was also a smaller runway in Song Be Town just a few kilometers north east that was used by FACs.
How to get there
Song Be is located about 100 kilometers north east of Saigon and is accessible via the main roads in the area. Plan for a full day trip to go there and back, make sure to include stops at other locations that are mentioned here in the III Corps section such as Loc Ninh, Lai Khe, Quan Loi and Phuoc Vinh. As mentioned, this area was populated with a large number of bases. Thanks to the vast rubber plantations and the fact few tourists go here, these bases are still well worth visiting as there is still relatively much to see.
How to get there
Song Be is located about 100 kilometer north east of Saigon and is accessible via the main roads in the area. Plan for a full day to go there and come back.
Decimal coordinates: 11.821737, 106.963992
Back to III Corps>>>
I was in LZ Buttons and on Nui Ba Ra many times in 1969 as a 1st Lt.
With the 1st Air Cav and remember many a sleepless nights thinking the enemy was coming up the mountain. Usually just a few incoming motors but LZ Buttons got hit many times and you could see the incoming coming in to the LZ from the mountain..Hated that place…HA
Living under a metal roof covered by sandbags, half buried, the rest blessed with 55 gallon drums filled with dirt and covered with layers of sandbags was home in 1969-70 with the 371st RRC attached to the 1st Air Cav. (Basecamp: Long Binh). Dining from cardboard boxes of “C-Rat’s” and water bottles. (Hey … You get used to it! 🍱🥢🍴) Showers weren’t great under the tanks filled with cold water but it beat saving the layers of B,S and T (Blood, Sweat and Tears). As a sp/4 98c Radio Traffic Analyst, I earned about $130 a month plus overseas pay and hazardous duty pay too. It helped on my solo R&R week in Honk Kong. Bob Hope and his entourage that Christmas was great. ETS in 1972 at Vint Hill Farms in Warrenton Virginia as a sp/5.
Escorted a convoy to Song Be in early 1970. Enemy hit base camp during the night. Unfortunately for them we brought in a quad 50 gun truck for the fight. Spent next morning cleaning up mess. My only time in Song Be but remember it well.
As a grunt (and soon to become an M-60 machine gunner) with the 1st Cav, 2nd of the 7th in 1969, my introduction to war was my arrival at Buttons (never heard it referred to as Song Be until looking it up years later). A couple of other replacements and I spent the night in a tent immediately adjacent to some very busy 175 MMs and without ear plugs. I still think that’s when I got tinnitus, but that’s OK – with 1,000 crickets chirping in my head all the time I’ll never be alone and it did get me my first SCD. Fortunately I was at Buttons only that one night before joining my unit in the boonies. We patrolled fairly close to Buttons including just into Cambodia and only went in to Buttons a couple of times during my tour for a haircut, shower, hot meal and a couple of beers. All things being equal we definitely wanted to get out of Buttons ASAP as you were sitting ducks there, whereas in the jungle, there was a level playing field. One of the most memorable days of my tour was when we were told there was suspected enemy presence on Nui Ba Ra, the mountain just outside of Buttons. (Again, at the time I didn’t know Nui Ba Ra from Kum ba yah – it was simply called “the mountain”. Our platoon was to walk up from the bottom to the top on one side and then down the opposite side. We never saw any bad guys but it was still a very memorable day. If climbing up over sharp rocks and slogging through slick, thick mud was not bad enough, the trip down was worse. There were areas where you could do nothing but freefall slide on your back and hope an outcropping of rock up your butt didn’t break your fall. That was especially fun toting an M-60, rucksack, hand grenades, canteens, ammo, etc. But I feel blessed every day since I got back to the world in one piece and with no foreign objects implanted where the sun don’t shine.
I was a 1st Lt. C-130 pilot in Vietnam Feb 1970-April 1971 and landed at Song Be (SBE) many times. Often taking small arms and crew fired weapons on landing and takeoff. The runway was crummy and when wet was really slick. Landing with a load of ammo was dicey. On June 15, 1970, we went in and out of SBE 4 times ferrying troops out and bringing ammo in from Tan Son Nhut. I think we were taking troops out who had been in Cambodia. I remember an Army Captain who had a helmet with a large caliber hole in it, he was unhurt, but definitely shaken. From my log: TSN-DJP-TSN-SBE-TSN-SBE-TSN-SBE-TSN-SBE-TSN. I think DJP was Dalat. That was a busy month for us as it was for all during the incursion. Another typical day from my log shows this: May 14, 1970: TSN-Luscombe-TSN-Katum-BNH-SBE-BNH-Budop-SBE-TSN. BNH was Bien Hoa. One of my most “exciting” days was at Katum. We picked up a LRRP team there, after speed offloading 25K of ammo, they drove their deuce and trailer right on without stopping, being literally chased by NVA, and we threw chains on the axles as fast as possible taking automatic, mortar and rocket fire. Of course, we didn’t just fly in one area, we managed to go to darn near every nook and cranny in Vietnam. But as I told my dad, a WW2 fighter pilot in New Guinea, when I joined AFROTC, “Hell, if you’re going to be shot at, you might as well be sitting down and air conditioned.” Well, that was true at least part of the time.
I was I was at Song Be in December 1967 to Feb 68. I was assigned temporarily to the Detachment A 5th special forces. I was part of a tactical air control party as a radio operator for a FAC. I was filling in for Chris Spears while he took 30 days leave. The FAC was a Captain Gammons. I have never been able to contact him. Chris , if you are still out there I would like to know. Remember Kim Sau the Cambodian interpreter? Dale the medic?
Juan silva
I was there also
On feb 25 69
During the Viera cong attack at 3am that night the macv compound co and comm officer were kill
While on their way to the com building
Glad I made it back
I’m now 88
I’m juan silva
I was also in songbe
Nov 68 to mar 69
With 8th mob offloading
And loading aircraft
We were harres with incoming rounds during aircraft arriving
We had to drive to the macv compond to pick up our cold food
Thr drive was about 6 miles without escorts
At. The compond there were several times it came under vc. Fire
On 25 Feb 69 all he’ll broke loose at 3am
That morning the co and com officer were Kill
Runing to com building
Young com officer had just made captain
Any body out there remember?
I served with Special Forces at Song Be in 1965 and 1968 when was your father there???
I’m still here 88 year old man
Just reading what a lot of us went through during our short stay at songbe
I still have my helmet covered with that red dirt
I also have a picture of the road Going by the
Guard unit that were there by I call water hole
That had a wire fence
Across the road one night we left the strip late after a c130 left after a tire change
That night with no escort could have been
Maye curtains for my small crew,
Juan silva
I was that young ssgt
Now I’m 88 and glad I found this site
Being there are memories you don’t forget memories like traveling from the mscv compound to the air strip with out an escort
1st cav was located near the strip and glad they were there
At around 6 am on 25
feb 69 during a nva attack their gun ships came and sprayed the Area
Glad they were near
One other time a C130
Came over when the come was getting notarized incoming rounds
We were called the dirty dozen
I am glad I came across this website. The silhouette of Nui Ba Ra is still burned in my mind. I was an 11B40 (grunt) with the 1st Infantry Division, 1st of the 2nd, the Black Scarf Battalion. Our base camp was at Lai Khe but we would operate out of Song Be FSB for 3 or 4 weeks at a time. On May 11, 1969, around 23:00 there was an unsuccessful ground attack by the NVA. When morning came, an enemy flag was flying on the flag pole on the north end of the airstrip. The airstrip was outside the perimeter. Our CO had me take my platoon out to help clear the airstrip which was suspected to have some remaining NVA. I managed to make my way to the flagpole and cut down the flag. Just as I stepped forward, a 60mm mortar fell at my feet. That took me out of action for the rest of the war. I gave the flag to the track unit commander who was helping to clear the airstrip. I thought he and his men were more exposed than we were. Thinking about this some 50+ years later I realize that this was somewhat flawed thinking. I was the only one wounded that morning so perhaps I was more exposed.
I was with Delta/71 arty, (Quad 50) May 10, 1969 at Song Be. Our job was to protect the eight inch and 175’s at Camp Martin; also air defense for the airstrip. One end of our perimeter was hit, but not overrun. The first inf base also was attacked.. (The first time I saw a red flare) I remember at first light looking and seeing a NVA flag. I also remember watching a soldier cut it down and the same soldier getting wounded. My memory differs here. The soldier was wounded shortly after pulling the flag down, it was on the other side of the air strip. Anyway, never forget that day.
I got it a month later. Two rockets landed in front of my quad.
I was in a Duster unit working out of Phouc Vinh, Duc Phong, Song Be, Bu Dop, Snuffy and other FSP’s in the area. Our tank hit a land mine going into FSP Dacus in the fall of 1970. Guys I remember include two tank drivers, Jordan and Holt, our gunner – Greg Stevens and the FNG who started with me – Jimmy Pool. We had a great mascot of a dog by the name of Sam. Long time gone – more than five decades!
Just found this site. I flew C-130s into Song Be many times between 10-67 and 12-68. Night landings with a couple of cans of mogas burning at each end of the runway always dicey, epecially when we couldn’t get the guys with the big guns to shut down.
As an AF Combat Controller, we worked several missions at Song Be. Needless to say, it was a busy area. 12/67 thru 12/68. Tet 1968 was the worst. Happy that I found this site.
Gary – I was an AF FAC flying a bird dog out of little Song Be from Dec 67 till mid 68. My call sign was Rod 11. Ring a bell ?
Bruce Schaefer
I was one of the guys on the Big Guns(175 mm B Btry 6/27)at Camp Martin from 1/68 to 11/68.
The noise from those175 were hard on us, we were on the other side of the air strip 101 17 cav.
Did you fly into Bu Dop as well? I do not know when the built the air strip there I was there in 71.
I was stationed as a cook with the 27th maintenance on Buttons in 1970 worked in messhall at 1/77 the artillery hung around with Dan Boone would like to see pictures from that time there
I was with 1/77th HHQ Battery January 69-April 70 . We’re you there during this time?
Did you work at the TOC? I was in HHQ/ HHB 1/77th from 09/69 – 08/70.
Was with 1/77th at Button as RTT team chief 8-25-70 to Mar 71 before the headed for Ft Hood.
I was attached to the 1/77th FA with my two M-42A1 Dusters to conduct base security. We had positions close to the airfield so we could provide direct fire onto Nui Ba Ra. May 1970 to September 1970, A Btry (AW)(SP), 2nd Arty, IIFFV.
I worked in the TOC on the 524’s from 5/70 to about 10/70 then went to LZ Thomas (Nui Ba Ra) till we pulled out.
I got there in May 1970 left in December
The noise from those175 were hard on us, we were on the other side of the air strip 101 17 cav.
I worked in the 1/77 Artillery mess hall from Feb-April in 1970 then went to S-1 under Sgt Juan Rubin to serve as the Majors driver and the 1/77 Battalion mail clerk from May-Dec 70. I remember Dan Boone well, so I’m sure I worked with you as well.
I remember you I arrived on buttons in May 70 and left ion December 19
Ray bender waterpoint 82nd eng. Water supply.
Drove water truck 2 & from lake in song be .
You new Carl randolf in mess hall. I remember Nov. 11 like yesterday.
I was assigned to the 168th Combat Engineers from my unit Charlie Company 34th Engineers. I was flown in to this lonely air strip at Songbe in August of 1967 with my front end loader by a C130. At this time there were no buildings with the exception of a convex box the Air Force used as a control tower. They pulled out every night and returned in the morning.
On the south side of the air strip the 168th Engineers were bivouacked along with a detachment of the 1st Infantry. We started moving earth between the air strip and highway with front end loaders and bulldozers to build a square berm fortification for the artillery unit that was yet to arrive. Rocket and mortar attacks were frequent and while during construction our security forces changed from 1st Infantry, 25th ARVN Rangers, CIA Cambodian mercenaries (I always wondered why there never were passengers when Air America flew in) and the 25th Infantry.
The artillery had two 155 and two 8” self propelled howitzers. On 13 November, 1967 we received in coming rounds. Over 30 wounded and one killed. His name was Gary Farley. I ended up in a hospital in Long Binh. Gary was one of the finest of men I ever met.
i was there in 1969 and they called it Farley field i got a picture of the sign
Hi, my
Name is Jennifer Fox. My
Dad was Frederick Floyd Fox but many
called him Rick. Dad was Army Corp of Engineers and friends with Gary because back home they both hunted and fished. My
Dad took shrapnel in his hand, arm and ear and brain the night this battle came in. This was his second purple heart. My dad had me go to the wall and get a rubbing of Garys name for him before he got sick and passed. But I still think about this battle, Farley field, his fellow soldiers and the story of this ambush.
I was 11B2P with the 194th MP (physical security) Jan-June 1968 on top of Nui BA RA at song be. We were there to protect the signal people. 194th was a unit of the 101th assigned to the 1 st. signal Bde. It was indeed a hell hole. Everything we needed had to be choppered in. Charlie didn’t like that and keep shooting at them. How rude.
I was in the Special Forces camp in Song Be when it was almost over ran in May 1965, I was wounded and returned to the states, I returned in May of 1968, the camp had moved to the base of Nui Ba Rah, left in Dec 1968 to an A team….
My father was there in 65. Do you remember him? William “Bob” Andrews.
I was at song be may 68 to may 69. I was in fdc on the big guns 6th bn 27 artillery. I would like to hear from anyone who knew me.
I was there 1/68 To 11/68 i was on Gun #3 were u in FDC with a guy named Arnie we got to B Btry together. My name is Andy Basile.
[email protected]
Just got back to this , yes, I was in fdc with Arnie . He was from New Jersey. Qiuite a character. Good to hear from you.
Not with the 6/27 but was on a contact team from the 3rd Maint. 610th Maint Battalion, we supported the 6/27, we changed out a lot of 175 and 8″ tubes and breeches. We would load the shot out tubes on 5 ton flatbeds when supply convoys came up to be returned down south for salvage. This was in 69.
This message goes to all who were stationed on LZ Buttons or were there for a short time.
If anyone has photos of Buttons before and after Nov 4 1969, I would appreciate copies
sent to my email address.
Teddy Leyba
[email protected]
I was at Buttons in Songbe as a generator mechanic , 20th Engineer brigade, 31st Engineers, D company in 1970. I have been searching for pictures of the Waterpoint. Do you have any?
By November 4, 1969, you are referring to the human wave ground attack that night. I happened to be in the TOC that night. Had lots of pictures of Buttons before and after with body parts of NVA all around the camp. Unfortunately everything I had was lost in a nasty divorce in 1981….she even stole my dog tags.
I was 1st Cav 8th engrs 10/68- 10/69. I remember the night on Nui Ba Ra when we had to call in Puff to get them off our backs, but can’t recall the specific date and maybe somebody else does. I just remember the fantastic view from the top in the morning light and the red rain that fell the previous night
Mark… which TOC were you at?
I was with 2/17 cav 101 abn divison and at song ba in January and February 1968. We were set up in a rubber tree plantation. We ran patrols on foot during the day and did ambush patrols at night. Mostly to the west of song ba. I disliked the jungle hills and valleys there. Song ba was the spookiest place I was at in Vietnam. Was delighted to leave there. One day a bunch of army brass and some French men toured the plantation inspecting the rubber trees. Next day word come down telling everyone not to be caught damaging anymore rubber trees. To do so was an automatic article 15. During tet a C-130 took off from the airfield ( dirt runway) and as it left the runway it started receiving heavy small arms fire from
A village close to end of the runway. One of its engines was hit and caught fire . Crew was able to circle around and land. The plane burned up on runway
I was there also in B troop1st platoon. Remember well the 130 being shot down. Friend was on that flight. Yeah, no damage to rubber trees! Sniper taking pot shots as we were leaving . Never hit anyone.
I was loading and unloading the c130s during Tet68 Got a chance to eat hot chow at the fire base and of course the mess hall was blown up and spent the next three days in a French bunker. C47 gun ship saved our butts. Would love to have pictures of that place. Email. [email protected].
I remember that wreckage as it laid beside the runway for a long time. Busy place for sure. Air Force Combat Control Team.
Bob Williams Massachusetts 501st , 8th Engineers 1st of 7th and 8th Cav ~ 229th Air Assault – field recon, recovery, demolition, base cuts, LZ PZ , bridges and destruction downed choppers etc. 1970 / 1972 ~ just a stab at a chance crossing someone served with.
Hi, my name is Robert Carter, I was a crane operator 557th Engineers attached to the 31st. I was there during the attack of Nov 69. I continued and retired as a 1SG of B Co, 249th Engineer Bn stationed in Germany. I remember using the crane to help build the MACV bunker. Glad you made it back brother. Good luck to you and your family.
Robert, I too was there in Nov 69. In fact, I was the OIC in charge of base defense. I have many slides of the aftermath.
I arrived at Buttons via C-130 on Nov 4, 1969 – when I asked where I could find my unit, I was told, ” that’s your guys over there picking bodies out of the wire”!! My unit, B Co, 31st Combat Engineers, was actually ‘down the road’ in Song Be building the base for MACV.
I got to LZ Button on December 69 until November 70 I was with 1st /77 Cav worked in TAC that called me Rabbit
Hey Wabbit,
How are you? I just learned that we are having a Reunion in Amelia Island this coming Sept. Hope you can make it. I am planning on attending if I’m still alive. I was on Buttons that fateful night on November 4th 1969.
Recently underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer. Had the tail of my pancreas and spleen removed. Went into heart and kidney failure during the surgery and also had pneumonia and a raging infection. After two weeks in the hospital my surgeon wanted to send me to some place to die. I refused and went home knowing I could survive and rehab there. Had around the clock nursing at my home and now doing chemo everyday for 6 months, 5 months left to go. In the next couple of days having a heart procedure to get my heart back into sinus rhythm. Also have become a type II diabetic due to the loss of part of my pancreas. This may or may not be temporary according to my doctors. Injecting insulin every day. Other than that, everything is peachy.
Hope you see you in the near future.
God lay his healing hands on you brother!
I too was there in Nov 69. In fact, I was the OIC in charge of base defense. You probably spoke with me on the radio. I have many slides of the aftermath
I was there!! I remember the shit hitting the fan……all night till daybreak. I think they counted 112 dead gooks plus Bloodtrails were everywhere where they drug the wounded back. I still get flashbacks of that night. Try “Google” Battle for Buttons”. There were tanks that were outside the berm facing the ubber plantation.
I was wounded just before Christmas on Buttons 1969.It was a rocket attack.I was with HHC.I now live in Brisbane Australia.I married a Aussie girl.Been here for the past fifty years.
I remember you. Let me know how you are doing. I was in Brisbane about 10 years ago. Spent about 5 months between Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand. My wife and I were world travelers but have slowed down with our older age and my Agent Orange health issues.
I was based at Song Be as advisor to the Green Beret for cargo and personnel transport. We drive those large Fork lifts and jocky’d C130’s around the small airstrip. I left on Nov. 25th, 1967. I and 4 other USAF groups were the first group deployed to Song Be. We brought in those big guns along with the 101st airborne brigade and pre-fabricated another special forces camp which was the backdrop for John Wayne’s movie the Green Beret.
I’m looking for the name of the Base Commander Green Beret of Song Be mid 1967. Any info would be appreciated. I remember walking the berm during monsoon season by the only 50 cal gun on site. Took fire that night. All ended well for the camp.
Was there in 68. USAF. R
Remember that mountain all too well!!
I was at Buttons from around Oct.of 69to end of Jan.1970 Delta co.31st combat engineers .Our Lt.was kia during rocket and mortor and ground assualt in late Dec.,early Jan.
I was at Song Be from November 69 to January 70 with 2nd Platoon B co. 31st CBT ENGR at the MACV compound we were completing the compound before the old MACV compound shut down .
This sounds like I’ve been there.
Jan69 to april69 31st engineers worked on new macv base 1st 3 bunker holes
slept at old macv ..arvn compound
My uncle wrote us letters from Song Be, Camp Buttons he called it, in Oct. 1969. He was in Company B, 8th Engineering Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), name was Raymond Lomely.
He said on Oct 21st, there was nothing there and they were building bunkers and living in drainage pipes.
Some of your dates are the same as his letters, so thought I’d reach out and see if anyone knew him.
Great discussions. What 7th Cav battalions were stationed at LZ Buttons in April of 1969? Was LZ Buttons ever referred to as LZ Jo or (Joe)? Thanks in advance. Garry Owen. C. L.
Dave, I arrived late November ’69 and ETS Feb ’71 (extended for early out). Was with HHS 1/77th Arty ,FDC our hootches and tents were next to 2nd Bde headquarters. I’m sure you remember the incoming, 122mm rockets and the monsoons?
I was assigned to HHC 15th S&S Bn. I was OIC of the Ammunition Supply Point at FSB Buttons from late November 1969 until late May/early June 1970. Do you remember the Helicopter rearm point taking a couple of direct hits on/about 5 Dec 69? That was directly in front of my ASP._
Rich I was also with 15th S&S November 69-June 71 if you remember me (Colin White) hit me up at [email protected]
Robert Conerly
I was with the 15th S&S Bn. I was there at Buttons from late Nov. 1969 untill Oct.1970 and was in a tent across the road from the rearm point.
my Email conerly.robert @yahoo.com
I can send you pictures and see if you can recognize anyone
My name is Eugene Topping, during my time in 1969 at the Song Be ASP I reported to a warrant officer named Waddle. I spent 19 months with the 15th S&S Bn from March 1969 to December 1970. Most of that time in Song Be and Tay Ninh.
I too was with 15 S&S AES Co at Buttons from Sept 1969 to March 1970. Happy to see you on here “Whitey”. See my old buddy Tom Brookhouser “Brooky” has passed on.
My late father was LTC E. Bruce Peters. He was an Army Ranger, wounded by mortar fire in the middle of the night at a special forces camp near Song Be.
I have a couple of photos of him in the field, and training south vietnamese.
I am curious if any of the soldiers stationed in Song Be in this group knew him?
Thanks to all of you who served.
I served with Special Forces at Song Be in 1965 and 1968 when was your father there???
I was at Song Ba from Oct 67 through Feb 68. I was the acting platoon Sgt for 4 quad 50’s used for defense on the berm. When the 101st move there I took 2 of the quads out to support them was was sent to Song Ba town for TET 68 where we setup to await the inf. to push the VC out into open ground. Never happened and we were pinned down on a hill top for 3 days before they got us out
I was the Asst. Advisor (MACV Tm 70) to the 3Bn/9thRegt./5th ARVN at Phuoc Qua/Loc from June – November 1967. This was well before LZ Buttons was established. We did a lot of coordination visits with the SF B-34 team in
Song Be. Through various intell sources we sensed that something was brewing as we got into the Sept-Oct time frame. Sure enough, late night on 10/27/67, a full compliment of the 88th NVA Regt., newly trained/equipped, launched an
attack on our compound at three points and through the night with three wave attempts. Thanks to a lot of pre-planned mortar/artillery and air support, they never made it over and into our bunkers. The 88th Artillery Bn also was
shelling Song Be. Some years later while doing intell research for a Masters program, I noted that this attack along with others in the pre-TET 68′ time, were part of Gen. Giap’s “border battles” strategy designed to draw larger American
forces away from Saigon as a precursor to the TET offensive.
Where there the night two of the quad 50 crew were killed by a direct hit from a mortar round?
It was November of 67.
I was with Cav 2nd Brigade HHC out of Buttons. Jan 70 / Feb 71. Spent most of my time working relays and jump CP out of Nui Ba Ra (aka FSB Thomas).
Glad to have run across your posting…hope that all is well with you. I’ve been in contact with Gerald P (still in Calif); have a good photo of two of you from the early days on Nui Ba Ra.
I was Company clerk of HHC, 2nd Brigade at Buttons from July, 1970 til April, 1971. Came back to Ft. Hood, TX as Equipment Escort (in name only) with Company XO, Bill Steiger and 4 other enlisted.
Hay out there. To the initial post about the first cav battery into the song be small strip. 1969.
Ya I was there from MACV Team 67 compound and was nco ic at the tactical operation center inside the cav compound. I was 19 but had a year in country.
Was kinda awed by u guys cuz we were not real warriors, but had A very loose command compared to the cav. had to deal with all the commo for support flights and mapping of All night positions to clear B 52 strikes into the province.
Y’all burned down ur mess tent or it caught fire. Too much grease? Maybe.
Everything changed when ‘the cav’ arrived. We Used to be welcomed in d town song be. That’s the small air strip location.
Had no idea how big Buttons was. Way more than we ever had. Never saw it. After my time. Only see pictures of big fork lifts and c 130s.
I was there when the 82nd was sent home .. I was short and they put me in the. Motor pool 70 yes i enlisted in 6 years i was with 6 divison
I was at Song Be from January to August 1968 with B Btry, 6th Bn, 27 FA. Interesting experience.
I had to know u I was with B Btry 6/27 Gun # 3 from Jan 68 to Nov 68,
I was Section Chief of the Metro section.
I was in Song Be B btry 6/27th arty metro section from Feb 68 to Feb 69.
I was at song be feb 68 to mar 69 ,never knew that it was called camp martin, started in ammo section then got reassigned to motor pool, had some interesting events that occurred during my time there.
I was there from Jan 68 to dec 68 I was the logistic clerk motor pool my name is Al pagnozzi
Served with 319th Transportation Company Sep 68-Aug 69 and drove our trucks to nearly all of War Sector III. Wrote and published book “Vietnam Convoy Trucker” in 2014. Related DVD about our company is “Troxler’s Truckers, Memories of Vietnam”. Thank you to all who served in this tough place. Hope to hear from any and all of you.
I was on LZ Song Be, January 1970 to December 1970 , with 2/12 first Cav Div. I remember te every day mortar attack, rápid fire in te Night. Remember the helicópter carry the died soldier and dog . Remember the Red Cross girl visitang the LZ. The heavy rain in the LZ. And dirty clothe in the forest.. WAlking and walking in the bush every day looking for NVA and VC enemy and my squad compose for 3 mexican., 1LT Mexican, 5 more from diferent state and me from Puerto Rico.
I was there with 2/12, Bravo Co……and I was on top of Nui Ba Ra at Christmas ’69…..
2/C/2/12, Plat Ldr; out of LZ Buttons, Oct 69-May70. Then I was sent to work out of Cav HQ as Liaison Officer, 2d Bde. In Jul/Aug sent to work with RF/PF’s out of Buttons as Cav advisor. (Something you NEVER want to do). Last 2 months, Sep/Oct commanded LZ Thomas on top of Nui Ba Ra. CG’s: Casey, Putnam. 2dBde Cdrs: Clark, Meyer. 2d Bde S3: Neumann. Co C Cdr: CPT Wolfe. 2d PSG: SSG Affhaulter (“Kraut”), Squad Ldr: “Ranger Dave”, Soldiers: Tampa, Hector, Louisiana, Nesbitt. We had a great platoon.
I was a generator operator for the 1st signal brigade stationed here throughout 1970. I remember the many mortar attacks on the base and the big guns firing shells every day.
I was commo on those big guns. 8″ and 175mm self propelled. Big bang for the buck
Did you know Sgt. Wes Alcorn Co. B44/36th Signal from Cincinnati. He was my best friend. We were together at Quan Loi before they transfered him to Song Be. I’ve lost track of him.
I was with the 1st Cav in Cambodia and areas around Song Be until I had a medical issue and was pulled out of triple canopy jungle to a hospital. After getting out of the hospital I was stationed at Nui Ba Ra. This was from around September 1970 to March 1971 when we turned the hill top over to the South Vietnamese. I have pictures of some guys that were there at the time as well as several looking down on Song Be and Buttons. I’d be happy to share them if there is any interest.
Don, we’d love to see those pictures. Can you send an email to us at [email protected] ?
Sent several to the email address you provided. Will send photo’s of several of the guys stationed there later.
I got them. Thank you very much. Really interesting pictures.
After looking at your site further, I realize you don’t really have a place for pictures. You know of a site where they might want pictures of the area and some of the guys stationed there at the time? Thanks, Don
Don, there are a couple of Facebook groups, one is called Vietnam Veterans Photo Club. That is quite good, a bit rowdy sometimes, but lots of good material and photos like yours are always very much appreciated. For the website, we have been thinking of having a page for veterans’ photos as we have received quite a few over the years. Your photos are really interesting and deserve to be shown.
There is also Instagram. I know a couple of vets who publish their pictures together with their stories. They are getting a fantastic response. We have an Instagram for this page and would of course help to promote you.
i was there in 1970and 71 apent about 7 months on the mpuntain i would luv too see the pics u have
Hi Bill:
Maybe because of COVID, but I haven’t been to this site for months. If you’re still interested I’d be happy to post them. Not sure I can do that here but let me know and we’ll figure something out.
sounds good do your best
Bruce I was there too in 1970 . We had generators beside our FDC. HHC 1/77th Arty. Battalion HHC
were across from our tents. Sound familiar? The mechanics that kept those generators operating worked there but off!
Would love to see them an you please send them to [email protected]..? I was on top of the mountain for Christmas ’69…..Bad Bet 2/12th……
i would love too see the pics i was on nui ba ra 1970-1971
I was initially assigned to Alpha 1/8th then after being injured was transferred to HHC 1/8th and was made a casualty reporting clerk. I wrote the letters home to the next of kin. FSB Buttons from August 1970 until March of 1971.
Hey Mike Jones. I’m the guy that replaced you at Alpha Company 1/8. You went home and I went to Bien Hoa with the 15th S&S and then to D company 2/5 .
don could you send me those pics i was on nui ba ra 1970-1971 with the 1st cav email [email protected] thanks
Found this about when each unit was at Buttons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sông_Bé_Base_Camp
I flew many missions around song be as a 1st cavalry door gunner. From may 69 thru Jan 70. Some crazy times.
My dad was in 1969-70 medic- 3/11 k troop then I troop – line and then headquarters – and howitzer location. Did you know a Don Golden?
During my time I worked out of Phuoc Vinh, Tay Ninh, and finally out of Fire Support Base Buttons in Song Be. Both the Nui Ba Den and Nui Ba Ra mountains watched over us at times like brooding giants while the orange dust of FSB Buttons that turned into the thick orange ooze in the Monsoons left a ring around my bathtub when I finally made it home. Those bases are long gone as is the jungle war we knew that was fierce and violent, but the tranquility and raw beauty of the countryside that is displayed in your recent photos shows a better time and place. Thank you for all that you guys do in showing some of the history (and geography) of the war we knew then.
Thank you for your kind comment Kregg. And thank you for your contributions to the website. Indeed Vietnam is in peace nowadays and it offers so much for the traveler. I think for almost every article on the website, we have had input from one or more veterans to make sure the articles describe history in a correct way. I am very grateful for that.
I was assigned to the Security Platoon @ Buttons in 1969 & 1970. One thing i remember about Buttons was that damn red mud. It. After a heavy rain it was terrible! At least our patrols, etc, in the jungle weren’t nearly as muddy, just extremely wet! When I got home my mother burned all my nasty muddy reddish green fatigues, she thought the red ring ruined the bathtub! hahaha I turned 19 during my assignment there and fortunately only remember the good days…….
Thanks for the interesting article and comments. I was at buttons for 3 months from about Oct to dec of 69 I believe. My artillery unit, C battery 2/12th, had 3 155 towed howitzers, we were there during the ground attack of 4 Nov 69. we fired on the tunnels mentioned earlier, using Willie Peter or rather white phosphorus rounds, which I thought was against the Geneva convention. We set the whole middle part of the mountain on fire. Quite a show but we didn’t see the infrared scopes for a while after that. Around the first of the year we rejoined the rest of our battery at Quan loire which was located across the road from the french plantation house.
Larry, thank you for your comment. And thank you for the insight, it really adds to the information in the article. I know during the Tet offensive in 68 they were fighting very close to the base as well. It is quite amazing how close they were moving around to this large base.
Oh and one more thing, have you seen the article about Quan Loi here on the website? It is also in the III Corps section. That was an interesting visit.
To Larry Alderson,
I was there at FSB Buttons with you during the ground attack. I have much information and photos in the event you are interested. Contact me at my email address. By the way, I’m Teddy Leyba.
[email protected]
My Brother, Mike Lucas, was at FSB Buttons during the Battle for Buttons Nov 4, ‘69! By chance do you know of him? I believe he was 2nd of the 7th, 1st Cav!
Thank You!!
Hello Teddy… yes, I would love to see some of your pictures. I have many on slides, but have not yet converted them to digital format.
Hi Richard,
I just read your message addressed to me Nov ’20 (I don’t visit this site much)
I was stationed at LZ Buttons Nov 1969 with C-Btry 2/12 FA (155 howitzers, towed)
I have photos to exchange with you of Buttons. Please send your email, I can then send pics.
Teddy Leyba
[email protected]
I too was at Buttons from Sep 69 to Jan70. I was Asst S3 & Aviation Liasion for the 2nd Bde. I main responsibility was Base Defense Officer in charge. So YES, I remember the ground attack on 4 November….. I was quite busy, LOL.
I was on Buttons for the November 1969 ground attack, also. Do you remember the Huey parked outside the berm, but inside the wire? We’d (C/227AHB/1CAV) been given the mission of dropping flares in the event of an attack. If intel said it was going to happen, when did it? I was just dosing off in my hammock hanging on the tail stinger and antenna when all hell broke loose. That was a night to remember. Constant fire every time we landed for fuel and flares. Glad we made it Larry!
Hey Larry, I was also at Buttons the same time as you and my artillery unit was C battery 2/12th, with (3) 155 towed howitzers. I have a picture of the gun crew I was on, and I think you’re in the background over my left shoulder. I could send it to you if I have your email address. You can contact me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from you…Steve
Larry, I pray that you are still with us. I sent a message to you two years ago. (no reply)
Would like to exchange photos and stories. For the record, I was there with you on one of
the 3-155 howitzers in support of LZ Buttons. Our tube was closest to the
berm. Contact me at [email protected]
Teddy Leyba
C-Btry 2/12 FA
I am Sgt.(E-5) Frank Carpenter. Was at FSB Buttons and Quan Loi with C Btry, 2/12th as FO and FD. Clearly remember spotting movement on the mountain and getting secondary explosions when our rounds hit that cave. Also recall the night we were firing self defense plus cover for FSB Ellen (about 10 klicks away). Busy times.
Thank you for your time and for posting this. I was at LZ Buttons from October 1969 to January 1970 with the 557 Engr. Co. 31st Combat Engr. Bn. We built a by-pass road around the camp because the public road ran through the center of it, and at sundown it had to be closed to none-military traffic.
While I was there, Nui Ba Rah was found to contain an extensive tunnel complex (from one side of the mountain to the other) with a 90-man-capacity hospital.
Nightly mortar attacks came down on us from the rock formation (no longer visible in your photo, but just above the roof of the building in the bottom center) on the mountain. Other work included repairing the runway, building an outside ammunition storage area, and a outside POL storage area. When we finished, we left to go reopen Hwy 13 for the invasion of Cambodia. Much of what we had built at LZ Buttons was destroyed not long after we left.
Thanks again,
Joe, thank you for your nice comment.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the bypass road you built is still in use and one of the town roads today. Interesting information about the tunnel complex. I believ I have read about it somewhere but am not sure. I do remember reading that LRRP units were pulling missions by the foot of the mountain as the Tet offensive started, killing several enemies there. It is amazing how they would settle in so close to a major base.
Did you work at other bases in the area? Chances are they are covered here on the website. I have gotten around to several of them that still has something left to see like Lai Khe, Phuoc Vinh, Loc Ninh and Quan Loi. The Thunder bases are all gone and so is An Loc.
Thank you for this. I was there Jan 68 thru Feb 68. We were a signal platoon sent there from Phu Loi in support of an element of the 101st on a mission that still remains a mystery to me because the leadership didn’t really tell us a damn thing other than get all your stuff together and be ready to load up. If there was an OPORD issued, it was never shared with the lower enlisted. We set up camp up in the woods on the other side of the road. I only knew that we were at Song Be at the “Big Strip.” I have only learned recently from post like this that it was FSB Buttons and that mountain was called Nui Ba Rha. Anyway, thanks again for the post and info.
I was with the 557 engineer co called earth eaters drive a 5 ton dump also loader at the pit off base , bad place on guards small base by pit went empty , William needam died there rocket in tent Jan 69
Thank You for your work. 1st Infrantry 1 st Batillion 5 th arty in Phouc Vhin 1967. In battles of Ceder Falls, Junction City. Moved to Song Be 1967 to set up under the BLACK VIRGIN MOUNTIAN AS IT WAS KNOWN. We were used to fire grid fire for units supporting a communication site on Mountian. Firebase became known as buttons. Moved to Quan Loi . Home of French swimming pool and Golf course.
Headquarters was set up in reclamaimed garbage dump. My 105 weapon was set on number 9 tee of golf course overlook a valley of Quan Loi. Before building Firebase moved again to the Michelin Rubber Plantation where the NVA and Vietnamese army by passed us to attack towns and villages around us. Finished my tour in the Plantation Feb-March 1968.
Time has changed the areas. We survived the walk. Welcome Home for those who did.
REST IN PEACE BROTHERS WHO FELL. For all that was in that counrtry. We all left our souls behind. We still suffer from those times.
Thank you for your comment Frank and thank you for visiting the website. We are lucky to have the places you were at here on the site. I had hopes of finding the remains of the swimming pool at Quan Loi at the day of our visit but it was too wet to venture off the runway. I have a good idea of where it would have been, but at best it would be possible to find some concrete remains of it and perhaps some of the buildings.
More or less the whole area from driving east from An Loc towards Quan Loi and south from there all the way down to Dong Xoai is covered with rubber plantations now.
I would like one day to travel around the area, especially north of Buttons and look more in detail for the old LZs that were scattered there. I am sure there would be some interesting finds.
Again, thank you for visiting our website.
I was on Nui Ba Ra mtn from late Oct 70 until the Cav pulled back in 71. I’m trying to find out exactly when the 1st Cav left the area.
I was at Song Be from Sept. 69 to probably around March or April of 70. Then went to Phouc Vinh until Nov.70 when I went home.. Was with 15thS%S. We ran the fuel dump and Helicopter Pads. What a nasty place. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Grew up real fast. Victor M Swanson. [email protected]. please feel free to use my email. Oh yea, we also loaded agent orange into the helicopters. And yea I got typr2 diabetes and PAD. the he takes care of me. Would appreciate any pictures. I worked the forklift on the hook pad quite often. Vic