Quan Loi Base Camp

The Quan Loi Base Camp was established in 1966 for the 1st Infantry Division, in the general area were also other large bases such as Lai Khe Base Camp and Phuoc Vinh Base Camp. It was originally a French rubber plantation and the U.S. Army kept the plantation buildings and even the swimming pool. There was also a golf course next to the runway. In 1969, the camp was turned over to the 1st Cavalry Division who stayed here until after the Cambodian incursion.

In 1972, PAVN forces overran the base during the Easter Offensive, holding it for several months until August when ARVN forces managed to wrest it back.
Visiting the area today is easy, it’s just a short drive east from An Loc. The runway is still visible and possible to drive on, though it is hidden within a large rubber plantation. Most of the pavement is still there and there are a number of craters from bombs or rockets in it where bushes have sprung up. Apart from the runway, however, there is not much to see here in terms of remaining buildings.
At our recent visit it was very wet so we couldn’t really access the areas outside the runway, but we believe there it should be possible to at least find remnants of the old French swimming pool and we did see what we think were berms from the camp.
With the runway easy to find, it is possible to make out where the rest of the base was located using old pictures as references. The perimeter and access roads are possible to drive on as well, since they are still in use. Make sure not to get too close to the People’s Army’s compound at the east end of the runway though. Overall this is a destination we do recommend for the history traveler.

In our research before our visit to Quan Loi, we found this excellent website and we used it extensively to map our visit. It is run by veterans who served at Quan Loi during the war. We find quanloi.org to be the best online resource on the base with thousands of photos, stories and maps. We hope you will appreciate the current pictures and video from the base here as well as the war time information you can find on their website
How to get there
From Saigon, follow the QL13 up to An Loc where you turn east and follow the smaller road No. 303 about five kilometers past the small town. About five hundred meter after the town there is a small road to the left leading up to the western end of the runway. Decimal coordinates: 11.674921 106.664814
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Did anyone serve with my uncle CPL Teddy Eugene Middleton served with 2nd Platoon, C Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division he was KIA on July 15 1969.
Mike Jones was with D Company 701st Maint Btn 1stInf Div Puouc Vin 67 and was Jun 68ent to Quan Loi left June 68. You can view some of my photos at Gun & Game forum. Click on search community Life in the field Viet Nam
My Father Max Anderson was the switchboard operator at Quan Loi in 69′-70’era. He passed away in 2018 from liver failure due to agent orange. I was born with a brain AVM and mom lost one pregnancy in miscarriage. Dad was very honored to have done his civil duty to the US but it cost him his life later on and gave me issues in my own health since birth. I am very proud of my father for his time serving. Dad referred to the movie FULL METAL JACKET as a referrence for how it really was in basic. I have several photos dad took in Vietnam still. Anyone remember my father?
I was at Quan Loi 69 70…I do believe I remember him. Very active one night as a sapper stack..
Hi! I am trying to learn about my dads service in Vietnam and if I could find anyone might have served with him… he served Jul 67 – Jul 69
Phil Lovelace
My dad was stationed there in 69 and 70, He was a 31L Radio Operator and Repair. He remembered the Med Group that was lost in a Incoming from Viet Chong.
I served with Carlie Company 1st Med Battalion in 69-70. I do not remember, or did not hear about any rocket attacks on our unit but left for another unit on 7/7/69. Do you know anything more about it? The radio and repair unit was right next to our aid station
I was in quan loi April 1970. I was an air traffic controller with the 322 add. In the fall we were relocated bein hoa to manage the tower at lasiter field. Our commander was Lt col kakuak.
I was an air traffic controller at Quad low airstrip tower , from Nov. 69 to March 70 . My first day there ,from a different station , I experienced a C130 get hit by a rocket right in front of the tower I was working in . Welcome to quad low . This event was followed by many more rockets during my tour , along with aircraft (OV10 Bronco) getting shot down right after take off . I have never heard or seen of anyone I knew there since I left. Saw a guy on FB but he “didn’t recall ” my being there . Thats life ,I guess.
I was sitting against the air traffic tower when the 122 mm rocket exploded under the left wing of a C130. If I remember the engines of the C130 were running. Earlier tried to board the C130 but was told it was full. Crossed the tarmac and used the field phone at the base of the tower to ask for any bird going to rear base at Bien Qua. The rocket landed a few minutes later.
Do you have any recordings of tower traffic fron your time there?
I was with the two Birddogs at the end where Broncos were. We supported the SOG operation bout of Quan Loi. I was at Quan Loi from Dec 69 to March 71
Hi, my ñame is Víctor W. Colon. I was in Vietnam from October 1969 to October 1970,with Co. B 1ST Bn 5TH Cav División , 1ST Platón. I remembre 2nd LT Josephinos G. Beca, SSG Arthur E. Brandon, Willard W. Sade, Edward López,Scotiabank R. Callada y,DOC he was from New York and Kentucky, I cant remember his ñame, but we allways him Kentucky . Mario Zeta and others that I cant remember their ñames,Jerry L. Hurley that was killed in acción. I was wouded during the invasion of Cambodia.
Did anybody serve with Richard (Dick) G. Leggett, july 69-july 70 1/5 cav? My grandfather has passed but im trying to learn more about his time in vietnam. Havent been able to find his company or anything specific like that. Have pics of him with a CWO Robert Skelton, and others with a Ronnie loughney and bill adams.
Yes my name is Dan Murphy. I was with alpha company. 1/5th Cav. June 69 through July 1970. I was out in the field. I knew Dick Leggett and Ronnie Loughney. I believe Ronnie was in 3rd platoon of Alpha Company and was from Bronx New York. I was in 1st platoon of Alpha company. Quan Loi was our main base camp. Dick and Ronnie probably both wrote home about me and my monkey JoJo. I dont remember if Dick was from New York but most of Ronnie Loughneys friends in Alpha company were fron New York. Im not sure if I have any photos of Dick but I do of Ronnie. My email is [email protected]
This is Dan Murphy again. CWO Skelton was just called ‘Chief’ and a Sergeant Cleveringa were in Headquarters Company 1/5 th Cav in Quan Loi. [email protected] was a lieutenant call sign 3/6 when Dick was there. Jerry has put together a roster etc for Alpha Company which your grandfather was in with me. You should email jerry and he can give you more info. Good luck
Dan Murphy and jojo. Quan Loi 1969
Was at Dau Tieng in 66-67. When I left Ipointed on the map. Highway 13 to NW is where the 22nd Mech was going next as we did not go beyond the Michelin. LZ Burt Jan 68. Iron tri , Soui Tre , Logo, Trai Bang. Every 11b will never forget! We can’t !
I was Co C 1/8 1st Air Cav..got rear job on Quan Loi June 1969.mostly because they wanted some grunts for bunker line duty. did 4 nites per week.was on one nite of Aug 12 when there was a major attack and again on the 19th when they hit us again.11th ACR had a big part in helping repel.Unfortunately, on the 19th it was reported the bunker next to me had been overun.A tank from 11th fired.9 Americans killed..friendly fire..the hell of war.
was in A battery 6/27 artillery . We had the 8” and 175mm self propelled guns that the NVA/ VC were trying to destroy. Was there when the wayward tank shell killed the 9 men on guard.
I was in Quan-Loi 67/68 168th cbt. To support the 1st Inf. We built and maintained the air strip built the bilits (houchs) the 1st lived in while we lived in tents fought in Loc Nihnin 68 with the 1st. And others BUT we have never been given any credit or even recognition, we worked and fought jost as hard as any of the other units there it saddeneds me so much that we are not recognized.
I’m sorry you are not recognized. Thank you for your service.
Patrick Johnson
I was in quan lol in 68 we supported all but supported by none. We were a group of eight firefighters attached to the 56th engineer detachment out of long bin We were trained as crash rescue firefighters however we fought more fires started by incoming mortar rounds that hit ammunition bunkers jp4 fuel tanks and bladders all while under air and ground attacks. We were there but I haven’t found any record except on my dd214. Now today at 77 yrs. old I have been fighting cancer caused by my fire fighting days in Vietnam I’m told I don’t have much time left the war gave me more than just cancer. You were there you know what I mean.
I have been looking for information about the tank from 11th. that killed the 9 dudes on the bunker ! We heard the Lt. was transferred that same day ! I was with 1/8 Cav. , Jun 69 – Jun 70 and happen to be in Quan Loi on Aug. 11 & 12 th.
I was at Quan Loi on 11 July 1967 during the Quan Loi Raid and my buddy Robert Bisner . Our home base at E Co. 701st Mnt. Battalion , 1st Infantry Division at Phu Loi , Vietnam . We both volunteered for 2 wks to Quan Loi . Would like to find survivors of the Quan Loi Raid . Also would like to find the Lt. that told us, that we were the only survivors. Also of GI that said he was Rico , the other 5 GI’s didn’t new their names.
Hello, my name is Mike Mazur, I was at Quan Loi from May of 67 to May of 68, served with Charlie company 1st med battalion . my call sign was Dr. Charlie . I ran the radio,s for the medicvacs that were stationed there. We patched up the wounded and then sent them to Saigon for further treatment (think mash unit) . Fro some reason there is little info about our small unit . If anybody out there can get me any more info about our unit and it’s contribution to the war, after ALL these years, I would surely appreciate it.
Mike Mazur thank you for your service and welcome home Doc. My first duty station in country was C Co. 1st Med. in Quan Loi. I was only there for a few weeks before being transferred to B Co. in Lai Khe. We must have been there together for that short time. Before Christmas 67 we had a mortar attack that hit a helicopter on the landing pad next to the hospital tent. My first time under fire. Months later the Med unit was hit, killing one medic. He was a nice guy who was always outspoken against the war. That would have been right as you were leaving or just after you left. I have been looking for info on both C Co. and B Co. Med unites with not much found. Wish I could help. Don
I was there 68 supporting dust off
medic at charley 1st med in Lai Khe from May 69 until I was transferred to 1/5 Air Cav in Quan Loi. Spent time on 3 different LZ including LZ David before going home. Once I got on that freedom bird, I promised never to go back.
medic at charley 1st med in Lai Khe from May 69 until I was transferred to 1/5 Air Cav in Quan Loi. Spent time on 3 different LZ including LZ David before going home.
aside from the numerous mortars and rockets coming in, I enjoyed taking care of the troops and the local villagers. I pray for my brothers that did not make it home.
I feel the same way I was there 67/68 wit the 168 cbt. Engineers C company we built that camp and all the buildings the 1st inf. Called home ,and that air strip well before the 1st Engineers got there , fought i Loc Nhin durning TET and NO MENTION OF THE 168 only the big groups to me thats pretty sad Doc.
Was at Quan Loi 69-70, Charlie Battery, 2/20th Arty, Blue Max, 1st Cav. Div.
dennis krauseneck seved with 2/20 c company blue max 1st cav feb of 68 till aug 69 cap evans then quan loi. RTO dis. ships working radios i thought i was the only that thought that place was a hell hole the only thing i had going for me is i as 18 when i gtot there and did not give a f—k about nothing includeing living came home dead!!!! good reading this after all these years
I was in HQ 1st/21st Arty. I spent a few evenings in the towers on the south side of Quan Loi. One night during a mortar attack I called in a fire mission. The first round landed in front of a bunker. I called for a cease fire and a Cobra pilot was on the spot and saw the mortar flash.
End of story. Anyone know who the pilot was that night ?
It wasn’t me, but I was with you for a time in the RTT bunker at headquarters company 1st of the 21st. Glad you are alive and kicking.
I made it home safe as did John Trehan from Louisiana. I have been married to the girl whose picture I displayed in my foot locker now for 54 years. We had three daughters and 8 grand children, ( four grandsons and four grand daughters) as well as one great grandson.
After the army I worked for 30 years as an ATM technician for Diebold Inc. I also was ordained and worked in a volenteer capacity as an Episcopal priest.
I have served the church for 27 years.
If I’m correct you were originally from Chicago and had a friend from there, who I believe was a clerk in the orderly room . I’m not sure of his name , but he used to come down into our underground hole and share food from home, when we would do the big stuffs.
Hey Steve, I remember you from 1/21 Arty HHB at Quan Loi. You and I were mutual friends with John Linster. We probably pulled perimeter guard together on occasion. The three of us were all from the Chicago Area. Unlikely you’ll see this, but I’ll look you up on FB. Welcome home, buddy!
Fred Rowe.
Bn S-1 section
I was HHB clerk late 69 to Sept 70. I knew John Linster and Lanny Braybrook, and many others. Robert Beard
I was with 1/21 Arty HHB from Jan 69-Dec 69. If I’m not mistaken it was 2/20 Cobra Gunships that supported our guys when Chuck tried penetrating our perimeter. Thanks and welcome home!👍
I was at Quan Low from Nov. 69 until March 70 . I worked the Airfield Control tower . My first day on Duty a C 130 was hit by a rocket right in front of the tower. Will NEVER forget that . Many other times A/C were hit or crashed there. Even an OV10 shot out of the sky right after take off . Last words to him were “frequency change approved”. Boom. Met a lot of great people and despite the location, it was an experience I would never trade,,nor do again. At Peace at last…..75 Y/O next month…guess I made it,,,except agent orange….
hi, my name is wayne dukette radar tech. with the 322nd. stationed at quan loi sept.69-june 70. Saw the C130 and the crimson tide 106 helicopter crash. Both days hard to forget!
I was a crewchief on the Birddog aircraft at the end of the airfield across from ammo dump. We flew for the 5th Special Forces CCS out of Quan Loi.
I was at Quan Loi 3/17 Air Cav, Mar-Jun, as a R TO, supporting the ARVNs in Cambodia. The base had been turned over to the RVNS
Yes. I was with him that day.
I was with the 576 ordinance company. We ran the 11 pad ammunition depot at Quan Loi. Mid 69 to feb 70. Does anybody remember us at all, we were a company of 20 guys. Our underground bunkers were at the end of the runway on the left side as you takeoff. I just turned 74 and I’m still in half decent shape. God bless you all
I was with A btry, 6th Battalion, 27th field artillery (A/6th/27th) in Quan Loi from March 69 to May 70. I was on an 8″ self-propelled howitzer at the front of the airstrip. I survived deployments to multiple fire bases but can only remember Joe, and Defiance. Now, I am dying from agent orange exposure. Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, PTSD, plus other stuff. I’ve had a good full life but at 72 will not last much longer. The men in our firing battery were the best. Brave, humorous, self-sacrificing. Best men I ever knew.
I was in Quan Loi in 1970 with the 185th and was on a M88 retriever tank and was sent all over loading blown up equipment to get it out before charley booby trapped
I spent some time in Quan Loi in 1970 also and I have had trouble with agent orange n PTSD also. Agent orange effected my heart and at 71 yrs old thats not a good thing. There was a small camp west of there that provided a lot of fire power when charley came calling that I had to go load up a couple of 175 tanks . We ran between Cu chi and An Loc and cu chi . Prayers for you brother.
I was commo chief in A battery 6/27 artillery from June 1969 to jan. 1970. I remember you John Heisler And concur with your memory.
hi john Heisler
I was the commo chief for A battery 6/27 artillery from june 69 to January 70 and remember you.
Made the move down from the DMZ with 1st Cav Division aboard a Navy transport ship. Docked in Saigon and road convoyed to Quan Loi with the 1/30th Artillery 155.
C Battery used Quan Loi as a base camp and was a split battery for most of my tour. We moved in and around the AO setting up 28 different LZ’s in the 14 months I was there. We continued to move around chasing the Viet Cong and NVA. Ah yes the red dirt, still have papers with that red stain.
C 1/30th Artillery 68-69
I was in C Battery FDC with you and Phil Bologna among others during my tour from March 69 thru April 70. I believe you were from Elmira, NY. Would like to speak with you.
Looking for anyone who served with or was in combat with David Martin Peterson who was killed in combat near Quan Loi, May 9th 1969. David Martin Peterson was with A Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, US Army.
I was with him that day.
I was at Quan Loi with the 1st inf. from April 1968 to around December 1968 and then I went to Lai Khe with the 1st division. I was with S&T. My job was with POL. We took care of all of the fuel, JP/4, Mo-Gas and Diesel. Our hooches were right off the airstrip and next to Graves Registration. I spent four days at Loch Ninh. We set up a mini fuel dump. This allowed our gunships to fuel up at Loch Ninh instead of having to return to Quan Loi. At Quan Loi we took care of the mini port where all of the gunships would refuel, this was located right off of the airstrip. Two of us worked 12 hour shifts manning the mini port. Our unit was close to the 701st maintenance battalion and the 6th of 27th artillery unit.
Was there at the same time!
Me too, D co, 1/2 Inf from about Oct 10 to when we moved to Lai Khe in 12/68. Then back to QL in March up June, I think. I remember the place well. The second trip, we were in bunkers on the west side of the perimeter. There was a ground attack one night, mostly on A Co. one of our guys did kill a sapper tho, trying to get back through the wire.
I went back to An Loc in Aug 2014. You wouldn’t recognize the place now. There’s a SPA there (an loc hotel & spa, google it), and a girl’s school. Had a nice bowl of pho there in a little restaurant. Put some ghosts to bed.
I was in Quan-Loi in 1968. I was with D btry 1/5th FA. we later moved the batallion to Lai-Khe and the 1st Armored cav moved to take our place in Quan-Loi.
I was with the 1/5 also and drawing a blank on what battery. I had a field communications MOS, but wanted to see some action, so I worked in FDC briefly and then volunteered to become a forward observer with A company 1/26th Inf. That was an eye opener and almost an eye closer. Some of my fellow F.O.s got either killed or wounded in Nov. 67 when we lost our battalion commander and Charlie company’s top sergeant. One of my fellow Blue Spaders wrote a book about that event.
I was in Quan Loi Jan68-Jan69 attached to 1/5 Arty.. HHSB 1st. Inf DIVARTY. We did the weather/ with weather balloons . Our camp was next to the French Pool and near the 8in and 175 artillery.. Fred Wesley
Have you ever heard of Capt. David Christian US Army and a bunch called Christian’s Butchers? He claims he was during that tour with 11 th Cav, the 1st Bat 26th Inf co 1st in Div, the 57th Lrps, the 58th Lrps and the 75th LRRPS all during that ONE TOUR! He also claims to Green Beret, Airborne, Special Forces also with the Big Red 1. I find it hard to believe his story of 3 MOH noms, DSC, 2 SS, 2 BS WITH V , 2 AIR MEDALS w V, Army Comm w V and 7 PH all obtained in a 7 week period from mid September 1968 to October 29 1968. He has a book called Victor Six and i swear it reads like some boy scouts sitting around a campfire one upping another! Also, he claims to be the youngest most decorated Officer of the Vietnam War second to Audie Murphy. I have known too many real heroes from WW2 thru Vietnam, this guy has gotten away with a lot of BS. Christian never completed his 4 years either
My father was a US Marine who was on Mt Suribachi while our cousin raised the flag in WW2, served in Korea and in Vietnam. My father was in combat during WW2 and Korea, but staff in Vietnam and never came close to such levels of decorations. My father served 30 years.
I was with HHC 2/8 Cav. Communications Platoon. In November of 1968 The 1st Cav Division did a massive move from I Corps near the DMZ to III Corps West of Saigon. My unit moved onto Quan Loi replacing units of the First Infantry Division. One of the first actions our command did at this new location was to order the removal of all locals from the base following general policy to not have an impact on the local economy. The only civilians to remain were Korean contractors who operated and maintained some base infrastructure systems. That change did not last very long. I remember a delegation of local leaders protested the action and a compromise was reached that some limited tasks previously done by locals could resume such as KP. No more personal or living area servants were allowed. I divided my time among Tay Ninh , French Fort and a reactivated Special Forces Camp near Tay Ninh. At one point a unit left Quan Loi leaving fewer troops to guard the perimeter and just about everyone was required to do guard duty. I was with two senior NCO’s who were complaining that they hadn’t pulled guard duty since WWII, I left country in May of 1969 thankfully avoiding some of the attacks to come. I still have things with red dirt embedded in them. Thanks to all who served there and for the comments here.
Looking for anyone who served with or was in combat with David Martin Peterson who was killed in combat near Quan Loi, May 9th 1969. David Martin Peterson was with A Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, US Army.
Hi. I’m Jeffrey Dye. I served in Alpha Co
1st batallion, 2nd infantry at Quan Loi and came home on March 31st, 1969. I don’t recall David but I know he served under Capt. Higgins while I served mostly under Capt. Conroy. Sorry to hear about his loss of life. We did suffer quite a bit of losses at Loc Ninh in Aug. 1968 where I carried the radio for Capt. Conroy.
Hi Jeff, I served with Alpha 1/2, black scarves Dec. 14, 67-68. Welcome home! was an experience not to forget.
I’m John Smith., also from Sacramento. To me Captain Conroy will always be ” Captain ASAP, AKA Drac AlphaSix. . I was the RTO for A 1/2’s November platoon, getting dragged through the bushes, bamboo and red dirt like a Fisher Price toy on the end of a coiled PRC-25 handset held by a pissed-off 2nd lieutenant who was screaming mechanicly imposible obscenities for me to tone dowm and pass along back to you as something like closer to “November 6 says he’s getting our point squad through the brush and bamboo as fast as he can, sir” which would get you trying to tone down his obscene response into something like “Alpha 6 says you need to go faster.” It was big fun being one of the 2 guys caught in the middle. I carried the point squad’s radio on August 26th at Loc Ninh. RIP Sgt. Guy.. Take care, November six kilo, out.
I was a spoon with HHC 2/8 when we move from Quan Tri, I’m sure u had some of my chow. I derosed June 69
Hey Foster, I think I served with you . I was injured as grunt in the field and they sent me to the rear to recover and made me a spoon. I remember the mess hall and our sleeping tent. Take Care. I left Nam in March 69.
We had to, how can i contact you?
Please contact me at
You ate my food, i was a spoon HCC 2/8 June 68- June69
Yes I remember the red dirt and dusty roads. The would wet them but soon dried up and was dusty again.
served with blue max 2/20 c company rto call sign blue max 63 kilo 1st at camp evens then quan loi nov 68 august 69 gun ships. remember it like yesterday the red fog and the unbeleivable mud; never realized how famous this lz was and how important lots of war history
I remember that red dirt
I served with company B 121st signal bat, 1st inantryf division. We handled UHF and VHF radio communication from Quan Loi. I developed a system to talk to the MARS station to enable anyone from anywhere to call home from a hand held radio like a PRC25 and even from aircraft flying over our area.. I was the Sargent of the platoon and we worked around the clock allowing 3 minutes for anyone who called in to get a specific time to call home and was only charged the tax on the call. I wondered if anyone remembered using the system. Our call sign was Granite 61 and we were busy with calls 24/7 on our own time. The idea grew to be used all over but we started it there and always wondered if anyone remembered us.
did you know a cook named joe garcia
Hi Dan. I was also with the 121 as a 31M, including other volunteered assignments while in Quan Loi in 1969. Later, I moved to other locations until we went back to the States with our colors. (No Mission Too Difficult, No Sacrifice too Great, Duty First!) BRO. Hear from you soon at moclans@aol Respectfully Ken Neder Retired MSG
I remember pulling duty at one of the bunkers the night of the Aug 1969 ground attack. I was picked as the goofer to get sodas from the club for the rest of the men (I think there was 13 laying on the cots, smoking, joking, reading their letters from home). When I was returning to the bunker, there was a big flash from the bunker, trip wires were set off, and tracers coming from and to the firing line. While I was running to the bunker, there was incoming walking behind me until I reached my station. I was able to see that all the men were still in their relaxed position like statutes when I had left them. All my fallen comrades lay to rest that morning. I assisted in going in pulling out their remains, and to this day I can remember everything to this day.
I remember you guys. You helped me get through to my mom and dad in late 68 or early 69 at Quan Loi in the middle of the night. Thank you so much for what you did!!
I was an RTO with Headquaters and Headquaters 3rd Bde, 1st Cav. I came to Quan Loi in late June 1970 as the Cav was winding down the Cambodian operation. We moved from Quan Loi to Fire Base Nancy in August, then on to Mace and evenutually the Cav returned home, although the 3rd Brigade remained in Saigon for a good while longer. I returned to the States in May of ’71 and ironically was assigned to Company B121st Signal Battalion 1st Infantry in Fort Riley, Kansas. I too was a Sargeant and in late summer the CO assigned me to go to the NCO Academy there, even though I told him it was a waste of time because I was leaving the Army as soon as my 3 years were up. He sent me anyway, I went and graduated, and a few days later I was on a C-5A with the Big Red One on my way to Germany for 30 days of Reforger. Crazy I was given an opportunity for an early out in February of 1972 which I took. I fondly remember those wonderful 3 minute Mars calls to my wife and to my parents. I recall geting a time slot and then I would write my wife and alert her to the time. I was able to utilize it a few times throughout my tour and it brought me and my family much joy. I think we were able to utilize it in Mace also. To be able to to actually hear your love ones voice live was absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much for your efforts and Blessing to you.
I was in Quan Loi with METRO weather balloons next to the French Pool. 1968-69. Looking for pictures of weather station and balloons releases.
HHB 1/5 Arty METRO
Name is Eddie Deglomini, Bronx , NY was a maintenance man from July 1967 to May 1968 1 BN 5 th Arty Metro PHOUC VINH and Quan Loi
I was in Quan Loi with METRO weather balloons next to the French Pool. 1968-69. Looking for pictures of weather station and balloons releases.
Attached to 1/5 Arty.
I used.the MARS station a few times! sgt B. Askew 1/2 1st inf. Div. Dlta co. Like plt. M60 gunner
I was a medic with Delta 1/7 Cav, Nov ’69 to Aug ’70 . From the 1/7 aid station in Quan Loi, where the rear medics, who had done their bush time, told me to forget everything I’d learned at Fort Sam, I was assigned to Delta Co, at the time just in from patrol on LZ Compton. Many patrols, skirmishes, the occasional ambush, the periodic fire fight or rocket or mortar attack later, we CA’d into Cambodia. After forty-six days in the NVA’s back yard, none of them pleasant, we walked back to LZ Ramanda in Phuc Vinh. In August I rotated out, could not deal with the rear, volunteered to burn s*** on LZ Green, which kept me warm during monsoon, as it did our head medic, the college graduate Roy Abbott, before me. Once home, five article 15s, two court-martials, five days in the stockade, loss of all rank and a months pay–but a snappy black and white general discharge thanks to my civilian lawyer—here we are, fifty years later, a proud E-1 Vietnam veteran.
In 1994, I backpacked Southeast Asia, and spent several months traveling in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos. I spent a week at An Loc, where the locals said I was the first foreigner they’d seen in nine months. I hung my old GI hammock in the rubber, and was immediately attacked by a battalion size force of mosquitoes. I found a bombed out hospital, walked the deserted and ruined halls, and spoke with a doctor there who said a woman on a gurney had tried to kill herself with poison. The police questioned me at their jail/hq. Why was I here? What did I want? Did I take photographs? I had to fill out forms in triplicate. I visited Quan Loi, riding on the back of a fiesty Honda Cub—my guide had been ARVN, he survived the re-education camps–which that day was sweltering and flat as a field, all things salvageable long collected to build with or sell as scrap. I took photographs, and spoke with impoverished peasants, one of whom said he worked with the Cav. After a day in Loc Ninh I was thrown out by an enraged police chief. At the time I was unaware of the Eastertide Offensive, which leveled An Loc and Loc Ninh. In hindsight, the police chief was likely an NVA vet. I had many adventures in Vietnam, and was fortunate to meet many good Vietnamese people, but my war stress, when I could not shake it, was not pleasant. I write about my war and postwar experiences on my website, Medic in the Green Time.com.
Hello Marc. Thank you for your comment. I am happy you found our website. I’d be happy to link to your website from here. Please send me an email pn [email protected] and we can set it up.
Mark, I was injured in and on the last day of the Cambodia INCURSION. Medivacked to the Aid Station in Quion Loi. Would you remember and one who was at this station. Please call me 910 465 0683, or email at r_nance@ bellsouth.net
Hi Marc Levy,
I was HHC 1/7 Cav company clerk under CPT Carter and 1ST SGT Geighen (sp) ;moved from PhoucVinh to Quan Loi I think May 1969; DEROS January 1970.
Two fine medics picked me up and treated my wound as a result of a fragging; wish I remembered their names. I think that was early fall of 1969.
Welcome home!!
Steve Canaday
Marc Levy, Doc, thank you for your service caring for our injured. You made a difference brother. Too bad the stateside Army folks didn’t understand the internal injuries you endured. You had (have) a normal reaction to an abnormal situation that is war. I hope that your healing continues. I’ll check out your web site. I served at the Quan Loi field hospital–tent–in C Co. 1st Med. 1st Inf. in Quan Loi in December 67.
I was with the 11th Cav at Quan Loi, Apr thru Sept 1969, Loach crew chief
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
Yes, I was there.
I was a cobra crew chief the same tie you were there. Bill Graham / crackers.
Did any one know my Uncle W.O.Terrance Ledden? Him and Captain Fred Jackson were killed in there Cobra helicopter Sept. 1969.
thank you for everything you did.1st/11th ACR 04/1969 to 04/70.Vietnamization kept me from last battle.Cambodia.Thankful and grateful
I was in Quan Loi in Feb 1968. I was with the 1st Battalion ,26th Infantry in the 1st Infantry Division. We ran convoys up and down the highway to 1st Division headquarters in Dian, did some perimeter guard duty, and ran night patrols on the highway. We moved to Lai Kai later that year. I left Vietnam Nam in September 1969.
I was there during that time period and remember the move also. I was with Delta Battery 1/5th FA. I was assigned to base camp motor pool duty as a deuce and half truck driver. We transported supplies from Saigon PX to Quan-Loi PX.
Did you know a cook named Joe Garcia
I.was with csc 1/26 Inf at Quanloi and the moved to Laikhe I think it wasn’t long after our move Quanloi had that big attack
I was with Alpha (Foggy Day) 1/5th Cav. We moved to Quan loi from Tay Ninh right after I came in country June 6, 1969. We are in the bush most of the time but Quan loi was our rear. Experienced several rocket and mortar attacks while on palace guard a few times when we came in. Our road was directly across from the atc tower. Was there when mortars walked up and down thr airstrip a few times and a few sapper attacks. It seems whenever we rotated out of the field to Quan loi for a days it was always in time for an attack
Best to all of my brothers
Dan. 1st Cav. 69–70. A 1/5
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
I’m Steve Costigan 72. I was stationed at quan loi in 1969 April I left in July to Japan Medivac I was with HHC 2/8th Inf 1st air Cav. Basecamp defense and base camps main radio operator.. I was either on base bunker perimeter guard or on the radio with surrounding support units. I even went AWOL to Saigon for five days in 69. I was always glad to see the cobra gun ship and loch in the mornings
Steve u ate my food, I was a spoon HHC 2/8 1st Cav. Welcome home
Spent many nights on the green line & on LZ Rita 1969
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
I was was at Quan Loi with Troop B, 1st Sqdn, 9th Cav. Air Recon. 1970.
I was at Quan Loi March 70 until we were moved to Bear Cat I think in August or Sept, I was a LOH mechanic worked with Al Bridges and Jim Betz. I was on the flight line when a Cobra fell out of the air while scrambling for a bird down.
I was at Quan Loi March 70 until we were moved to Bear Cat I think in August or Sept, I was a LOH mechanic worked with Al Bridges and Jim Betz. I was on the flight line when a Cobra fell out of the air while scrambling for a bird down. I was with B 1/9 Air Cav
What happened to Thunder V?
I was in C Btry 8/6Arty in 1968. Can’t find anything.
Hi doing well took time came home driving with a axe in back seat
Was at Liz Andy quan look during both ground attacks plus numerous mortar and rocket attacks
Wei was with f bury 16 th arty we were located on the perimeter where enemy sappers came thru but moved our position a fshort time before??
We were on 100% alert and waiting for the nova to come they mortar and rocketed us but did not come at us?
The takeaways were next morning talking to guys who were attacked and the base ready reaction force the engineers suffered a bunch of casualties protecting us as the NVA were in the base looking to kill us !
I saw the personal effects of some of the dead nva soldiers had with them ,there were propgana pieces ,and translation handouts for them to use when they took us as captives!
they had a few family photos in the knapsacks which I left there!
Off I went to check out the killing fields and I saw hundred s of dead twisted many hiding behind Fougas 55gallon barrels of liquified gasoline which they had disabled the igniter,the cobras or snoppy got them .
I took and received about 50 photos which I later had to destroy for mental health !
The area we were in Days previously was devastated with major Americans Kia
The next night they had me and a couple of us guard the ammo dump right behind the breech on top of a dirt berm .
They moved in the 11th armored. Cav to resupport the perimeter like 2 or 3 tanks per destroyed bunkers
story was tanks saw a light and did not realize it was friendly smoker and discharged a round unintentionally Kia Sad
The 6/27 battery artillery guys were subjected to big time fighting
Respect harry
My battery was on LZ Andy, mid 1969. It was great not having to build it. B Btry 1/21
Our 1st Sgt Spore was reassigned to Battalion Hdqtrs in Quon Loi after he left us.
I was CO Company C 1st Medical Battalion with the 1st Infantry Division from Sept. ‘67 to Jul. ‘68. Would appreciate any comment from friends from that era.
Acisclo (Cisco, Mike) MD Thanks,🤪
Hello, I was a medic with C Co. 1st Med in 68. I believe our CO was Anunciado Manncinni. I am shure I slaughtered the spelling of that name. I believe our 1st Lt. was a man named Steen. Does any of this sound familiar>. I was spec. 5 Christenson.
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
Doctor Acisclo Marxuach and Doc Arthur Christenson thank you for your medical service and welcome home brothers! You did such Vitaly important work in Nam. It was terrible, but you saved those lives. Know that you are appreciated! I hope you are healing well. I served for a few weeks only in December 67 with C Co. 1st Med. in Quan Loi before being transferred to B Co. in Lai Khe. Hand salute!
not hearing from anyone from 2nd battalion 18th infantry or quarter cav during 1966.
Stationed Quan Loi base camp Jan 68 till we moved to Lai Khe. 20th Engineer BG, 168th Engineer BN (cbt) C Company.
I was at Quan Loi in the 168 Eng. Bn. from Oct 67 to Oct 68. Spent a lot of time in the bunkers and building tropical huts! Did the welding on the helicopter revetments on the air strip.
I was in Quan-Loi 67/68 168th cbt. To support the 1st Inf. We built and maintained the air strip built the bilits (houchs) the 1st lived in while we lived in tents fought in Loc Nihnin 68 with the 1st. And others BUT we have never been given any credit or even recognition, we worked and fought jost as hard as any of the other units there it saddeneds me so much that we are not recognized.
Think I may know you Ed I worked on those reventments I was there oct.67 oct 68 with Dave Ruble did you gobto Loc Nhin with us durning tet Tim kanaley
I was in Quan Loi with C co 168th Engr from Jan-July on 1968. Myself and five others were transferred to Tay Ninh, Co D 588th Eng Bn. I was with that unit from July to July of 1969.
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
I remember you Tony, you taught me to operate a dump truck
I was also with C co 168th from Jan to July 1968. Many incoming round all night. I was transferred to D Co 588th Engr from July 68 to July 69 at Tay Ninh.
I was in charge of D Co, 701st Maint Bn Contact team at Quan Loi during March 1967. I had moved the team by road from Minh Than at the conclusion of Junction City. A memorable time was working with the Maintenance Manager for the rubber plantation there. We were able to trade resources many times which lead to the betterment of our operations. Got to spend some time in a house with indoor plumbing and the Club house was not too bad either.
I was with D company 701st maint Btn arrived at Quan Loi sept 67, small arms repairman. I derosed late June 68. I took many photos. Photos were on 701mb.com. Wily Rabe C company set up web site, now trying to set it back up. Still have photos from slides on cd.
Hi Mike. I look forward to see those photos. Please send us an email when the website is up again. I would be happy to link to it from the Quan Loi article here. Our email address is [email protected]
I tried to pull it up again, cane back like dangerous site, then went back down. Some of my photos are at Gun & Game Forum, search community, Life in the field Viet Nam.
Your link to pics 701mb.com doesn’t work.
FYI… I was with E company in 67 -69.
I was there as an Air traffic controller ,in the tower. My First shift was the day the C 130 took a rocket in the wing right in fron of the tower. So Close I could feel the heat. To this day I can remeber it vividly. Some of my pictures are posted on youtube,if interested, (jimhigginsquanloivietnan) should get you there. May all of you have found peace and happiness since those days. I am almost there,,,after 50 some years.
Hey Jim when were you there and were you with the 322nd AAD(3 duck duck) your name is familiar? I know 50 years ago.
I was with the 16th infantry 3rd Brigade 1st Infantry Division out of Lai Khe. I served Nov 66 to Nov 67. Our Bn. known as Rue’s Rangers after Lt. Colonel Rufus Lazzell. We were engaged in most of the 1967 large battles except Ong Thanh in Oct 67.
In my time infantry battalions rotated in and out of Quan Loi as ready reaction forces for a week or two. The golf course was used for slicks to pick us up when needed. We manned the perimeter and went out on ambush. I recall the quad 50 which once in while put on a demonstration. For us grunts it was easy duty at Quan Loi . We rested and I can’t recall a hostile incident. Worst of it was the red dust in dry season and red mud in monsoon.
Hi Jonas, I also left a comment for a Sgt Wright but now I dont see it. Also, the runway looks intact. Wonder why they removed the PSP from the runway. They could have used it when they took over(NVA) . Hope to get there before the dirt nap.
Hey. I have approved your comment. You really provided some interesting historical context. I check in between five or six times per day to approve commments so they don’t come up immediately.
About the runway, yeah most metal would have been sold off after the war as the country was very poor then. If you plan to go back, send me an email at [email protected] I will be honored to help with some tips for your travel.
Thanks Jonas. You will be the first I will contact. Great site. Lots of memories some good, some mmmm.
Saw your comment. Thanks for the update. Sounds like things changed a lot after we left.
There was a Cobra from another LZ, Buttons I think it may have been, that was giving fire on our perimeter. He ran low on fuel and out of ammo. Rather than return to his LZ to rearm, he tried to land at Quan Loi. He was hit by an RPG. Call sign BLUE MAX. His story is on line. He’s one of the KIA August 13 1969. I won’t post his name as I don’t feel it’s my place, but I think of him often. He was hit just in front of our compound. Hero to me.
I was with the 27th Maint. Division, B Detachment, 1st Calvary Division in Quan Loi from May 69 until April 70. On August 12, 1969 I was on guard duty on bunker 20 with two other guys from my company. I remember the attack well as they came in through the wire at bunkers 13 and 14. Bedlam ensued for several hours and a number of guys were wounded with some killed. It was a night I still think of vividly. If anyone else was out there that night I would love to hear from you.
I was on an AP 1.5 clicks SE of there that night with the 1st Infantry Division 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry as a forward observer. I remember that night well.
i also was there that evening.i was a radio operator with hhc 2/12th . i dojnt remember the bunker number but it must have been `13 or 14 because they came right over our bunker iwas preparing to leave for home in a few days as were thew other 2 soldiers on our bunker we heard snipping noises and called in for illumination. the bunker next to us by 3 newer in country black soldiers. they called in also. finally an illumination round was delivered, and seemed to be teaming with vc sappers
Yes I was there. Charlie Company 1-8 Ist Cav. It was 1969 .My friend on guard duty was killed.
Hi I was with the first of the eigth Hdq in 1968 -Nov 1969. I have been trying to figure out if I was in Quan Loi. I was known as Big Duke 50. One of my classmates from college (LT Donald Miller )was there also and I met him when he arrived. He says Quan Loi but I thought it was LZ Elrod (Captain Elrod) He asked me to be his executive officer (short on officers) but died the next day before making it formal. do you have Who was you commanding officer?
I was at a lot of LZ’s and I don’t remember all their names.
I was with the second platoon of Charlie Company 1-8 Cav 12Aug69. We walked off Quan Loi the afternoon of the 11th up QL13 about 2 klicks to block the NVA. They went around us and we didn’t fire a shot that night. Sorry for your friend, glad you’re still around. Edward Cannon. [email protected]
my brother John Rocha was there during this time frame. I would like to hear from some of his friends. He didn’t share much and was very quiet about most of his time in Vietnam. He passed back in Oct 2010.
Gregory Rocha
[email protected]
I was there with a Robert Rocha. We started at Camp Evans in October of 1968,Quan Loi in November and finally to Dian a few months later. I have a picture if needed.
My father served here and was looking for any pictures from a fuel dump fire on the night of Nov 17 1968, if anyone has a picture or a link that would have pictures that would be great, he was with the firefighters unit on the base , lz andy, he’s 76 and doing well, thanks for any help
My name is larry dillaber i was on bunker 13 with neil laffond from minasota snd shaw from illinios shaw was killed at approx 11o5 the trip flares started to go off there a line of vc sneaking threw the wire. I engaged them with 16 fire the fighting was real heavy and they let our bunker have it rpgs they blew our bunker to pieces the fighting and we killed many in the wire was a long night of fighting
Larry, I got chicken skin when I read your post about bunker 13. I was the lieutenant in charge of that section of the green line on August 12th. Lee Shaw was walking with me between bunkers when the trip flares went off. He took a hit from an rpg just before we got to your bunker. That night has haunted me for more than 50 years. I wish I could have changed things for Lee Shaw and the nine others who died at the hands of friendly fire one week later. I am glad you made it home safely. Garry
I’ve read your account of the action on 12Aug69 at Quan Loi and comments about your heroic action that night. I was in C 1-8 and did some research for a story for the Eighth Cavalry newsletter. On the afternoon of 11Aug69 we walked off Quan Loi and up QL13 about 2 klicks north to block the NVA attack. They went around us and we watched the entire battle from the ridge line in the rubber trees. The bunker I had been on was overrun and two Cav brothers were killed. On 19Aug a squad from our 1st platoon went down to reinforce the OPs that had taken AK fire and were killed by the flechet round from the Sheridan. We are all haunted by the war but you saved GIs lives that night!
I remember August12, 1969; I was Hq CO clerk of 1st/7th Cav. The sky lite up from the tracer rounds of the helicopter gun ships. I drove the perimeter the next morning and the reality of the Vietnam War became clear. I DEROS out of country 4 January 1970. Long time ago but we never forget.
Steve Canaday
hi my husban was there, he was the 1st of the7th cav . i have some of his letters from there but no names of his buddies he has past a little over a year ago. i would like to know more about his time there
my husband was the 1st /7th cav comp b in 1969 1970
Hi Susan,
I was a medic in Delta 1/7 First Cav in ’70. Over the years, via the internet I’ve made the acquaintance of several guys in Bravo during your husbands time in Vietnam. The website LZ Bravo has hundreds of photographs of B Company throughout the war, and also reunion photos. The site was down this morning but you could try it later today. The URL is LZbravo.org. Or you can view the site on the Internet Archive using the Way Back Machine. Enter lzbravo.org in the search bar. When the calender comes up, under March 6 click on 22.57.43. There are many photos of men from 1970. If you contact me, I’ll put you in touch with the Bravo guys I know, who may have known your husband. Lastly, my website is Medic in the Green Time.com.
Marc ‘Doc’ Levy
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
Where you on Quan loi Oct, 10th. 1969 When it got hit? Steve Hummer 2/12 Cav.
Hi Steve Hummer,
I remember the night of Oct. 10, 1969 very well. I was at Quan Loi May 1969-Jan 1970. I was HHC company clerk 1/7 Cav under CPT Carter and 1ST SGT Greighen.
Welcome Home
Steve Canaday
I was there Feb 69 to Feb 70 and I do remember the ground attacks in May and Aug of 69, I was with 6/27 Arty 175 and 8”. Nice to hear from former QuanLoi warriors.
i was there from 6/69/ 7/70 with 1/9 cav b troop blues ,ialso remember the ground attack in aug 69
I was there with you on the 12/Aug attack . The VC breached the main perimeter bunkers guarding the 175mm and 8” guns. We had one lone secondary bunker at the edge of “A “ batteries compound, and with the help of the remaining main perimeter soldiers, killed all of the VC before they could reach the big guns. As the fight ended, I was more concerned with friendly fire than the enemy, since the main perimeter fire was in A batteries direction.
I was up on the air strip in Air Cav Troop/11th ACR that night. One of our ARPs got shot by one of the NVA that had gotten all that way from the perimeter. I remember it well also.
I was 1/8 1st Cav.dont remember which bunker on tbe 12th but it was right where the bulldozers dug and buried all the NVA killed.I was on again on the 19th when we were hit again
hi Tom,
It’s Frank Hise. I was in B 27th with you. I was hunkered down in the bunker that night. It’s good to hear you’re still around. Venafra from Philly has been the only B Detachment bud i’ve talked to since 1970. Angelo passed on about 10 or more years ago, Agent Orange, I think.
I have been looking for information about the tank from 11th. that killed the 9 dudes on the bunker ! We heard the Lt. was transferred that same day ! I was with 1/8 Cav. , Jun 69 – Jun 70 and happen to be in Quan Loi on Aug. 11 & 12 th.
2nd 7th cav c company 1970 .I really need help with May 1970 story about event in fish hook.trying to get disabled from va
I left a long message with some questions here yesterday. Now I don’t see it anymore. Has it been pulled? Did I do something incorrectly?
Hi Bruce. I replied to you. You should see it here in the comments section.
Hi Jonas, I also left a comment for a Sgt Wright but now I dont see it. Also, the runway looks intact. Wonder why they removed the PSP from the runway. They could have used it when they took over(NVA) . Hope to get there before the dirt nap.
Looking for anyone with 1st Cav 1969 1970
Frank S.
2nd 7th cav c company 1970
HI my husband was the 1st of the 7th cav in quan loi 1969 1970 he pasted jan 4th 2019. i have some of his letters. we are hoping to do the wall this year
hi my husban was there he has since passed but i do have some of his letters from there
1st Cav
Hq Co 1/7 Cav March 69 – Jan 70
HqCo 1/7 Cav March 69- March 70
I’m Manuel Leon I was with 1st Cav/7th during June 1969 to March 70. I was in charge of the supply room (Cif)
Hhq..1/8th. 1st.Cav. June69-June70. I happen to be in Quan Loi that night before going to the L.Z.. A Lt. from the 11 cav. ordered his men to fire their tank over a bunker with men of the 1st.Cav on it and killed them !! His men told him firing a round would kill the men on the bunker but the 2nd. Lt. ordered them to fire !!Heard the LT. was transferred that morning!! Can’t remember the Kia , 100 ? Used to go by “Big Duke 28A. Relay or Big Duke 6A.
Great site. Thank you for all. In 1968 and ’69 I was a military journalist ,print and radio, with the 1st Cav. And in early December ’68, although I was assigned to the 15th Admin Company, headquartered in Phouc Vinh at the time I had a press pass and traveled freely with in our area of operations. During that period — the first 2 weeks of December– I was quartering with the second Brigade and I had thought quite surely it was at Quon Loi. But this article says the Cav didn’t take it over until 1969. So am I wrong? And if so where WAS the 2nd and 3rd Brigade Hqs (they were together) at that time? I hope to go back late this year or early next and I would like to visit.
(Also want to go to Tay Ninh and Hue. Spent some time in both of those AOs
Hi Bruce. Thank you for your comment. I base the historical facts in the articles on what I can find on the internet if I don’t have direct sources, which I have in many cases, not for this particular info though. I try to cross reference through at least three sources to make sure I am correct. It might be that they came there earlier though, or at least just parts of the Cavalry. For your journey back, send me an email on [email protected] if you want some pointers on how to plan your trip. I will be happy to help.You can cover III Corps in two days with a driver, then Hue in a couple of days depending on what you want to see there. Stay in touch.
Hello Bruce, I was a radio teletype operator 13th Sig Bn 1st Cav. The Cav moved South in Oct 68.I was stationed at Quan Loi Oct 68 until September 69. I remember the May 12, June 6, and August 12-13 battles frequently in my nights. Arthur Wood
I was in the 1st Infantry attached at times to 1/16 from August ‘69 to January ‘70. Based out of Lai Khe. I remember attempting to land at Quan Loi sometime in the Fall of ‘69, but it was under ground assault and our slick circled a number of times before abandoning any further attempts. I seem to remember a full sized gas tanker truck going up in an explosion which was quite spectacular from 1500’.
Jim that was probably September 7-10, 1969. Quan Loi was under attack all three days. I was radio teletype operator at Qaun Loi from Oct 69 to Sept 69, 13th Signal Bn, 1st Cav Div
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
Bruce, I was sent from Tay Ninh to Quan Loi to take over for our battalion. My self my assistant and 1 medic. We arrived about noon on Oct. 8th.1969. To the north end of the LZ. It was a tent city, rotting canvas tents over 2×4’s with ten nailed over canvas . 55gal.dirtfilled agent orange barrels stacked two high around them .I spent the first night in my jeep seat . On the next morning Oct 9th. I sent my assistant on the first flight out to Tay Ninh ,to bring the rest of out equipment and mule over. About 11: a.m. a twin engine civilian plane landed and the large chain link gated to the French compound opened and a large black car approached the plane, several Women and and young children got in the plane and it flew off. That evening about 8:p.m. I started seeing twinkling flickering lights comming up and across the ridge to the north and east of the kill zone . At about 9: p.m. I herd a a bugle blow ,and 40 guys ran out of the tree line, across the kill zone with wooden ladders. They through there ladders up on the wire, two men to a ladder . About 8 feet apart ,I herd a whistle blow 3 time . Then a horrific explosion, no ladders no men and no wire. That’s when the motors, RPG’s and small arms and machine gun fire started. The next this saw was the hoard of men running to and past the bunkers . The Green line bunker where not manned. I fought from About 9:30 till about a little after 3;A.M. It came down to using a entrenching tool. NO one from the LZ ever came to debrief or take statements . They screwed up and cover it up. I know where the 243 bodies where buried. I left Oct. 12th. 1969.
Hi Bruce , I was with A-co. 2nd /12 cav. our Battalion rear had been in Tay Ninh most of 68 and 69. I was sent to establish a presence in Quan Loi on Oct .8th. 1969. I just left a detailed reply fore you , further down in this blog. Sgt. S.C, Hummer.
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi.
I was with 1st./8th. 1 Cav. In the beginning of June 1969 and our rear was in Quan Loi until 1970 the rear moved to Buttons (Song Be).
I serve a 12 month tour ai An Khe SVN
I was on a second tour with the 1st CAV 2/8 infantry Near the city of Quan Loi. I was the radio operator and pulled a lot of perimeter guardFrom April to July in 1969. I was medivaced to Japan in later to Fitzimmons Colorado wear I live today.
By chance did you know Charles Stultz who was KIA 12 May 1969?
My unit co A 1/2 infrantry was sent there some time in October 67 what I remember mostly was the red clay on everyone boots only spent a week there . After that got accepted in the LLRPs in lai khe left Vietnam June 68. 1 infrantry div
Dennis I was 1/2 alpha co 2nd platoon medic when we moved to Quan Loi from Phouc Vinh platoon leader Lieut Lulla KIA later on ..
I arrived in country in Aug 67 and was assigned to HQ & Co A, 701st Maint Bn, 1st Inf Div in Dian. In Jul of 1968 I was transferred to Phouc Vinh with Co D, 701st. I was a Wheel and Track Mechanic and drove the 5 Ton Tractor Trailer. In Nov 68, I was assigned to the Maintenance Contact Team and went to help establish the Brigade Base Camp at Quan Loi as a Wheel Mechanic. One of the memories I have is one night working on the fork lift at the air strip that had broke down. Another is having Thanksgiving Dinner at the tent at the end of the airstrip. As mentioned in an earlier Reply, I also remember when the rubber workers left, it was going to be an anxious night. When the Company finally moved up to Quan Loi and set up, I again started driving the Company 5 Ton Tractor Trailer parts and supply truck from Quan Loi to Dian. Remember going through the rubber trees and past the Mountain Yards’ (?) Village. Remember the TET rocket attack and the rocket attack the night they chased me out of country in Apr68. Often wondered what happened to the Base Camp when the Army left. What a great site you have created.
Co. B44/36th Signal was there. The tower was ours. Quan Loi Queen was hit in front of our area.
We shared mess tent with 11th armored. Good memories….mostly. Aug. 12, 69 made it real.
Still Miss you guys.
Steve, I got there during the Cambodian incursion in May of 70 and the tower and GCA were run by the 3 duck duck (322 ADD) of the 165th combat aviation. left in July and went to I corp. Place was a madhouse of helo detachments moving into Cambodia. Flights of 25-45 were not uncommon. It was the largest airlift since the Berlin airlift. Turned 21 while there and the 11th ACR on the greenline gave me lots of tracer fire to celebrate. 11thACR also had the best radio station in country.
“Mad minute” nightly at various times. Sight not forgotten.
Thanks for the update.
I was there at the same time Stephen. 327th signal company. Had equipment at the base of the tall tower at edge runway. Near Cobras Remember seeing the sky full of helos during Cambodian incursion.
Hello Steve
I was part of the Quan loi dirty thirty that set up that site. Co B44/36 signal I believe Aug 67. I was a COMM center specialist. I have been lookin for anybody that was there Aug 67 to May 68. The 36th sig battalion arrived in November of 66. troop movement came by boat USSN Giger WWII troop carrier. If you have seen other postings in that time frame could please let me know. Now living in New Hampshire.
I have had no luck finding anyone from 36th that was there in 69-70. It’s like we never existed. I see A44 36TH, but nothing about B44. Sometimes I think I dreamed it. I remember Aug 12th attack. C130 Quan Loi Queen taking a rocket etc. BBQs with 11th Armored. I have a picture of their cook. It”s weird.
To all who served in vietnam
Thank You
We had a Stand down in 1970 not long after coming out of Cambodia (2nd Squadron 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. On our 3rd day in we (accidently) blew up our ammo dump where we unloaded all our ACAV’, M-48’s and Sheridans. They kicked us out and we had to set up outside the perimeter and finish our repairs before heading back out in the field. Casualties were the 1st Infantry mess hall and church!
I agree. Hard to believe Aug. 12, 1969 was 50 years ago. Felt I was the only one thinking about it. W19 on the wall.
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi
I can still smell the poncho liners. So many memories, just….well you know. I arrived in Sept. 20. Repairman. Minniguns. Gernade launchers. I left too work at the re-arm point. Learned to op. 12 k forklift. My friend “Specks” and I worked the nightshift during Cambodia that we went in. Had the opportunity to op. the forklift, got to know to area pretty well. I have so much more, better leave some room for…. what are we. Thank You. Enjoyed. Later.
Thinking of Quan Loi today and the 12 August 69 attack… hard to believe it was fifty years ago.
God Bless all who were there.
Thank you for your comment Jim. I am glad you made it out.
I was sent to Quan Loi in October 1969 I arrive seated in my jeep in the belly of a C7A old caribou, towing a loaded trailer. I was to establish a presence in the far north east corner of the LZ. My jeep driver and I arrived to find the entire battalion area deserted. The accommodations were sparse and old , there were platoon size tents stretched over 2×4 s that had tin nailed to them as a roof, the out sides were surrounded by agent orange 55 gallon drums filled with dirt and stacked two high .They wreaked of mold and rot. the air strip ran in front of the tents . and there was a large open area gently sloping down to the perimeter bunkers, then a small dirt road in front of them then the perimeter wire .long story short , the second night there we got hit and over run. The green line bunkers were unmanned,and we did not know.Until about 21:00 hours.By 03:30 I ran out of ammo.
Very Good! I was at Quan Loi January thru April of 1968 with the First Infantry Division Graves Registration Team. Difficult but necessary duty in a combat zone.
I have been back to NAM three times on battle field tours. In 1997 with the Society of The 1ID when nine old veterans traveled up to Quan Loi. My second trip alone in 2001 when I rented a motorcycle to head up Rt. 13 for a day at Quan Loi. Then in 2011 up Rt.13 again with my Son when we rented a car and driver for a day trip.
In 2016 and 2018 I’ve attended the 6/27th Arty Reunions where their focus is on Quan Loi. A good group of “Old Soldiers”.
Jack, thank you for your comment and encouraging words. I hop you have enjoyed your visits to Vietnam. Quite a different place today compared to fifty years ago. Stay in touch with us here are namwartravel.com and please let us know if you have any questions about the site today.
I was there with 1S&T I was SSG Dore 68-69
I was with you assigned to the 1S&T at Quan Loi. We were together at Loch Ninh. We set up a 50 gpm pump and fuel bladders for a fueling station for gunships. I recall you received a Bronze Star.
Great idea and nicely executed. I have had a website centered on Quan Loi and the 6/27th Artillery since 2002. http://www.quanloi.org. The 6/27th Arty was there from Jan 67 to June 70. If you have not done so already I hope you will visit. There are over 15,000 photos, stories, maps etc.
I would b very interested if you guys get a chance to go back to Quan Loi and are able to check out what remains of the French swimming pool a, tennis courts and club house at QL. That area holds special memories for everyone who served at QL and had a chance to visit that special area and to swim in the pool.
Thanks so much for your time and efforts with your website!
Best Regards!
John. Thank you for your comment and visiting pur website. I know your website very well, I have looked at it a lot while doing research for my visit to the base.
My colleague who is based in Vietnam will probably get back to the base within a couple of months. We talked about it recently. The pool and the plantation house are gone but it seems there are some concrete remnants where the pool was. I can send you an email and we can stay in touch. I am happy to share any material i have with you.
John, I recall reading many years ago that the NVA placed an anti aircraft weapon in the drained pool for protection. So that was a primary target for ARVN artillery and aircraft as the battle continued and the pool was blown to smithereens. Their idea to protect the crew and weapon failed.
Have a good day in covid 19 Lockdown Land
Jack Curry 1ID Graves Registration 67-68
I remember Frenchies Pool. It was nasty with green slime, but I jumped in anyway because it was wet!
John Wavra thank you for your military service and in recording these memories. Welcome home brother. I am glad that you made it back. Are you from Omaha?
I served Dec.67 to Dec 68 in Quan Loi for a few weeks, then the rest in B Co. 1st Med. in Lai Khe. Hand Salute!
I was at quan loi at the end, April 1972. Non American ” Green Beret” teams were running recon into Cambodia. I was the last Special Forces medic there . Then the Easter offensive by the nva.
Great info. Thank you Michael.
anyone serve there with the 2nd battalion 18th infantry first infantry division in june of 1966 during operation el paso 11 along with the 4th cav. my cousin
harry tracey richardson jr was kia june 26th 1966 night ambush in rubber plantation.
yes 66 and68 lighthorse charlie and bravo sp 5 hughes 22 months total.my 1st night there in 66 a large snake crossed over me.
I was at quan loi 67/68 i ran the ammo dump there .the pool that was there got blown up with 32vc in it while I was there 8”” guns 4of them In 67 I’ll never for get the red dirt i slept on and never had a hot meal to this day I can’t sleep at night still see it when I dream a lot of in coming rocket all the time
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi
Will Bailey says:
I began and ended my tour at Quan Loi, probably spending about half my tour there. I was an S-3 Operations radio operator in the TOC for 1st Infantry, 1st Brigade. We were the mobile brigade, so we were in and out of Quan Loi during my year there. Flying in the initial impression was of a lunar landscape of artillery crater holes in red laterite soil. Quan Loi was 6 inches of mud or 6 inches of dust, depending on the time of year. We lived in tents among the rubber trees of the still-working plantation. Whenever the rubber workers left early we knew it would be a long night. Can’t exactly say the memories are great ones, but certainly Quan Loi will always hold a special significance that does not fade over time.
Got to QL in May 1971 as an Air Liaison Officer to MACVSOG. We had between 6 and 10 USAF Forward Air Controllers (FAC)s flying 0-2s and a smaller contingent group of Army pilots flying 0-1s out of Bien Hoa. We rotated our pilots, airplanes and some maintenance people in and out of Quan Loi to meet the SOG mission requirements and launched our missions from there. SOG had a small compound north of the runway which we shared with the Army component of SOG. Got to know the Frenchman who owned the rubber tree plantation and spend time at his house and pool with everyone. We closed most of SOG’s combat missions from QL by Nov ’71 and I went back to SOG HQ in Siagon but occasionally flew pre-planned missions out of QL as part of SOG’s Joint Personnel Recovery Command (JPRC). DEROSed home at end of Dec. ’71 always thinking I’d like to go back someday, but haven’t. Now I’m too old to make the trip. Thank you to all that served at this FOL with the red dirt and a thousand rubber trees.
Thank you Frank. You really give some more context and insight to this article and Quan Loi. Thank you for sharing that. I didn’t know they were operating SOG out of Quan Loi so late in the war.
Leonard Mushrush 11th ACR: Just returned from Quan Loi Feb 2019. Walking the runway,you are VERY visible with the entrance to their army base. An Loc Hotel & Spa is where I stayed the few days I was there. Tell the local taxi driver ,you want to go to Waterfall #4. As you pass by the army base on the right , the road you’ve been noticing on the left is the air strip. pull off down farther and have a look see. NOTE : It is a restricted area . Do not take pictures of the army base .
Thanks Leonard, I hope you enjoyed your visit there. I found it to be a very interesting visit with the runway in such a good condition. Apparently there are some remnants of the French pool and house there. Maybe I can find it on my next visit.
I can help you see the airport there, if you go back vietnam
Hello Dung, thank you for your comment. As you can see in the pictures we went around the old runway during our visit as well as some of the old base roads. I hope to dig a bit deeper next time to find the remains of the old pool and plantation building. I suspect there might be at least some remains there.
I spent a lot of time at Quan Loi during 1969 and 1970. When I got in Vietnam the 11th Cavalry had jus closed down there base camp at Xuan Loc and moved to Quan Loi. When I finished Newby school upon arriving VN we boarded a Caribou aircraft and flew to QL. We worked in and out of that area a lot. We worked up and down QL13 a lot. The thunder bases were between QL and Lai Khe. I spent Christmas Eve at QL and New Years Eve 69 at An Loc. I have several pictures of both in my book I wrote. I drove a Sheridan tank and hit four landmines in three and a half months, last mine 1KIA, 3 WIA,whole story and more in the book. Thanks for what you are doing.
My Uncle was there in August of 1969 and him and Capt Fred Jackson were killed on Sept 6 flying a Cobra Helicopter,
Hello Chuck, March 69 I was with the 2nd Field Force 6th Bn 15th Arty, at Thunder 4 a 105’s Battery, we moved in may or June not sure to Quan Loi for couple weeks before we were sent to other LZ’s . Xuan Loc, to Bear Cat and then Home. Received a lot of incoming fire at Quan Loi. and yes the Red Dirt.
After moving from Thunder 4 in Am Loc. We went to Quan Loi for a few days until we were air lifted to LZ White. I was walking from the Latrine we we begin incoming rockets and mortar fire. I was near the open to the bunker where FDC was located. There a squad or Platoon right outside of the perimeter requesting air support. Apparently when the Cobras arrive the wrong grid and quadrant were given. The RTO with Platoon said stop shooting because shooting their own men. I was told by FDC to leave the bunker because they want me to hear anything else from the RTO. I left and the incoming rounds continue to land inside the compound. The next day we were lifted out to LZ. Another hell hole location. May or June 1969
Did you know David Martin Peterson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry, killed in action may 9th 1969 near Quan Loi
I spent a good deal of time attached to the 11 ACR as an MP working with the convoys from the south.
Was with 2/19th Arty, 1st Cav 69~70. Came out of Cambodia 1970 and stayed at Quan Loi for a few months. Remember that red clay/dirt very well.
Would like to visit Vietnam again, looks like things have really improved since my time there. How are returning Vets treated?
Thanks for your great website.
Hi Bob. Thank you for your nice comment. If you are thinking of going back, let us know through the email address you can find on the “About Us” page. We will be very happy to help you out with some tips on logistics, how to get around, where you can and can not go etc. We have helped a few of your brothers on their trips. No charge of course.
About returning veterans, well the ones we have spoken to have all been treated well. Vietnam is a very friendly country overall. It is also very safe to travel around. The only thing one has to be careful with is UXO in some places but as long as you stick to the trails and roads you are normally fine. Food and hotels are very affordable and so is transportation. Renting a car with a driver for a full day is a great way to get around to the old bases and if you were mostly stationed in III Corps you can use Saigon as a base and take day trips.
Get in touch and we’ll do what we can to help you.
I served with the 11 ACR at Quan Loi (’68-’69). I returned to Vietnam in 1998 as a missionary. Though I did not broadcast that I was a missionary, I was very welcomed. Though here were some rough moments for me in the War Crimes Museum in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and the Ho Chi Minh Museum in Hanoi, it was a significant time in my life.