Phuoc Vinh Base Camp

2023 update, the runway has now more or less been taken over by the PAVN so it will be very difficult to get out on it, however the rest of the old base area is still accessible. Being one of the earlier bases, established already in 1965, Phuoc Vinh Base Camp was an integral part of the build up of U.S. military presence in Vietnam. Phuoc Vinh Base Camp, also called Camp Gorvad, was to be one of the more important bases covering War Zone D. The base was located along the main road between Saigon and Dong Xoai about 70 kilometers north east of Saigon.

Special Forces camp at Phuoc Vinh Base Camp

Initially it was a base for the 1st Infantry Division and later in November 1968 the 1st Cavalry Division moved in and had its rear here as well as up in Quan Loi. As we understand, the Division Headquarters was located here in Phuoc Vinh, The Cavalry stayed until 1971. The location meant this large installation was isolated in a very hostile area with no larger bases in its immediate vicinity. Convoys used to come up from Bien Hoa with supplies, meaning they had to cross the Song Be river and the old blown up bridge. The Song Be Bridge itself is an interesting destination which has its own page here on the website. 

Base area at Phuoc Vinh Base Camp

Convoys would also continue north to Dong Xoai and further up to Quan Loi. Visiting the site isn’t entirely easy as the People’s Army has a large base there. We weren’t really aware of the presence at our visit as we drove straight in to the runway from the eastern end where the Special Forces camp used to be located. That area is now a shooting range for the People’s Army. Besides of the runway, there really isn’t much left of the old camp that we could discover. The only building of significance we could find is a church like building that is clearly visible in old pictures of the camp, it was white then. Now it is painted in a yellow cream color that seems to be popular on many Vietnamese government buildings.

Phuoc Vinh building inside the old camp area

We decided to drive around the camp to enter from the south on the main road from town. There we asked someone who seemed to have authority if we could drive the runway and it seemed to be O.K. We rode along the runway that stretches more than 1000 meters. Although there were no signs saying this was a restricted area, we felt we weren’t welcome on the runway so we made this only a short drive.

At the south side of the runway is also a cemetery where soldiers from the PAVN and possibly VC are buried. We had no time to go in this time but will make sure to pay a visit next time we drive by. Our position on this website is to show our respect for both sides. The cemetery is located on the site of where the base camp itself was. In the video above we are driving around the former camp area. There are mostly Army and other Government installations there now.

Base area at Phuoc Vinh Base Camp

Due to the potential difficulties of visiting this place, we don’t recommend to have Phuoc Vinh Base Camp as the primary destination for a trip in the area. Instead we would recommend it as a secondary site for those who are visiting other places in the area. But as we got there, we were very pleased to see the runway and the surrounding areas and we will go back with the ambition of spending more time on the untouched scrub area adjacent to the runway as we believe there will be remains of the old camp there.



How to get there

Access by road from either Bien Hoa or Thu Dau Mot in the south or from Dong Xoai in the north along the DT741 main road. The road is in good condition and it is a couple of hours drive from Saigon.

Decimal coordinates: 11.298056, 106.795278


Back to III Corps>>>

430 thoughts on “Phuoc Vinh Base Camp”

  1. I was in Guan Loi later part of 1966 and half of 67 from there is sent Phuoc Vinh until September. I was in the Big Red One we were a maintenance unit we repaired everything from jeeps to tanks. In Quan Loi we were a small contact team, one lieutenant one Sargent and four or five repair personnel. We lived in tents along the runway we had a close one day when a helicopter crashed next to us.

    1. I was there Quan Loi company D 701st Maint Btn Small Arms repairman.I was contact team when company convoyep up from Phouc Vinh. I derosed 27 June 68.

    2. We established the camp in October, 1965. Was in the First Medical Battalion. I was only there until April, 1966

  2. I served in 1st CAV, HHC, 11 AV GP, Phuoc Vinh, July 69-July 70. I was Asst S-4, setting up forward refuel points and making sure we had armaments for 227th, 228th& 229th helicopter battalions.
    We assisted in Cambodia spearhead in spring of 70.
    Col.Sochek (sp) was CO when I arrived and Col Johnson when I left. I think Casey was CG.
    We were located on East side of airstrip about a mile across airstrip from Div HQ.
    Love to hear from anyone in 11th AV GP during that time.

    1. I suspect you arranged a lot of blivets. I entered country about two months ahead of you. Also in HHC 11th Avn Gp. I was in commo, and got around to where we had relays on occasion. I DEROSED a few days before the move into never never land (what our radar guys called Cambodia). I’ve lost track of most of the guys I served with, but do recall a few names. Roberts was CG when I was there. Were you a black hat? Welcome Home. Mel

  3. I am looking for 1/26 Blue Spaders that served in 66-67, bonus if you were B company. My grandfather was John T Sampson. He passed of cancer in 2023. I am trying to put together his photos and videos from Vietnam and would love some assistance from someone who could give me insight. [email protected]

    1. nice request as I’m almost done with my dad’s album. many pics of ’67-’68 and second tour so my pics may not interest you but the research and available info I’ve been finding is simply fascinating. with keyword searches in many of the interviews and articles looking just your company is fun as I enjoy reading much of it. select keywords a layer away… as in ’66-’67 lol oops I did it again lol but these is a cool site as others too of that nature. once you start as I see several FB and such, you will find some things. ‘Sampson’ alone is a good keyword search as not so popular I assume. but get with me and i’ll dig some too 🙂

    2. I was at Phuoc Vin from August of 1979 to mid 1971 when I got sent north. I was with the 1st Cav Bravo 2/20th ARA BLUE MAX. We were set up at the end of the runway. E-82 was next to us and 1st of the 9th to the north.
      I was the head AH1G cobra armament / electronics person for BRAVO CO.
      I spent a short time then with the 101st then with the 1st aviation before going home after 24 months straight in county.

      1. Interesting. I was there in late ’69 as an advisor to the ARVN Airborne before being assigned to an ARVN Airborne platoon on the Cambodia border. We wove in an out of Cambodia before my battalion was the 1st across the border in the 1970 Cambodian invasion. I lost my RTO from a shot through the neck by a Cobra gunship who apparently missed instructions on where to place fire. In triple canopy jungle, red smoke sometimes drifted back towards our position. We usually adjusted for that successfully. Not this time. Sad, even nearly 55 years later.

    3. I was with 1st Cav HHQ Forward at Phuoc Vinh for a couple months tdy Dec ‘70-Feb’71. Duties included creating and couriering the division’s Vietnam withdrawal plans to MACV HQ.

    1. I was in HHC, 8th Engr. S-2 November to Dec. 21, 1968, my last month of deployment. We came down from Camp Evans, convoyed to Da Nang, sea transport to Saigon and convoyed to Phouc Vihn. I spent my last few days doing airfield inspections in the area hopping flights on choppers and transports. Had one little trip out to Khe Sahn for the relief. Welcome Home!

  4. From Nov 1966 to Nov 67, I was assigned to HHB 1st/ 5th Arty, 1st Inf Div at Phouc Vinh. I was 05B 05C Radio/ Radio Teletype. Although PV was base, I was mostly in field in war zone D (or C?) and Golden Triangle Ong Bong Jungle? Came home Thanksgiving time 1967 (much to be thankful for.) Remember a rubber plantation with big underground complex which we participated in holding from VC. but when we left they cam back and we had to go out there again and stay for 60+ days. I believe Dec 67 was when we were to Bug Out and move our basecamp into this operations area so I think 1 / 5th Cav could move into ours. If anyone knows where the 1/5 Arty set up base after that I would appreciate knowing. Like most of you not the best of times for me since I had a new wife at home. Agent orange was not very kind, but I’m still above ground and married now almost 58 years, which many of my brethren did not have that opportunity. Kind of tried to forget my stay as guest of Uncle Sam for many years, but now i’m winding down, I have been trying to look into more details. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. I was there in 68/69 setting up for 1st Cav…I was also 05B & we were right off the runway…we were messed up from flights daily …31st/168 combat Eng.

    1. I was there from 69 thou 70 I was in the 31st enginners b company my name is Wayne mitchell

    1. I was in Phouc Vinh 1-1966 to 2-67. 1-1-26h Infantry Blue Spader. I was in HHC support platoon some of us were attached to the line companies whenever they were in the field to hand out ammo, water etc. I remember Pete Albright B co. KIA 1966 and Robert Thomas C co. KIA 1966 they were friends! I remember some of the guys from support platoon Bill Whitbey, Bobby Cockrill, Dampier. Peiro. Stonebraker. Roberts. Pervy, I have problems with Agent Orange exposer I had prostate cancer and now have soft tissue sarcoma on my left leg. I’m going to Northwestern hospital to see what they want to do about it! I did not know until a month ago checking the internet that Phouc Vinh was ground zero for Agent Orange exposer 1966-1969 ! I guess I know why I have problems! I also have cardiac issues! You know of anyone who was there and the have issues with Agent Orange exposer? Nice talking to you!

      1. Was in Phouc Vinh Echo Battery 82 I Left Dec 1 1969. I have Basel Cell skin cancer. The worst was my right face cheek three spots stage four. I was using Efudex-40. It wasn’t strong enough. It was heading up to my right ear. I’am from Johnstown,Pa I had iy cut out and a skin graft from my left under arm in 2017. They were pushing cemo. I took the knife. Had my fore head done in 2022. A half dollar x 1/4 in piece taken out. This was Conemaugh hospital. By back looks like a dart board. I renewed my 2003 claim, I go for an exan on the 17 th close to the Va hospital. For the % of dissability. I’am 75. 76 in May. The plastic surgion says u don’tget that stuff on a golf course. He is the only on my side. I sent my pics in for my claim. Your not alone. Hope your doing better. Frank Pomp

      2. I was with HHC 1st Cav G 4 headquarters June ‘69 – Sept 1970. My duty was to report daily the entire air mobile aircraft in 1st Cav Div. I flew every month to the company’s under the 1st team banner. I was exposed to Agent Orange over the 14 months I was stationed in Camp Corvad. My small bowl was removed because of that horrible shit.
        Brothers can contact me at [email protected]
        SP/4 Dave Vickers

    2. I was there 1-1966 to 2-1967 HHC support platoon 1-1-26 Blue Spader. Only remember few guys Bill Whitby, Perro, Dampier, Bob Cockrill, Stonebreaker, Roberts, Rolloff and Pervie. I also remember Pete Albright B comp KIA 1966 and Robert Thomas C comp KIA 1966. I’ve had Prostate cancer and also have Soft Tissue Sarcoma left leg was cancer, had surgery in March and just finished 6 weeks of radiation. Thank you Agent Orange.

      1. I was there most of 1970 in a commo bunker on the perimeter. I was with a signal battalion based in Plantation Post, we supported cav’s commo. As I recall we called it Rocket city

  5. I was there with company D/2/7th Cav. Got there in 68. We lost most of our company on Dec 3rd 68. It was always a treat to get back to base camp. Much better than Camp Evans.

  6. I am James Richard Thomas. I served with HQ & HQ 6/27 Artillery attached to the “Big Red One” from May 10 until May 20, ia66-67. I was BN Parts Specialist , part time ground pounder, and served as part of the monthly convoys between base camp and ammo dump at Long Binh near Saigon. Anyone in my outfit still around ?? I would love to hear from you. SP/4 James R. Thomas 66-67

    1. My father was the battalion commander of 6/27th Arty from 65-66, then I was at Phuoc Vinh with C 2/319th Arty 101st from 67-68.

  7. Just found this site. Served with C Company, 228th ASHB and later with HHC as an assistant Ops Officer. Would love to hear from anyone who served at the same time, Dec 1968 to Dec 1969. Thom Carr, [email protected]

    1. I was a crew chief on CH47s. I was with C company, 228 ASHB, 1st Cavalry Division. I was there from August 1969 until April 1971. I extended my tour to secure an early out when I arrived back in CONUS. Thought I was not affected by the whole adventure. Went back to perusing my pre service ambitions, got married, settled down and moved on. 5 years later and out of the blue bad dreams started. Always the same thing – sent back to Viet Nam and couldn’t get back home. Diagnosed with PTSD, I lucked out and got some help from some very talented folks who helped me work through the difficult times. It was not a disabling case and only a few people ever knew what I was dealing with. I’m retired now, I enjoyed a beneficial rewarding career but will never forget my time spent with the First Team in Viet Nam. Hope all you First Teamers are safe and well. Hod bless you all.

      1. I was in C company, 228 ASHB, 1st AIR CAV, from June 1969 until June 1970. I wish I could have keep in touch with all my friends that I left behind. I have always wondered if they made it back home.
        Martin Stults
        Fischer Texas

    2. Was in Phouc Vinh about same time. 191 MID attached to 1st Cav. Draftee. Did order of battle on two NVA divisions, occasionally briefed generals on my area and made predictions for future NVA activitiy. Quan loi, and numerous LZs on my list
      Interrogated wounded POWs in and around the hospitals.
      Was proud to be a draftee and discharged upon return to a whole different world than I left.
      After an amount of cool down I returned to law school and had to start over because of the absence. I enjoyed telling, as a judge, criminal defendants that that the reason I was so smart was because I went to law school twice!
      Member of state bars of OK and AK retired.
      Bill Brown and Dave Evans, hello to you..

  8. I was at Phouc Vinh (HHC, 1st Cav) from Jan to Dec 1970. I was an Air Tower Controller, except for 3m when I was TDY with the 11th Pathfinder Plt, Tay Ninh and working a number of LZs during the Cambodian Offensive. Love to hear from any ATC AOR Pathfinders!
    The rocket/mortar attacks were incessant, but being on Gorvad was much safer then performing as a pathfinder!
    SPC5 Dave (Moon) Mullins

  9. Dec. 66-67. Artillery survey crew “BigRedOne” Anyone recall being there with me ? I think we were some of the first units arriving at Phouc Vinh

    1. Hi I’m doing some research on my grandpa who was stationed here. I happened to notice your comment. He was part of the big red one. He was wounded by a landmine that went off by the song be bridge I believe on February 17th of 66 or 67. His name is Robert Davis. His best friend Sheridan “pee wee” Watkins was killed in this incident. My grandpa retired from the army after a 28 year career. He became an military policeman after this. He now currently resides in Germany.

    2. I got to Phuoc Vinh about October 66. First Brigade , First ID , First MI Detachment,. The First Brigade was well established there by then.

    1. I was there 16 months with the 6th Battalion 27th Artillery , May 66 to September 67 as i remember the 1 st Brigade Big Red 1 had a very young general in command can’t remember his name but I knew him pretty well

  10. Was assigned to Co A, 15th TC (1st Air Cav aircraft maintenance)as a crew chief stationed at Phu Loi. Got to Phuoc Vinh many times with parts for aircraft of the 227th and 1/9 Troop. Saw many aircraft that had gone down that were slung into our facility at Phu Loi.
    Anyone remember us?

    1. My father was with E Company 701st maintenance battalion at Phu Lou which I believe was part of the Big Rd One. His name was Robert “Bob” Bittinger. I believe he was there 1969 -1970.

    2. I was a crew chief with 15th Med, 1st Cav and went to Phu Loi many times to pick up parts. Also had a ship shot out from under me near Tay ninh that ended up back at Phu Loi. Don’t know if it was rebuilt or scrapped as I go a brand new ship. Phu Loi seemed like another world to those of us that stayed up at QUan Loi most of the time…

  11. I was first at Phouc Vinh with B 3/187 march -Nov 1968. We spent very little time there and spent many months operating OP Con to the 25th Inf Div out of ChuChi. First trip to the field is we humped out to the Bridge over Song Be River following the highway. They had recently knocked down all the rubber trees so we spent the whole crawling over and under knocked down trees. hell of a first trip for new guys with a rucksack. Exhaustion doesn’t begin to describe how we felt. When I went back for 2nd tour June70-April 71 ended up back at Phouc Vinh with E 1/7 1st Air Cav. What a difference, base had been expanded, highway was paved, Hooches were built all along the the side of the highway with RVN Flags flown from each, there was a new modern bridge over the Song Be the old one still stood further upriver. First trip to Bien Hoa I traveled in a toyota car with a PA&E contractor. I was just awe struck at the difference.

    1. I was in B 3/187- 67- 68 got there Dec 67 stayed for accouple months pulled patrols , ambushes and bridge watch on the song be several times . Then we moved up north was wounded march 12th 68 and sept 68 ended moved up to central high lands Ashaw valley , doc to- doc tec extend 6 month with LRRP team. then back to states with 82nd Fort Bragg . live in New York Now.

    2. Did you know David Swope, he was a platoon leader in B 3/187? I was with 2/319th, when they started breaking up the original group from Ft Campbell, David and I went to the Mekong Delta as part of a small MACV team.

  12. We are looking for anyone that may have known our father Russell “Buddy” Ortman, he served in 68-69 in the area of Phuoc Vin. He was in the Big Red 1. He had a friend named George Brickner, who I believe was from Pennsylvania.
    We would like to find pictures and any and all information we could find. Please email me at [email protected]. Our father passed away on October 25 of 2022. Thank you for your service!

  13. Hello, first want to thank All for your service. Second, looking to see if anyone Knew my Father Pvt Nicholas L Guerrero. From little notes he left behind he was in Phouc Vinh Aug 1967-Aug 1968. 162nd Aslt. Hel. Co. 3rd Gun Platoon. An Khe 1969-1970, 173rd Abn. Bde. Co D 4th Bn 503 Inf. My father came home a different person and didnt get any help until 20 yrs after. Growing up was hell! But I understood later why., and I forgive him. Sadly I only had a few years with him and I didn’t get to Really know him or say Goodbye. If anyone knows my father during the war here is my email [email protected]. Thank you, Angelique

  14. Came out of co B 5/7 (grunt) Pointman. Lost all but one other fella in my platoon to separate instances of friendly fire and idiots not paying attention. Decided I wasn’t going to be next on their list so I re-enlisted as Door Gunner. Ended up in Trp C 1/9 briefly as Door Gunner on UH1, then ended up in the hangar as Helicopter Repair. ’69/70. Sure wish someone had some old photo’s to post from those days.
    Would like to see that hangar flight line again. Garry Owen !

  15. Hi Fred,
    I just saw your post. So sorry I didn’t see it sooner.
    I do have a few photos of my uncle and a couple of friends. He took a lot of the scenery and the chinook’s he worked on.
    How can I share them?

  16. I arrived in An Khe with the 1st Air Cav in Jan 1969. I stayed there about two weeks and we moved to Phouc Vinh. I was there until Dec 1969 and went to Oakland and processed out of the Army. I don’t remember my units identification but I was a 92B Air Traffic Controller. We operated the tower and radar there. I also spent about 30 Days at LZ Joe which was about halfway to Tay Ninh. There was a landing strip in a Rubber Plantation. We talked to the aircraft landing there. All types.
    If any of you were a controller I would like to mail you. I am especially looking for Jim Sol Jackson in that unit.
    My name James Cody. I was a West Virginian.

    1. As an air traffic controller, I had to have talked to you a time or two. I was in C/227AHB/1CAV from 1/69 to 1/70.

  17. I am widow of major Guy E New , helicopter pilot and in Maintenance at Phouch Vinh 1966 . Sadly, he passed away in 2011 from cancer and kidney problems attributed to Agent Orange, but not before enjoying many HAPPY years of fishing and hunting in his beloved Louisiana. Doing research on a book Hometown author is writing and have found in his archives pics of rebuilt helicopter by 407th crew,and he seemed really proud of it, also pic witHShop Foreman SFC SMITH. cannot identify crew no info , just wondering if any of you may remember him. I am now 90 and he wud b 4 years older, so there may b no one left , but I wish you all good health and happiness.

    1. I forgot to put in my email ,so please if anyone has info re MAJOR Guy E New at Phouc Vinh in 1966 here it is [email protected] was helicopter pilot and with Maintenance . I have a few pics of Maintenance personnel and buildings.

  18. Hey Steve, saw you posted a comment here last year. Said you were in contact with Nickerson and some of the other guys from the 1/30 Arty. We have a
    regimental reunion every year would like to see anybody who served with us. I’ve been in contact with Randy Carlton, but can’t seem to find anyone else.
    I have a good picture of you and Bob Pagels. I Can send you a copy. Also read Hudsons book .

    1. Darryl – Sorry, just now seeing that you had sent a reply, as I rarely go back to retrace my trails. Only did tonight because my wife wanted me to confirm the spelling of Phuoc Vinh, as we just visited a college buddy who was also there a couple of times while I was in the Dirty-Thirty. He was a frat brother who got drafted as I did, and ended up in the infantry in a heavy weapons platoon. He lucked out when his platoon was split in half, half going to Illingsworth just before it was overrun, and he went to another much-safer LZ. I have a few low-quality slides that I have digitized that I can send you. Occasionally send jokes to Nickerson and “Fuk” Let me know and I’ll pass on contact info.

  19. My brother Lon Gregorash, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, B Company, was there from October 1970 until he was KIA 06/18/1971..

  20. I was with the 191st MID at Phouc Vinh from late October 1970 to mid March 1971… G2 Sensors. Most of the time was on “Signal Mountain” Nui Chau Chan……….

    1. Hi John,
      I just saw your post from last year. I, too, was with the 191st MI Detachment at Phouc Vinh from November, 1970 – November, 1970. SLAR, IR, and photo imagery interpretation, as well as flying visual and photographic missions.

      1. I was in 191st MID July 1969 to July1970 and before I left created some big painting for the company you guys have any pictures

    1. James. Kent Laughlin here. got to Phouc Vinh last day of January, 1970 assigned to the 31st .. Only guy in personnel when I arrived was Joe Prohaska from Chicago. I had some typing in high school and 60 hours of college, that kept me from being assigned to Charlie company and digging up land mines with that pretenda bayonet on the 16. Paul STOCK was in S4. Andrew Salcedo was in S4. FIRST Sergeant was William Rodriguez was Top. Capt Belew was CO. Frenchy Jeansome was CO’s driver, then went to the mess hall. Curtis Fitzgerald from Tehas was doing something, not sure. A crazed individual by the name of Campbell was the supply comedian from Indiana along with an assorted bunch of Americans that needed guidance. One of our medics was from Hawaii, Jerald Poomaheleanni ( I am confident that I just butchered his name ) When I first arrived the 31st was involved in rebuilding the air strip from PSP interlocking steel plate to a nice macadam much longer than before to handle larger aircraft. Not too long afterwards a C-130 that had been severely used by NVA gunners made for a landing. It was not going well with the engines all in reverse and any of the landing gear tires still holding air doing what they could to stop. Our two volunteers for the perimeter guard that night were camped out in the bunker at the far west end of the runway and the 130 was headed right for them, they vacated.. The idiot captain of the motor pool that those two soldiers were members of came to the CO and requested that they be charged with desertion. The CO was very good and told this guy name of Ortmeyer to wander back to his office. Life was way different that you guys that humped the bush, can not tell folks anything without pointing out that I had it very good. We were targets for gook gunners and Papa San would come in and work as a carpenter or a barber during the day and at night if he got his ammo allotment then we were getting some incoming after dark. P.S. the 130 completely destroyed the bunker our guys were manning.

  21. I was at the Phuc Vinh 2 months. My.unit A 2/20 Blue Max 1st Cav. Div..moved there from Tay Ninh. I don’t remember much about the place other than I didn’t like it.

  22. I spent mabe a week or two there between mid July 70 and mid March 1971. I was with the 2/7 Cav at the time. Our battalion rear area was just south of the west end of the runway. Our battalion main firebase, Garryowen, sat on the south side of the Ma Da river where Rte 322 crossed it. There were remnants of an old steel truss bridge there. My recon platoon floated in rubber rafts down that river all the way to the Song Be during the rainy season. I think one of the trips lasted at least 10 or 12 days. The other two trips were 6 or 7 days long. It was thick jungle at the time with very few trails. None of them safe.

  23. I was an Air Force Weather Officer at Phuoc Vinh from Jan 1969 until Dec of that year when Nixon started pulling out troops from Vietnam. There was one other Captain in our unit and about 6 enlisted. We also had several observers at various LZs that would relay weather info. You must remember that was before the weather satellites we have today, so their observations were most important. The North Vietnamese, Chinese, or Laotions sure were not going to tell us what the weather was upstream. Good news is that forecasting wasn’t too difficult – it rained half the year, and the other half it didn’t! Although army units travel “self contained” the Air Force did not. Thankfully the 227th and 228th AHB feed us every day. And the food was great. Our unit “Air Force Weather” was on the green-line on the west side of the camp. We had a clear view of the church in the distance about 1/2 mile away, I’d guess. My job was to brief the Commanding General of the 1st Cav, General Roberston, twice a day. The briefing was held in the Tactical Operations Center, and it was a formal stand-up briefing with a room full of other two-star generals (on occassion), a couple of one-stars, and a whole bunch of Colonels and Lt. Colonels. General Robertson’s trailer was just outside the TOC. After briefing the general on the weather, other briefers filled him in on KIA, etc. etc, – but always a body count. Our hooch was about 25-30 ft by 60ft, if memory serves. Sandbags up to about ones waist, then screening above that. Tin Roof. Our shelter was a dug-out just outside the door- again more sandbags, with metal (PCP?) for a roof, and sandbags protecting the entrances. Machine gun tower was next to our hooch. Many a night spent with an M16 in hand watching the flares illuminate the trees past the green-line and playing tricks on the eyes – sure those moving shadows were VC. Rocket attacks most nights for the first 6 months I was there. Maybe only two or three, but enough to get your attention. I remember, the red dirt, the smell, vivid memories that last to this day -and the occasional movie at the “O” club along the road past the runway (just another sandbaged hooch). A scary drive at night. I have no contact with any of the fellows I served with. My orders to leave came in the morning just before Christmas 1969, I was in a loach heading for Tan Son Nut within an hour. Hardly time to say goodbye. Anybody out there from Air Force Weather 1969?

    1. Pfc John Serrer got there in Oct 1969 was a crew chief I remember you sending up the weather balloons . First time I ever sucked helium and talked like Donald Duck or some cartoon character. Was transferred there from the 82nd Airborne didn’t have enough time in country to go back to world with the colors.

      1. PS from Serrer again . I didn’t know you personally I was a skinny 18 year old from Ohio , and was with some other guys and over where you were one day and they seen you. Laughs were far and few then when one guy spotted you and said follow me and he struck up the conversation which I didn’t here much of it . We laughed about it and for weeks sometimes we talked to each other like we just sucked in helium in a Donald Duck voice. I was with the 1st Air Cav.

    2. Hi Dennis – remember serving with you … I was one of the CWT guys from Dec 68 through 69 … spent about half my time at the wx station in Phuoc Vinh and the other half bouncing around Quan Loi, LZ’s, and one other site I don’t recall. I remember most of the enlisted CWT guys and senior NCO’s at OL2 … also Warren Nielsen. I stayed in AWS as observer, forecaster, and then went to OTS and finished up 10+ in ’86. Have a few photos from OL2 …

  24. Thank you for providing a way to learn more about the Vietnam War and Phuoc Vinh in particular. My uncle, Ralph “Eddie” Dougherty, was sent to Phuoc Vinh December 1969 through November 1970. He was in the 1st Air Cavalry Division, Charlie Company 228, Fire Support with a nickname of Crimson Tide. He was a helicopter mechanic and worked on the Chinook helicopters. He sadly died this past July from the effects of Agent Orange exposure. Growing up he told some stories but held his experience close. These past couple of years we would talk more about his time in the Army and in Vietnam. I have come across many photos, letters and Army records as I have sifted through his treasured belongings. I always knew that his time there had a serious long-lasting effect on him. I found a lot of photos that he took and he actually labeled them as to where they were taken which is awesome. He told me of a story when a Chinook crashed on the flight line and killed 5 people. He was supposed to be on that flight but got pulled off at the last moment.

    I was a young girl when he was there and my grandmother and I used to bake weekly and mail cookies and chocolates in Folger’s coffee cans to him. He kept all of the letters that he received from family while he was there. Reading the letters emphasized the love and support that the family showed to him and the other soldiers that he was with. We always sent lots of cookies and snacks from the U.S. that they couldn’t get there. Eddie was very generous and shared with his friends. He talked about guarding the flight lines, taking on fire, hooch life, playing cards with the guys, and so much more but the toughest memory was the cold welcome the soldiers received from so many when they came home from Vietnam.

    I would be willing to share photos if you are interested and if there are any who were in his division or may have known him I would love to hear from you.
    Linda Dougherty-Garcia
    Niece of Ralph “Eddie” Dougherty

    1. Bill Clark
      I was at Phouc Vinh on mobility with 8th APS in Oct 68. We were there for money conversion also. Have some photos.

    2. Hey Linda, My name is Fred Hernandez, I also was in that same unit flying and working on the ch47. I don”t recall the name you posted. Do you have some pictures of him with other people? I have not been able too to connect with anyone. I also had cancer from agent orange and survived. I was there from January through December 1970.

      1. Hi,
        I do have a few photos of people there with him. How can I share them with you?
        So very sorry this is such a late reply. I didn’t know you had sent a reply.

    3. I was in C company the same time and worked on the flight line with the CH47’S. My memory is fading these days but I’m sure I knew Eddie. We probably weren’t close buddies those. If I had a photo I would likely remember him.

  25. I was in the 8th Engineers. On the western perimeter of the base, from March 69 to March 7 0. We ran operations out of Phouc Vinh building LZ’s, airstrips, and roads. The last Battalion commander I had was Lt. Col. Scott Smith who became a two star General. We called the place Rocket Alley. We’d get rockets and mortars several times a week, often two or three times a night. Often the attacks would be followed up with a ground attack with sappers, carrying satchel charges. The VC would often enter a house in the adjacent village, tear off part of the roof, then fire the mortars up through the roof to land on our base. We all thought the Catholic Church tower on the northern west side of our perimeter, was used by Charlie to watch the post. Being a church, we couldn’t do much to stop it. You can’t be monkeying with God’s house, even if people in it are killing you. Stupid rules. The village wasn’t much. A few places to buy beer cooled using blocks of ice, a few bad to worse whore houses, and you had to have a lot of courage to eat at one of the restaurants. I remember an ancient woman actually squatting on top of a wood burning stoves, with her feet on 4X4 blocks of wood so she didn’t burn her feet, stirring a few pots of food to be served to the people in the restaurant. It was a tough year.

  26. My name is Jim Belcher..I was at Phuoc Vinh with the 1st Air Cavalry 13th Signal November 1968 thru Nov 1st 1969…I was sgt e5 ..had security clearance teletype operator at night in that French looking little white building not far from the air strip..had 2 r& R’s Taipei and buddies were Mike Baughn from Washington ct house Ohio and Paul Deel from Springfield Oh and Paul Quimby from Bay Area of San Francisco ..Quimby took his own life after visiting my wife and I in Columbus Ohio in 1970..his father called to tell me..we still reside in Ohio ..I’m 73 now..I also remember others just can’t seem to remember names today..I also remember capt. Kepple the memories are both good and bad..such as the rats in the bunkers and tents! It was a very long year! I became an Allstate insurance agent and a realtor with Remax..

    1. Hi my name is Bill Russell and I was with the 13tj signal from Mar 70 until Mar 71. I was the division courier. Started working in the commenter last 3 months of my tour. We had an E5 named Tom Jones,. Spec 4 Mike Donavon. Other guys Andrew’s ,Pattenson, Cavanaugh and Crow. I would like to know if they are still around.

    2. My name is Jim’s been a long while but I remember it well..I had secret security clearance my rank was sgt e-5..I was asked to stay there another 6 mo or so..I said NO Thanks!! At night I worked in an under ground office teletype operator ..shift was at night in that hole in the ground..type type TYPE! Saw a lot of data about the war..

  27. Dec 65 to Dec 66 1st mp co Phouc vinh 1st inf div Any MPs out there??Would like to hear from you! Love and Best wishes!!!

    1. Arrived in Saigon, in September 21, 1965 thru September 21, 1966 . Travel by conyoy to Phuoc Vinh, Vietnam 38 miles took about six hours. The Corp was based out side The French Compound. We had to built everything to serve the troops The 121st Signal Corp was based in the same area, next to the MPs tents. The Corp had a freezer that the Corp brought to Nam and it was shared with the MP’s. The based was bare and the soldiers from 1/26 and 1/2nd infantry built it for their units.
      Look at the photo’s of Phuoc Vinh, Vietnam. I live in Gilroy CA.
      Two of my best friends who served in Vietnam died both on
      October 2020, one was from Greenfiel,CA. An

      1. I served in the 121st signal in Vietnam from sept to Dec of 1965….I remember the convoy from Saigon to Phouc Vinh ….

      2. Was there in 65 ,66
        With the 26th, under ist Sargent Bowen ,,,” TOP”
        So welcome home !

      3. I just read your post (26 Nov 22) while looking for information about Phuoc Vinh (how it looks now as back in 65-66). My unit was the 1st Bn 2d Inf Regt, BRO; I led the Recon Platoon. We came over on the MSTS Blachford and landed at Vung Tau. We staged at Long Binh and like you, moved to Phuoc Vinh using Route 1A. A couple of days before our Brigade occupied Phuoc Vinh, I arrived with the advanced party. Strange, I didn’t know that other troops were there as it appeared to be vacant. I least I did not see anyone at Phuoc Vinh when our small advanced party arrived (we left after spending four hours walking and surveying what was to be our Battalion piece of the Brigade base camp). I have written a history about that first year in Nam, but must have missed that someone was there before our brigade arrived (a process taking one week because the 8-inch howitzers and 175mm gun cannons had to be floated across the Song Be – the bridge couldn’t hold their weight. My Email is [email protected].

          1. Hey Schuman, this is Bob Hill. Hope life has treated you well. Remember singing Sweet little Sheila ? Think of Phouc Vinh often. Stay safe

        1. Ron just read your post re our favorite vacation spot which was Phouc Vinh. I was Bn surgeon but my time was limited since I was wounded in Jan 66 and this was my ticket home. After recovering took a pediatric residency in Denver and followed up with two years as chief of peds at Ireland army Hosp at Fort Knox . I left the army as a major on 1 September. 1970 and have now been retired for 6 yrs after practicing for 50 years. Time snd agent orange are catching up on me. Will be 87 in January . Slowing down physically but I don’t think mentally. Hope you have done well in life. I’d love to make contact with some of my medics
          Welcome home brother!

      4. I was Bn surgeon for 1st/2nd arriving in country sept 65 with 1st Bgd after a pleasant pacific cruise aboard USS Blatchford. Landed at Vung Tau then flown to Bien Hoa via C 130 and then trucked to long Binh staging area and finally after off loading of vehicles and equipment we hit the road to Phouc. Vinh .
        Not sure who decided but our Bn was to set up outside the brigade perimeter, so if Charlie co took any VC fire they would blast away at Bgd hq. This was not acceptable so we had to pick up and move into the rubber plantation within Bgd perimeter.
        I never was told much about where we went. Just picked up my M16 and boarded the Huey that took us on search and destroy missions.
        Our first Kia was Capt George Costello CO of bravo company while on perimeter security sweep of long Binh area just before Christmas . Second was one of my medics who drove our deuce and a half over a n ied as they are called now
        I ended up wounddd by mortar frag in Jan 66 and it was my ticket home.

  28. I was with Charlie company, 326 medical, 101st airborne from October 1967 to September 1968. We were the field hospital with choppers bringing wounded in all the time, all hours. We treated them there or sent them to Ben Hoa. I did not notice any other comments from my unit. I have learned that Phouc Vinh had the highest application of agent orange during this time. It would be great if some of my fellow vets from 326 would drop a line, I think of them often, but know many did not make it. Good to see so many of the Phouc Vinh vets communicating. Good luck to all.
    Bob Leachman
    SP5, company c, 326 med, 101stairborne

    1. Hey Bob, I was with B 1/506th Airborne Infantry same time you were there. I was a Combat Medic, SP5.

      1. Me to 2/506
        One of your Hueys on a training mission crashed outside our aid station. I tried to rescue the soldiers but was unable due to the fire.

    2. Hi Bob, My name is Bob Rusznak. I was attached to the 101st Aviation battalion at Camp Eagle. I’m looking for the Sp5 C. Wickham who treated me for a leg wound on Sept 22,1968. I am looking for him to verify my treatment and injury for a purple heart. I have my medical record which I was given five years ago that shows his name and date of treatment. I would appreciate your response if you know of him or can help me in anyway.
      My email is [email protected]
      Thank you

  29. I was at PV most of 1970. Flew 0-1 Birddogs and U-6 Beavers for E Battery, 82 nd Artillery. We provided air support to Ist Cav artillery units.
    Didn’t recognize any of the photographs. Much has obviously changed and vegetation grown up.

    1. Definitely so. Well the runway is there, did you check the video? The area as such today has lots of government and army installations.

    2. John I don’t remember you but I was also in E battery from 8/69 to 9/70 . I remember caption Batson, Moran, Buswat, Busard, as some of our company pilots.

  30. I was with C Troop 1/9th Cav. I made the trip from Camp Evans in November 1968. I was an RTO, there was a lot of confusion when we first made the move. I lived close to our TOC near our flight line and pretty close to the amp dump.
    I remember we took a lot of incoming 122mm rockets and mortars. I lived from November 1968-late August 1969 in an old French bunker when in base camp.

  31. I was with the C-4-12 of the 199th Inf Bde out of Long Bien.
    We flew up to Phoc Vinh out of Bien Hoa airbase in early 1967.
    Apparently 1st Div S2 had info on a potential attack and we pulled daily patrols for about 2 weeks as I recall.
    Have pictures of me in a rubber plantation where we slept at night.
    Prior experience was mostly rice paddy and I didn’t like the jungle at all!

  32. i was with the 162nd assault co april 1966 to april 1967 i am proud to have served in one of the assault helicopter co in vietnam i left after operation junction city 1.

    1. Gary Davis here I served 15 may 67 to 15 may 68 162 ahc vultures /450 signal avionics do you remember mortar attackes on 14 may hit commo trucks heavy arty moved in for 6 weeks hit the vc hard 1 week later 27 July here come the rockets sorry 1 kia 407 malntance 1 kia mess hall direct hit supply commo hooch took 1/2 hooch down 5 got to bunker 6 hunkeered down only 2 wounded do you remember painting over 2 slicks all writing and # for a rapid response for 11b sorties into Cambodia to deference hit and run attacks on our side of the river
      Do you know James Patrick smith from Texas he worked the flight line 407 siginal

      1. Hey Gary this is James Patrick Smith from Texas. Long time no see. When I left VN I was assigned to white sands middle range for the rest of my three years. I still live in Texas. If I member you were from Ohio? Not sure.

      2. Gary I was there when the mortor attacks took place iwas in vung tau at the time but i was there when the big rocket attacke happend i was taking a shower when they started coming in and i believe it was 2340 and i stayed in the bunker with a towel and wash cloth naked as i could be and scared they meant to hit our houche but missed a little but they didn’t miss the mess hall or supply room .i was a 68b20 with the 407th (engine mechanic)

    2. Mr. Oleary,
      My father was with the 162 AHC in Phouc Vinh his name SFC Frank Cosby Jan. 67 to Jan. 68. I believe he was in Medical Detatchment. I know its a long shot just thought I would share.
      Thanks for your service.
      Terry Cosby

  33. I was with 36th Signal st quan loi in 1969 70. Our compound we just off the air strip behind the control tower. We had a 200 ft micro wave tower. 11th armored cav was rigjt behind us. We c shared their mess tent.

  34. Looking for anyone who may have had contact with my husband, Albert Jackson Griffin, 162nd Assault Helicopter Division, Copperheads, as crew chief and maintenance, on Helicopter #160 Phuc Vinh 1968-1969.

  35. Was at Phouc Vinh most of 1967 with the 1st Infantry Division. The 100 ft. communications tower was erected in the summer of that year and our unit was right next to it. After the tower was completed, someone thought it a smart idea to put lights on top to warn choppers. It made a great aming stick as we got hit the first 3 nights they were turned on. Then someone had the idea to get 2 guys to sit atop the tower at night to get coordinates on where the rockets were coming from. The first night the 2 guys sat up there we took incoming rounds. The men didn’t stay there long and made a quick exit down. I was in a bunker below the tower when they got back down and their eyes were big as saucers and said they didn’t stay long enough to get any coordinates. . The lights were turned off after that.

    1. BRAVO BATTERY 1st & 5th. Across the street from charcoal factory. My self and my friend Charles CHAFIN. We sat on that tower 1967 before we moved to QUAN LOI. After we built up our area for the 1st cav who moved in

    2. I was there in the Army 36 signal company 595 signal Battalion ! I was a Radio Relay and carrier operator! 31M20! 957.282 Radio operator. I remember the attacks when the lights were added to the tower . I had to go up to. Mount our attennas on lt,had flack vest and helmet on and bullets. Flying by our head! Thank GOD I MADE IT Home! I was there for late Dec 66 to late Nov. 67!

  36. I was with 1st Air Cav Division HHQ on CSM Kennedy’s staff in PV, Feb ’70 – June ’70. Prior to that I was with Bad Bet, 2/12th Cav in Tay Nin, Song Be, Quan Loi and many others. Was on LZ Judy, Don, Buttons, Dolly and a slew of other. 11B40. Now retired in Phoenix, AZ.

    1. Larry, thank you for your comment. I am happy you made it home. Also thank you for visiting our website I really hope you enjoy it

  37. I was in Phuoc Vinh during most of ’70, assigned to the HQ Battery of 1st/30th Arty. Keeping to touch with Gaylord Fukimoto (“Fuk”) and Alan Nickerson (“Nick”), but memories are fading fast. I do have several 35mm slides that aren’t of great quality, but a little glimpse of life between burning shit from the crappers to doing sunshots on new LZ’s and fillin’ sandbags. Not exactly an “all-expense paid tropical vacation”, but at least made it. Also a couple of grunts in the area at around the same time that I know…Greg Nance, Steve Rothenberger, and Harry Potts.

    1. I came in from the field to HHB 1/30 in March of ’70 with 7 months in country. I was 13A10, but I had developed allergy to Cordite, So I got a profile that kept me off the LZs, (except for those sandbag filling details, you mentioned.) Fukimoto was a hootch mate of mine and taught me how to play guitar. I shot pool with Nickerson in the new EM club that a bunch of us helped build from materials stolen from the engineer compound. I’m glad to know they made it back safe and are still around. I extended two months for the 150 day early-out and left in August of ’70, and processed out of the Army on my return. I spent 19 months in ad 14 of them in Vietnam. You can read my book I got published in 2007 called “The Dirty Thirty” by Richard W. Hudson, that describes my daily adventures, sorta, as my faded memory recalled. I changed most guys names to keep from getting sued, but their characters you might recognize. Tell Fuk and Nick “HI” from “Mouse”.

    2. Hey Steve, Darryl Dunkelberger here I’ve been trying to find guys I served with. Been in touch with Randy Carlton. We have reunions every year but getting to be fewer and fewer of us around. Would like to hear from you if you get a chance. Was wondering how Nick and the other guys were doing.
      Got a good picture of you and Bob Pagels. If you like could send a copy.
      Also read Hudsons book.

  38. I was in Phouc Vinh in November 1969-1970! Bravo Company 5th /7th air mobile First Calvary! I don’t see any articles, or stories about our unit! We spent many nights on ambush in the rubber plantations there! We were in the bush most of the time! We spent Christmas in 1969 on top of the Tay Ninh base! We had a “Mad Minute” there! We fired every weapon there into the forest outside the wire! Talk about a fireworks display! I have always wondered why we got no write-ups about our unit!
    Have you heard of Shakey’s Hill?

    1. One of my college friends, Sgt Mike Wainwright, was with B 5/7 Cav and was killed on Shakeys Hill. I was with HHB 7/11 Arty, 25th Inf Div at Firebase Denny, just up the road from Thien Ngon where you guys had been before you went into Cambodia and Shakeys. I have been in contact with Mac Coffman who was wounded on Shakeys. I later got sent over to C Battery 2/19 Arty , 1st Cav at Phouc Vinh. God Bless. Greg Williams [email protected]

      1. I knew Mike Wainwright, we often were in line together, he was right behind me may 17th when we were ambushed, he had been wounded the night before on his upper arm and i was trying to find an open area to get a chopper in to get him out for treatment, I was the senior medic for the company, wounded may 17th along with many others, as I heard 17 wounded and 1 killed that Sunday morning around 10 am, John Thursby, 386-328-0818, Florida

    2. Thomas . My name is Vincent Cassidy . I was a SP 4 with Bravo Company 5th of the 7th . Cavalry. Was with the unit from April 69 thru March 70 . Left Phouc Vinh for home at the end of March 70.

    3. This is Vincent Cassidy here. Served with B company 5/7 from April 69 to March 70. Don’t remember the mad minute during Christmas of 69. Then again don’t remember too much of things that happened. Even the names of some of the guys. Good buddies of mine mostly. Shockley, Greening , Torres, and Green. Lt. Parker Wood and Sgt Ross. Other names will eventually come to me. I left the end of March of 70 out of Phuc Vihn

  39. Just read the emails and I was with the 8th Air Force assigned to Phouc Vinh from January’69 to December ‘69. Our main role was to coordinate incoming aircraft bring in supplies to support the 1st Cav. The 130’s would bring in supplies and we would unload the aircraft and distribute the supplies. Since we had two articulated fork lifts we would also assist in the unloading of the convoy’s which also delivered supplies to the PX (beer trucks) and class one rations. We also moved troops by C130’s , C123’s and Caribou’s. When I got there the runway was dirt and later was PSP interlocking metal. We always worried the the mortars and rockets destroying the runway. We were located on the taxi way across the access road from the mortuary and next to Black Horse helicopter group. Many great memories of those soldiers we met and hope the best for all. There were a total of 9 Air Force personnel in our group.
    Prior to my exit a control tower was built right out the back door of our hooch, provided the ideal target for the enemy as it could be seen from anywhere on the base.

      1. I was stationed in phouc vinh most of 1969 and then transferred to Tay Ninh with the first air cavalry. Have visited Vietnam four times in the last eight years since I retired: beautiful and interesting country these days but unfortunately communist

    1. I was there in ’70, right across the runway (still M8A1) from that tower, with the 31st Engineer Batt.. We were hit by mortars or rockets about once a month, but they never hit the tower as far as I know. The main target seemed to be a radar on a tower on the West side of the 31st compound. I flew into PV around March of ’70 on one of those Caribou- loudest, roughest ride I’ve ever had on an airplane.

      1. I was in Phouc Vinh at HHC 31st Engineers for most of 1970. Worked in Co. Supply and motor pool parts with Dave Stout. Dave and I basically got bored with going through the motions of “ordering” parts through the normal Army channels where we were ignored. So … we started making weekly parts runs in our Deuce & 1/2 to Long Binh and back. That was kind of an ass puckerer in that Army and civilian vehicles were getting hit every week. Dave … if you’re there, get in touch. Hello to Cicsco too! Ed the Head

        1. I was with the 557 eng co. At the same time as you. Your description of what you did was the same as mine. A lot of scrounging and trading with other units. I would have probably would have traded with you. I had a 2 1/2 ton and 5 ton tractor and flatbed. I worked off the books with a lot of folks 31st,medics,long binh. out in the field Doomsday Thunder Three. I got my guys some big guns,whiskey and neat stuff from the Special Forces for truck batteries and drums of motor oil.

        2. Clark I was Headquarters and Headquarters Company cluck from January 30, 1970 until I left for home in March of 71 .. missing your name and James Jefferson in my memory bank. If you came to the orderly room to get your whopping cash payroll and Momma son did your hooch and clothes then I was the guy you paid on your way out .. Randy Wood was in the 557th Light Engineers and they were attached to us. In fact I was watching a movie with 4 of them one night when the zips opened up all over Phouc Vinh.. we took over 100 rounds in our area, the Blue Max Squadron had numerous cobras hit, 15th Medivac lost choppers and crews.. They had plenty of ammunition and did not miss too many spots. Were you there when the Chinook that 228th had worked on all night had a malfunction on the fuel pad down by the EM club ??

      2. Are you talking about the small mushroom radar or the square big one? Those were the radars I operated one located people the other picked up incoming and told us where it came from.

  40. Our Base Camp: Lima Platoon, A Co., 1/26th Infantry, 1st ID. October 1, 1966 to Oct. 1, 1967. Tents were replaced by tents with wood side walls half way up. I think more sturdy structures might’ve been constructed later. I believe there was a church of some kind out to our from past the wire. I think we were in Base Camp about 20 to 25 days that year at 2-3 days at a time. Some times we did not come back after an operation, but stayed a day or two at Quan Loi, Lai Khe, and other base camps whose names escape me.

    1. I was A Company of the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion and arrived at the camp a few days after arriving in Vietnam on Christmas Eve 1965. In my first week at the camp I was helping to dig up old French mine fields. A year later as I was being sent home I was routed into a battle underway in late December. It was the 1st of the 26th and I think it was Alexander Haig I met on the LZ. There was a fire fight to my left and a napalm drop taking place to my my right. On My last day I was down in a bunker about a half mile out from the Battalion perimeter. I was helping some of your guys removing stuff from the tunnel.
      A Officer yelled down and asked if I was a Engineer. He asked me to cut a new trail into the clearing and about sixty feet into the trail using one of your chainsaws I caught the glint of light off a wire crossing directly the downward ark of the saw and was able to freeze it a inch above the wire. I was so rattled I had to ask another Engineer at the start of the trail to secure the booby trap. Fifteen minutes later I was on my way home.

    2. J Wenzel
      I was there December 1965 to December 1966 There was a church at the end of the runway on the other side of the creek. I was 11B10 carried a M60 in a security platoon for HHC 1st Div. I returned to Vin Long 1970

        1. Arrived PV July 66, HHC 1st Bn, 2nd Inf., 1st Inf. Div. We lived in the rubber trees in tents and pallet floors. Around early 67 they poured cement floors and built wooden hooch’s and screen windows. Finally no bugs at night.
          I remember Charlie would set up a motor next to the church, lob a couple rounds in our base but we couldn’t return fire because of the church.

      1. Hello Mr. Wenzel, I also was in Viet Nam at Phouc Vihn with the 1st Infantry Division, HHC, 1st Battalion, 2nd Inf. in 1965 to my ETS of 2nd March 1966. We got there on a converted Merchant Marine ship, the USMS Blatchford and landed at Vung Tau. We set up our base camp in a rubber plantation, owned be Michlein. There was no USA presence, outside of advisors earlier, so we had a clean slate to work with. We were just a few clicks outside of Phouc Vinh which was a wide spot in the dirt road at that time. Glad to see you made it home.

        All the best,
        Thomas Weis

        1. Mister Thomas Weis,I also went over on the USMS Batchford and landed at Vung Tau in October of 1965. I was with 26th regiment known as the Blue Spaders. We stayed in our two man tents for about a month until they the bigger GP tents. We made all the bunkers and the latrines from scratch. We went on alot of patrols and search and destroy missons.

        2. I shared the ocean cruise aboard the Blatchford . I was Bn surgeon for 1st/2nd BRO. Our Bn didn’t immediately set up within Bgd perimeter once we arrived in suburban Phouc Vinh. Since there was a no mans land between us and the rest of the Bgd, VC would set up in there and fire at Charlie co who would return fire which of course landed in brigade. Didn’t take long before we were ordered to pick up and move into the rubber plantation within Bgd perimeter .
          My one year tour lasted but four months since I was wounded in January by friendly fire and this proved to be my ticket home.
          I did an army pediatric residency and was in service total of eight years. Now six years retired after a fifty year career. Interesting that our camp had significant agent orange contact. I’m on fifty percent disability but with sleep apnea and recent onset seizures and long history of increased no I think that percentage will increase if I can finally get to Va and make that claim snd if I live that long. My birthday in Jan will be number 87. Hard to believe.
          Good to hear from fellow cruise mate. Welcome home brother!

    3. I was with 1/26th Blue Spaders at Phouc Vinh November ’65 through April ’66. I rode the back of a dozer pushing back the bush for B Co. 1/4 Cav. Mechanized. I also remember the night we got saddled up for the Ia Drang Valley. Lt. didn’t give specific orders just said the Cav was trapped and needed help. We unfortunately did not get in that fight. I remember 1 O’clock Charlie the Sniper. I remember going to Vo Dat to back up the 173rd. Airborne sometime after November 18. I don’t want to go any further. We just lost some good guys over there. Been such a long time ago. I also went back to Phouc Vinh in January of 1990. Not good memories.

      1. Robert: I was there with 1/28 1st Inf Div Summer ‘66 and remember the minefield very vividly. I was a jeep driver for the Bn XO and received a radio message that something bad happened on the base camp perimeter.
        Turns out a weed- clearing detail had set off
        “Bouncing Betty” mines, which are designed to shoot
        into the air and explode at knee level.
        I saw numerous devastating wounds.
        Apparently the area had not been swept previously.
        I never heard about the incident again.

    4. Hi Joe, I was there July 66 to July 67 with 168 combat engineers and help build the wooden houses. I also remember 8 killed and 16 wounded as they tried to learn a mine field to dig a trench around the whole base camp . 1 st division, 1/2, 1/28, and 1/26 . Glad you made it home!

      1. I remember the minefield “accident “ well . I was there soon after.
        Somebody told some kids to clear the area around the camp perimeter of weeds
        without first going over the ground with mine detectors and what occurred was an eruption of Bouncing Betty mines which killed and mutilated those men. I leave the rest to the imagination .
        Not a pretty sight.
        Next day was a memorial ceremony that featured a
        high ranking officer telling the men it was wrong
        to “go off on your own”
        I wonder if he said that in his report to the
        I never heard another word about it

      2. Robert: I was there with 1/28 1st Inf Div Summer ‘66 and remember the minefield very vividly. I was a jeep driver for the Bn XO and received a radio message that something bad happened on the base camp perimeter.
        Turns out a weed- clearing detail had set off
        “Bouncing Betty” mines, which are designed to shoot
        into the air and explode at knee level.
        I saw numerous devastating wounds.
        Apparently the area had not been swept previously.
        I never heard about the incident again.

      3. Robert Henderson i was with 168 combat engineers also ,May 66 to May 67. trying to remember you.I was Bob Yemc the COs driver.Never could never find any one else from our company.

      4. I was with the 588th Combat Engineers in 66 when we changed to the 168th. I witnessed the whole thing.

        1. I don’t remember Bob Yemc but I do remember Rick Siefert of Co C 168th Combat Engineers.I was there and proudly served with them from March 66 to March 67. I can still remember many names including Tanker driver Sanders who used to drive the tanker truck down to the river to draw water to bring back to the compound and pump the water up into the spent bomb containers for our showers. With a pipe coming out with a shut off valve and an old beer can with holes punched out the bottom for our First classed SHOWER HEAD!
          Of course this was right next to our EXCLUSIVE 8 HOLE OUTHOUSE……..HAH. WHAT FOND MEMORIES
          Go to Google earth and enter ..Phuoc Vinh Vietnam air field. There you will see an aerial view off the air field taken in 1968

  41. This is a great site; thanks for maintaining it. Let me add the 31st Engr Bn to the list of units operating from Camp Gorvad. I served there from JAN 69 thru Jan 70 with HHC and a great group of enlisted personnel and officers. Our main function was to expand the runway using PSP to allow C130’s to use the airstrip. We also maintained roads on the route to Saigon, and gave engineer support to several fire bases in the area in addition to running a water purification system at Song Be bridge. The battalion area was located on the north(?) side of the airstrip next to the helicopter refuel pads. We had our share of rocket/mortar attacks plus a couple of ground probes that year and I did make some convoy runs to Long Binh and up to Dong Xaoi. Our Co B was located in Quan Loi during that period.

    1. Thank you for your comment Mike. Thank you for adding the unit information. In the video I start out at the east end of the runway where I understand there was an SF camp at the site of what is today a PAVN shooting range. I have an aerial shot of Gorvad. I can send it over and we can discuss the location of the battalion area. I’d love to learn more.

      Did you see the article on Song Be Bridge also?

      1. Seeing the photo would be great. There are several shots of the airstrip on the 31st Engr Bn Vietnam website, too. Our battalion area was about halfway down the runway, directly opposite the terminal and graves registration/collection point. Sitting there while waiting for brigade courier flights to arrive, l witnessed too many body bags being carried on/off Caribou’s and C123’s. I recall artillery batteries on the East end of the runway, but no recollection of a special forces encampment. I did check out the Song Be Bridge site, too. Our S-2 section ran a daily minesweep check of the road from the main gate to our water purification at the bridge.

        1. Mike. I have your wmail address through your comment here. Let me send you and email and we can talk there. I am very interested to learn more.

          1. Hi Jonas,

            Two or three weeks ago I sent a couple of journal entries your way concerning Phuoc Vinh ground probes in May 1969 in response to an inquiry from Rong (10/2018). The emails were sent from another device and I’m wondering if they came through.

            Also, you asked if I’d okay your using my memory map of Camp Gorvad on your website. You are certainly welcome to do so, although it is pretty amateurish.

            Thanks again for your efforts,
            Mike Alexander

          2. Hey. I am glad to hear from you. I responded to the email but it bounced back. No idea what happened. The information you sent was really interesting and I appreciate it very much. As I didn’t hear back from you I didn’t do anything with the map. But I will re-activate that. Thank you for letting us use it. It should be quite interesting to have it up in the article. I will of course give proper credit by the map.


      2. Thanks for the aerial photo. I can’t recognize anything familiar from the shot, however. There is a website for the 31st Engineer Battalion Vietnam that has some good photos of our location. Our battalion area was about midway on the main runway directly across from the terminal and Graves Registration/Collection point; sitting there while waiting for our scheduled brigade courier flights, I witnessed too many body bags being loaded on Caribous or C123’s during those months.

        I did see the Song Be Bridge site. Our S2 teams did daily minesweeps from the base main gate out to the bridge where our water purification group was stationed.

    2. Hi Mike I was assigned to same unit around same time we cut the metal runway up and they paved it at night I lived in a bunker at our motor pool the Cav had all there choppers parked near us pick up water at water treatment plant many times drop Roman plows off at the Delta

  42. Mike, it might depend on how far you walked. B battery, 2/20 Arty (Aerial Rocket Artillery) had a bunch of AH-1Gs (usually 12) parked on the southeast end of the runwaywith revetments facing west parallel to the runway. The Blue Max medal was painted on the area just below the main rotor hub. 1st of the 9th Cav also had Cobras nearby with the customary WWII “Flying Tigers” shark symbol at turret level. Had you started on the west end of the runway, you would have reached them first. I think the 227 and 229 Cobras were at Lai Khe. If they were at PV, they would have been on the north side of the runway.

    1. Hi Bob, thank you so much for your very helpful email. I am sorry to have taken so long to respond but I had given up hope of a response after 6 months! I have just tried to send you a reply but not sure that it went, so please excuse me repeating it. In short, I arrived at Phuoc Vinh on 26th November 1969, with my RAF boss and a 2 star British Army general. They were visiting the Commander of 1st Air Cav ( Mobile ) Division.

      Sadly I cannot remember the layout of the base but as we has a General Officer on board I suspect that we would have been parked close to the main base operations building?

      The big question is which was the closest AH-1G Cobra unit to base ops? I do recall that I did not have to walk far to the line of Cobras. Also I have just today been told by an ex- Huey Lift pilot from C Troop 1st Squadron of the 9th Cavalry Regiment, about the existence of Blue Max 2/20 Arty (Aerial Rocket Artillery) and it’s AH-1G Cobras. Up to now all my research has led me to believe that I flew with C Troop of 1/9, so that information plus your email has thrown all that into chaos!!!

      The only thing I can add to the details above, is that the Aircraft Commander was on his own doing an Airtest. No x-Ray or front seater, hence his invitation to me for a flight. Not sure any of the above, Bob, can be of much help to you, but I can but hope!!!

      So any thoughts you might have Bob, would be gratefully received. I shall eagerly await your reply!!

      Best wishes,
      Mike Wood

      1. Mike,
        Ist Cav HQ was near midfield and west of both the 1/9 Cav and B/2/20th Arty (Blue Max). My guess is that 1/9 was your ride, as you would have gotten to them first. Sorry for the delayed reply. This article went mildly viral. It didn’t occur to me to look for it again until I searched my name and Blue Max on Google and this was the first hit.

        Bob Little

    2. Bob, I recall the NDB at Phouc Vinh was 446. Is that correct by your memory of it?
      Jeff (David) Bogue, Blue Max 39

    3. I was with Blue Max at Tay Ninh and moved with them to pv in 70. A btry 2/20 arty I was avionics tech . Jerry Lenhart

    4. Ah, Blue Max. Never met any of them but knew them well. You guys were supporting us on countless combat assaults when I was with C/227AHB/1CAV, 1/69 to 1/70. Somewhere I have a picture of Max flying a pretty tight formation on me. Scary thought, isn’t it! :-)))

  43. I was in the 1st Cav Division Band 1968-69. Arrived in country in October. Was on the move from Camp Evans to Phouc Vihn. We took over an area with two houches and a eight man tent. We also had a large tent for rehearsals. About four days a week, we would fly out to the LZ’s with about 18 band members to play for the infantry when they came back to the LZ’s for R&R. We would set up and play pop/jazz tunes while the grunts ate lunch, then pack up and fly to another LZ and play for those men during their evening meal. Our Warrant Officer/director Barner would ask what the grunts wanted to hear and we wold get that tune out and play it. We also had Green Line duty. At first we were assigned a tower, then about a month later we were moved to a nearby bunker. Band members who had Green Line or other duties would stay back while the band flew out to the LZ’s. The 35 to 40 member concert band performed in Viet Nam villages and made two trips to Saigon to play. I left country early October 1969. Jay Nugent, Sp5 Trumpet

    1. I would love to connect and hear more about your experiences, as I’d like to share more Bandsmen experience with the Cav Museum. My email is my full name @ or find me on Facebook or LinkedIn. I value your experience, and I’m trying to learn and connect Vietnam era Cav Bandsmen with Gulf War and Iraq Bandsmen.

      SPC Carlton, 1st Cav Band,
      Operation Iraqi Freedom 2

    2. I was in the band 6/20/69-7/1/70. I hope that you are well. Would you please tell me if our band was involved in anyway with the Battle for LZ Jamie on 5/12/69? You may remember a clarinet player, the late Harris Deffes, came from that battle to our band. Thank you.

  44. Was in Phuoc Vinh, Quan Loi and then Phuoc Vinh Sept ’66 to Sept ’67 attached to an artillery outfit. Any other 93F20’s out there? Didn’t realize how many people went through the place.

  45. I was at Phuc Vinh 1968 with A Company 2/506 Infantry, 101st Airborne. I’m looking for anyone who was a member of the unit and also looking for photos.

    1. Jerry,
      Also in A co. Arrived December 67 left Dec 68. Do not remember which platoon. Rodger Elling was my platoon leader. He died in October 68. When you think about it we did not spend a lot of time in Phuc Vinh. I think we were permanently in the field.
      Kevin Shaughnessy
      Jensen Beach FL

    2. Jerry
      I served with A Co, 2/506 from May 1968 until October 1968 until brigade moved north to Camp Eagle. I was a squad leader with the 4th platoon. I remember Phouc Vinh well. We spent a few nights there in the tents surrounded by rubber trees. Love to hear from you.


    1. Hey Bob were you in the 2/319th Arty buy chance. My name is Sgt. Bud Fitzpatrick I was in commo/radio repair. I was in Phuoc Vinh late 67 to mid 68.

      1. Hi I was with c bty 2/319 1968 Phoc Vinh was our Base camp but spent very little time there we were always on the move building Fire bases and suporting the 187th

        1. I was the FDO for C Battery 2/319 and later with A Battery 2/319. Came over with the original group from Fort Campbell.

    1. Ron i was a cook with 15th Med in early 71. Do you remember Tom that was from Guam he was in como. Butch and Steve were in the airborne riggers unit there.

  47. My dad was at Phuoc Vinh 66-67 Co B 4th Bn 68th Armor “Big Red 1”, I was wondering if anyone else was here from the same company at that time?

  48. Jonas Iwas with the 168th Engr Cbt Bn C Co. at Phuoc Vinh from Oct 66 to Oct 67 cannot find any info about it.Been searching for any info. Do you know anything about it.

      1. Yes I would like to know about the unit .I have been searching for anything about it . Havent seen anything about it since i left there in Oct 67

        1. Robert, maybe one of the readers here will comment and give you info. Have you checked the other comments here and on the Lai Khe page? Otherwise there is a group on Facebook called Vietnam Buddy Finder or something like that. You might find something there.

          1. I was with the 1st inf. 2nd 28th . Delta Co
            Got ambushed near Phouh Vinh. I was wounded there 68

  49. Like a lot of guys I came to Phouc Vinh from Camp Evans in Oct 68 with the 1st Cav. We had our Headquarters battery located there and all of our 155’s were scattered in surrounding Lzs. I was in FDC so when we got there i didn’t get to look around to much. Our first night, the 8″ and 175 guns started shooting. That was a shocker, they were hidden by the berm. After that introduction it seems like we got incoming almost nightly. Someone questioned sappers. Yes I remember the night. Lots of flares and Cobras along the perimeter. When we first moved in the FDC houch was slat sides and tin roof. We worked for weeks building a new one with ammo boxes and sandbags. I’m sure every day we complained about the work but 2 days after we moved into the new houch , the old one took a direct rocket hit. No more complaining! I was a Spec 5 with 1st/30th Artillery. Hard Charger 23 ,trying to grow up and not hurt any friendlies.

    1. Hi, I’m Stuart Cone. I was the cook , probably with you. 1/30 arty. HHC 68-69. I was right there watching the cobras working right along the perimeter. Our hooch was very close to there

    1. David, My brother-in-law, Keith Bradtmiller, was a 1st Cav court recorder operating out of Bien Hoa and Phouc Vinh. May have overlapped tours with you. Name ring a bell? I was at PV in 71 for a short time during my 2nd tour and was with D Btry 1/21 Arty, 1st Cav. The ARVN were building up their side of the base camp. I would ‘escort’ an ARVN Capt. and truck from MP/QC gate to our unit site to collect ammo boxes, sandbags and other materials used to secure their new buildings. Took me to their HQ one time and showed me huge maps of their AO’s and even current troop positions. Bought me lunch in the village one time too. Arranged someone else to escort him after that as he started asking somewhat probing questions about our operations. Didn’t think it was in my (E5) pay grade to discuss such matters!

    2. Was with the 37th inf scout dog platoon first cav in the 70-71 Phouc Vinh it was our forward operating post located close to the helicopter pads conducted security sweep of office bunker quarters in the last days before turning it over to the ARVNS in early part of 71 anyone remember the above ground pool when it burst from jungle rot and washed a way and infantry units palace guard bivouac close to its location

  50. The Vietnam War Memorial is searching for a photo of Ronald Irwin Krauss of New York for the Wall of Faces project. A2C Krauss served with the Forward Air Control Team, Spec Forces Advisory Team 88, III Corp, and was killed at Phuoc Vinh Air Field on May 22, 1965. Krauss was helping to de-arm an 01 Birddog Acft and accidentally dropped a rocket that exploded, causing fatal burns. If anyone knew Krauss from BT or later, or served with him in Vietnam, and can provide a photo of him, it will be an honor to receive his photo. You can send photo from your cell to mine 352-502-5070 or email to [email protected]. His picture and bio will be posted at Thank you. Beth Braun

  51. I was with C 1/7 Air Cav (Kool Killer) in 1969. At that time we transitioned through Phouc Vinh, Quan Loi, and Tay Ninh from time to time.
    We spent all our days out in the boonies so seeing the bases was more like a quick visit than anything else. My biggest memory of Phouc Vinh was that they had a kick ass DJ that played the best rock and roll sets I’ve ever heard. Quan Loi is remembered for the red laterite that was like walking on ice when it was wet (which was about every time I was there). I remember getting into Tay Ninh dead tired from a long transition from I Corp and trying to get some sleep in the middle of the day. We were relaxing and settling in when a cloud of dust rose from the ground to a height of about 1 foot. An “old timer” there said it was a B-52 strike nearby. We couldn’t hear or feel a thing. Just that cloud.
    The remainder of my time in that area was just as spooky.
    As far as Tet 1969 goes, we were positioned at some short distance outside of Phouc Vinh during that period. Kids from the village would come out to sell us Buffalo Burgers, Cokes and other stuff. (How did they find us?). It was the quietest period I ever spent in VN.
    I forget if we were operating out of PV or QL at the time, but one day we came across an actual paved road and started walking on it (which I thought was absolutely nuts). 2nd platoon was on point that day and we came upon a big sign written in several languages. It said “You are now entering Viet Nam….” The lieutenant hustled us off the road but, too late. That’s how I learned we were operating in Cambodia.
    We rode sometimes with the 11th Armored Cav (Black Horse). Those guys are cray-zeee. The bottom of those M113s are paved with machine gun ammo! We got to visit the Montagnards at Bo Dop (?) and tear through the Michelin rubber plantations with them.
    While I’m spewing here, I want to shout out to Blue Max (Apache) and Red Leg (artillery) — all you guys saved a lot of lives I hope you know. Also to every Slick Pilot and crew out there. You are angles.
    I’m glad I had that experience. Fortunately, my closest buds all made it back to the world, which is what counts.

    1. Hey John,
      I was there at all these places Phouc Vinh, Quan Loi, Tay Ninh, Bu Dop or Bo Dop. I was with the Dusters (twin 40’s) Quad 50’s and Search lights. I hated Bu Dop because. The village came right up to the perimeter of the fire base and you could just walk in. I never figured hat out.
      Best Regards, Jack Ryan

    2. Hey John you where in my platoon. Howie from NY. I have pictures of you and Tom Fowler. Melvin Merk, Henry Gotoy , Randy Dixon and all the guts. LZ Strike photos. Email me and I will share them with you. [email protected] go on The Vietnam War face book page. I’ve been listening them. Stay safe, Howard Stillwagon, Glen Cove, NY

    3. I was Blue Max 47, and with B battery 2nd of the 20th Arty for every day in 1969. We were at PV for all of that period. The evening they dropped me off at the unit’s tent area–no SEA hooches yet–the movie playing was “The Blue Max”. No kidding.

    4. John later during the times when the 52s would hit the trail just about 25 miles west of us the dust would jump like that only they were closer and we heard the the impacts, felt them, and the dust jumped nearly 6 foot in the air .. that was about the time of Lom Son 719 where the 31st and other units provided support for the ARVN incursion into Cambodia…

  52. Iwas in the 595 signal unit at phouc vinh from Dec 66 to late Nov. 67, our camp was near the artillary base, I WAS A 31M20 RADIO RELAY & CARRIER ATTENDANT. GOT OUT BEFORE THE TET OFFEN 68 JAN, THERE WERE ONLY 55 IN OUR UNIT AND LATER FOUND OUT 15 IN MY UNIT HAD DIED. GLAD TO HAVE MADE IT HOME,

  53. Medevac 25 here. Moved down from An Khe with the Cav. Lots of memories of in coming, sun warmed water for showers, GP mediums with pallet wood floors. In the Cav we lived like Marines. After all these years I remember it as good times with friends

  54. We were soldiers. All of us who served because our country asked. We upheld the values of freedom and liberty. We left the street corners, our hot rods, our families, our jobs. We entered a God-forsaken land and committed our very souls and lives to a cause and home that offered 20 hour days, sparse food, and danger all around us. Yes, we were young and soldiers for a time, a time that will always be remembered by soldiers.

    God bless all of the hero’s from that time

  55. I served with bravo battery 6th of the 27th at Phuoc vihn from oct. l965 to aug. l966 an 8-inch artillery unit sent from Ft. Bliss Texas in late septl or early October of l965. We sailed out of San Fran as a unit on the USS Gordon troop ship. I was a Sp-5 at the time in the FDC of the battery. Wow! 55 years ago!

    1. Hi Tommy, it seems like we were in the same ship. We also left Ft . Bliss late Sept. Sailed to Okinawa to pick up some marine troops, or so I was told, then went up to Vietnam. From the beach we flew on a C-130 to Bien Hoa. From there we convoyed to Phuoc Vinh in early October of 1965. I was a Sgt E-5 in the commo section of Hqs Btry, ,6th Bn., 27th Arty, 8″ inch self propelled howitzers.
      Welcome home brother. e-mail address is [email protected]

    2. WOW; After all these years I finally found some one that was In the same unit at the same time as I was in VN. I was a driver for the unit “8” munitions, and supply runs from from September 1965 to March 196 6 my ETS.
      I do hope I get to hear from you real soon. I would love to chat with you. I do remember how lucky you guys were being able to stay cool in the FDC bunker. I got to go in it only once while I was there. I think you guys were a
      bit protective of that. 🙂
      Please contact me soon, as we are not getting any younger.

    3. I’m not sure but your cannons may have caused my fragment wounding January 65 as artywas firing interdiction rounds as also were our mortarmen . I was Bn surgeon for 1/2 on a search and destroy out of Phouc Vinh

    4. My father was the Battalion Commander , 6th of 27th 65-66. Then I was at Phuoc Vinh was with 101st 67-68. In 68 we planned a TOT outside of Phuoc Vinh and it was not until 50 years later I realized we included B 6th of 27th in the TOT.

  56. Although I never served at Phuoc Vinh camp, I visited there in mid 1969 for the day when we flew in for my boss ( a British Royal Air Force Officer, full Colonel equivalent) to visit senior 1st Air Cavalry Division staff.

    I as a Royal Air Force Officer, Captain equivalent, with a couple of hours to spare, wandered along a flight line of Huey AH-1 Cobra aircraft and was invited to fly on an air test trip by a pilot, US Army Warrant Officer.

    Delighted to accept, I then spent a very “interesting “ hour or so over War Zone D putting this aircraft through the usual full checks required after a major servicing.

    After all these years I am returning to Vietnam in the Spring and still recall this trip quite vividly.

    I am trying to discover which unit I flew in that day and have narrowed it down to either the 227 or 228 Aviation Battalion – C Company of the former? Can anybody help me?

    Congratulations on your website. I wish the British Military units had similar methods of Veterans keeping in touch!

    1. Mike, it might depend on how far you walked. B battery, 2/20 Arty (Aerial Rocket Artillery) had a bunch of AH-1Gs (usually 12) parked on the southeast end of the runwaywith revetments facing west parallel to the runway. The Blue Max medal was painted on the area just below the main rotor hub. 1st of the 9th Cav also had Cobras nearby with the customary WWII “Flying Tigers” shark symbol at turret level. Had you started on the west end of the runway, you would have reached them first. I think the 227 and 229 Cobras were at Lai Khe. If they were at PV, they would have been on the north side of the runway.

      1. Hi Bob, sorry for the delay in responding to your message but after 6 months without a response I had rather given up hope! Since that time, I thought I had narrowed down the unit that I flew to one : namely, C Troop of the First of the Ninth -1st Squadron of the 9th Cavalry Regiment – Red Platoon AH-1G Cobras who were at Phuoc Vinh at that time. Furthermore, to help me in my research I have been corresponding with the 1/9 scribe and some of its previous members. Believe it or not just yesterday I received an email from a Capt. Jim Pressman an ex- CTroop 1/9 Lift Pilot, and he mentioned the existence of Blue Max 2/20 Arty Aerial Rocket Artillery and their AH-1G Cobras. That has thrown all my research Into doubt. Your very informative email has also reinforced that doubt!!!

        As I can best recall, as we landed at PV on 26th November 1969 in a twin communications aircraft and my boss and a British Army 2 star general were visiting the Commander of the 1st Air Cav ( Mobile)Div, where do you think would we be parked? Perhaps very close to Base Ops? Secondly, which was the nearest AH-1G Cobra unit!!? Sorry Bob, probably an impossible question, but an absolutely critical one!!!

        Sadly, I cannot remember where the main terminal building was located with regards to the main runway. Any light you can shed on this matter Bob would be most helpful. What I can say was that the Aircraft Commander was on his own – he had no X-ray or front seater – and he was about to do an Airtest when he offered me a ride. Does that help?

        Looking forward to your reply in great anticipation.

        Kind regards,
        Mike Wood

      1. Hi Otis, thank you for your response. Unless I am mistaken in November 1969 no. 227 Attack Helicopter Company did not have Cobras at Phuoc Vinh? My understanding is that either 227 was operating out of Tay Ninh Province at that time or had not re-equipped with the AH-1G Cobra. Is that correct, Otis, or have I got it wrong?

        Any help would be gratefully received. Many thanks, Mike Wood

        1. 227 Cobra unit (Delta Company) was based out of Lai Khe..69′-70′.. HHC, C Co, B Co wre based at Phuoc Vinh. Alpha was also at Lai Khe.

        2. Hi Mike I was at camp Evans when the ammo dump blew up. then a few month later we move to Phouc Vjnh, but i would cross over a little run off from my Chinook, and would check out the Cobra, wish i had a chance to be a gunner on one of them, Spec. 5 Otis Bergeon Fairveiw Tn. 615 829 4767 God Bless

    2. I was in C/227 1/69 to 1/70, so during the time you would have gone on that test flight. I hate to tell you this, but none of the rest of us would ever have voluntarily gone on a test flight with maintenance! :-)))

    3. C/228. Crimson Tide was adjacent to the tarmac and at the end off tarmac where we picked up many loads.
      227 was Huey’s and had there own pad 1/2 mile away

  57. My time in Phouc Vinh was from Dec 69 to Nov70. I was a 96D2T, image interpreter for the 191st MID, 1st Cav. We had small buildings, for light tables, a photo lab, a data link and a non functioning Tactical Imagery Interpretation Facility. For reference, nearby, was the Chemical Company. I worked mostly at night. Our job was to search for targets and activity, using Air Force and Army imagery. At night Mohawk aircraft would fly a grid and send infrared (Red Haze) imagery in real time back to the data link, the film would be developed and analyzed for hot targets. A report identifying targets with six digits was prepared and delivered to G2. Also at night (SLAR) Side Looking Airborne Radar missions were data linked, interpreted and reported to G2. It was possible to review SLAR imagery as it was data linked, all pretty high tech for 1970.

    We saw a few outdoor movies, my favorite was “The Green Berets”, during the on screen firefight, we had to ran for cover, as real incoming started. If it wasn’t incoming, we could still count on Chemical Company CS.

    Sometime around May I was assigned to a task force, leading up to the incursion. My job was to prepare maps, but not to really know too much. One day a ARVN general paid us a visit, pointed to a map area and said boo-coo GI next week. That remark was way above my pay grade, as a matter of fact, I never officially heard it.

    1. I am so happy to read your message…you have no idea. Firstly, Thank you from the most serious place in my soul. For the freedoms we continue to share in the US. I can’t help but bury myself in this war, learning & reading all I can about it.
      You may not be aware, but I’ll clue you in- it is really hard to uncover any info about this 191st MI specifically. It is truly frustrating.
      Finding you, Sir who is 1-living, 2- of the time frame, 3-current contact ability…I am shocked.
      Not sure where to start, my daddy is Don Welch. He was here, joined with Bob Peck his friend from high school together “the buddy program” they are from Colorado. I have pictures. They have both died recently. Did you know them?
      Please, o please send me an email or text message. 720-256-175zero or [email protected] thank you, more than I can convey. Niki

    2. I arrived at Phouc Vihn in early November 70. I was assigned to the G2 Sensor Platoon attached to the 191st MI Company. We were in a building near one end of the runway. There was a sniper tower behind our building and guys would go up to watch it wire for sappers every night. Once in awhile we would hear them shooting. Didn’t sleep well. About a week later my CO sent me to Nui Ba Ra mtn next to FB Buttons. I was monitoring electronic surveillance equipment and coordinating fire missions until the Cav pulled back in March 71 .
      Then I was sent to Nui Chau Chan mtn next to FB Mace.
      Glad you made it back to the world! Welcome home brother!

      1. Hi Chuck… when did you get to Signal Mountain? I was there with the 199th until they went home in Oct ’70, then to the 1st Cav, 191st and back to Signal Mountain (Nui Chau Chan)… deros 3/14/1971.. I have lots of pics! Welcome home!

    3. I was with the 191st MID, too, as an OB analyst until Oct 69 when my tour was over. Started out at Camp Evans.

  58. Was at Phuoc Vinh 70-71. Never knew it was Camp Gorvad until I started doing research to pen my first novel, “Knight’s Blessing,” the first of five infantry units I would serve with in Nam. I was the first (and only) veterinarian specialist (91T) to serve with the 62nd Infantry Platoon (Combat Trackers) at Phuoc Vinh. We had 3 hootches and a kennel building for our Labrador retrievers across from the main base camp between a squadron of OH-06s and the 11th Aviation BDE. Technically, I was a canine medic and the only non-infantryman in the platoon, but my first CO, LT Miller, suggested I accompany the teams on missions as a coverman if I wanted to gain their respect. So, I did. Earned the Combat Medical Badge in the process. When the unit stood down, I extended my tour of duty and ended up with the 23rd Infantry Division (Americal). Of all the outfits I would eventually serve with until my retirement from Ft. Bragg, N.C., in 1992, I will always remember the 1st Cav as my first and best unit.

    1. Was at Phouc Vinh Aug 70 to Apr 71 with the 11th Aviation and worked as a 35K Avionics on UH-1 and OH-6. Working the night shift 4 PM – 7AM the closest bunker during incoming was the 62nd, if I could make it. Our 35L radio repairman use to go out regularly with the 62nd, but my closest field duty was flying door gunner during the dayshift. We moved to Ben Hoa in April 71 where I extended until Mar 72. Earned a Bronze Star at Xuan Loc during the siege of Nov 70 and another during Tet 71 supporting the battle of Tay Ninh was discharged in Nov 80 now 100% disabled.

  59. Arrived in phuoc vinh June 67 with co. A 1/2 infantry remember our bunkers faced the rice paddies on East side of camp Also remember going down to village with some of the guys I have lots of photos n memories

    1. Dennis, I’d love to see some of your pictures and hear your stories. If you wish, send us an email on [email protected] I am looking in to making some soecial features on the site with more stories from the war.


        1. Hey Jack I would love to see them also. I was there I believe in 70.
          I was with Co. C 5/7 Cav. We were doing night ambush, I was in charge of taking my team out, I was assigned to HHC and reported to BN Commander.

        1. I was in PV Oct ‘69 to ‘70 with
          HHC 8th Engineer Co 1st Cav we were Sky Beavers located at the
          South west corner of the base
          Our south perimiter faced the village east of us was the old French
          HQ blg, also i think there were Hueys across from us the vase riad turned east towards the main P X on the right our wedt petimiter faced the road outside our perimiter aann a small creek . Looking north west from our periniter was a small hsmlet the plantation was to our
          South east the village was iff limits for the year i was there morters came from the plantation
          We took incoming to our postion
          Mid December 1969 , thryhit our barracks and a hit on a Huey across the street

          1. Dave Pettengill here. I too was with the 1st Cav. 8th Engineers HHC. I was with S2 in 1970.

      1. My father was there in 68 he has at least 5 short video reals mainly of guys goofing around some of the175mm there 3 legged dog and my father with his monkey . its all of phuc vihn. Im sure there are quite a few that would like to see them . contact me . my father is still alive and im sure he would love to see other photos and talk to others who were there .

    2. Dennis I arrived at Phouc vinh right in time for rocket attack that took out medics shower July of 67 alpha co 2nd platoon medic replacement ..jim

    3. Dennis , do remember a soldier named Bill Stein from Illinois ? He is my uncle. He was with the big red 1 medical unit during the same time you were there. Please respond with any information. Thank you for your service. Scott Wyllie

    4. I also arrived at Phuoc Vinh in late June, or July 67. I was in B 1/2 I was the 3d platoon radio man until about Sep 67 when I was wounded. After about a month recovery, I finished as B company clerk. (think Radar on MASH. there’s a lot to do) I have some pictures Would like to see other from that same time frame and the same surroundings. Most likely we were in the same operations.

  60. I moved to Phuoc Vinh from up north in November, 1968 with C 2/5. When we first got there it was really bad. Many of our troops had seen little if any action before arriving in PV. We had several casualties & a number of KIA’s in the first weeks. I was an armorer with C company ready to go home Feb. 6 & my friend who was to be my replacement was to come in from the field by Christmas to be trained. Larry was killed on Dec. 20th. Arrived an 18 year old boy, left a 19 year old man.

    1. Schell, I think I remember you. Also with C-2-5. Didn’t get inside PV much. Slept on my ruck when we got there from ICorps and CA’d out. I think we came in at least once for the infamous steak dinner before an extended and “hot” tour of the countryside. Didn’t return until release from 24th Evac, Long Binh. Here’s the hard part….my squad was sent up to retrieve your friend Fox and King. We failed. Got chopped up. Lost my point and three hurt bad. Two sent home . CO came into check on me and let me know your friend (all) was /were recovered. I came back and finished my tour at HHC plus “get-out” extension. During 10-year stay in northern VA joined Rolling Thunder and Patriot Guard because they volunteer to wash and maintain the Wall and panels 36 and 37W and 53E were mine. Hope this helps.

      1. Dennis,

        My name is Wesley Haan. I believe that the point man you are referring to that was lost when trying to recover Fox and King on Dec 20 of 68 was my uncle Douglas Haan. It has been one of my life long goals to find and talk to someone that had served with Doug in Vietnam. I had the distinct honor of meeting many members of 2nd platoon 2nd squad at the Charlie Co. 2014 reunion at Ft. Hood. Doug’s widow, my mom married Doug’s younger brother my dad Craig after Doug was killed. Both of my parents accompanied me to the reunion and met Tree, Jim Mennicucci, and Doc Bovie among others. We have attended every reunion since and formed strong friendships with many members of C2/5. I have been trying to find a picture of Doug while he was in Vietnam and was wondering if you might have any or could think of someone that might. Tree and Menicucci did not have any pics of Doug as I understand that they were only there a short time leading up to Dec 20. I have visited panel 36W in DC in July of 09, and many times at the traveling wall. One of my greatest honors was my late father and I were able to escort the moving wall from LeClaire Iowa to Moline Illinois a few years ago. I strive to keep Doug’s name alive and honor his as well as the other 58,000+ that made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. Any info you would be willing to share about Doug’s time in Vietnam would be greatly appreciated, and if not I understand.


        Wesley Haan

  61. I was an E5 with Delta Co, 701st Maint Bn in Phuoc Vinh in ‘66-‘67. We pitched our tents next to 1/26th near the “river.” We had the 50 cal in the tree platform. Useless. Spent Feb-May on Op Junction City. Worked DX for awhile. In and out to the units on the go. Several mortar/rocket attacks on the camp. Got ugly when VC marched the rounds down the choppers and hit a barracks. B-52s boiling the earth every am to the south of us. No good memories from there.

    1. I was assigned to D Co. 701st Maint Bn beginning July 1966. I was the Tech Supply Officer and the Supply Platoon Leader. Early on we lived in GP Mediums but after a while and a lot of scrounging we were able to put up a few buildings. I was also a Contact Team OIC at Minh Than and Quan Loi. Miserable times while in Vietnam, but later became grateful for the experience. I finished up my Active career at Seneca Army Depot in Romulus NY and then continued my education on the GI Bill. Stayed in the Reserves and got to work Desert Storm from the Pentagon. Retirement is good and I often reflect on my Military experiences, much like I’m doing now.

      1. Carl. Thank you for your nice comment. I am happy you made it out.I hop you like the website, be sure to check out the Quan Lai page as well as pages on other camps in the area.


        1. I had some time so I looked at some slides I had from 66-67 and had two photos of the Phuoc Vinh Base Camp at that time. One of the photos was an aerial view of the D Co 701st Maint area. Using Google Maps and Google Earth I determined that The Base Camp’s perimeter outer road on the South West is Nguyen Van Troi. The road that was the entrance to and split our compound is now Tran Quang Dieu. The upper limit to the 701st area is Doc Lap road. Notice the 4 way intersection at Doc Lap and Tran Quang Dieu. The 1/26 Infantry Base camp it NorthWest of ours and adjacent. I had hoped to see some remnants of my time there but Google can only magnify so far. We had two quonset huts there, a permanent mess hall, and several buildings we built in 67. They might be parts of existing buildings but it is impossible to know without being on the ground or wait until Google Street view gets to Phuoc Vinh. It was a nice memory trip. Happy New Year!

  62. I was in Phouc Vinh from Sep 1968 to Sep 1969. My unit was Charlie Battery 6/27 Arty, 8” and 175 mm self propelled. Lots of rockets and mortars and a few ground probes. I was glad to be where I was. Our biggest problem was the concussion from our guns split our sand bags and we were always having to rebuild our bunkers. Nothing recognizable in the video. Things have changed. I do have some pictures of our crossing the Song Be River bridge to get supplies. We had an overage on our 175 ammo count one morning on gun#4. The crew buried the round standing upright using post hole diggers. I wonder if it’s still there?

  63. I was in Phouc Vinh from Sep 1968 to Sep 1969. My unit was Charlie Battery 6/27 Arty, 8” and 175 mm self propelled. Lots of rockets and mortars and a few ground probes. I was glad to be where I was. Our biggest problem was the concussion from our guns split our sand bags and we were always having to rebuild our bunkers. Nothing recognizable in the video. Things have changed. I do have some pictures of our crossing the Song Be River bridge to get supplies. We had an overage on our 175 ammo count one morning on gun#4. The crew buried the round standing upright using post hole diggers. I wonder if it’s still there?

    David Willingham

  64. Came in country January 1970 and assigned to E (Recon) Company 2nd/7th Cavalry. Company headquarters were in Phuoc Vinh. From there we were sortied to a Firebase a few clicks away. Does anyone remember of know the name of the firebase?

    1. Hi. I looked up some history I could find and it seems the Cav opened several fireballs in the area, perhaps too far west, not sure. Do names as Jamie, Garyowen, Heather, Victor, Flasher, Drum and Illingsworth ring any bells?

        1. Tee Crow: I was at LZ Cindy, on a hill overlooking the Song Be. 1/12 Cav. Spring 69. I think it was more than a few klicks out, though.

    2. Tee Crow, I was also with E-recon 2/7 Cav but did not arrive until mid July 1970. When did you leave the unit?

    3. Tee Crow, I was in E-Recon 2/7 Cav from July 70-March 71. I served with some of the guys who came in-country in late ’69-early 70. Your name is not on my list. Can you remember any names of your platoon members? LZ Jamie was the main base in 69. I started my tour on FSB GarryOwen.

      1. I left for the 23rd Infantry Division (Americal Division) in April…I can’t for the life of me remember the firebase we were assigned to. Our platoon Sgt. was Sgt. Black…there was Tennessee, Scooter, Kirby I pounded the boonies with…i can see faces in my mind but can’t put a name to them of others…getting old ain’t for the weak lol

  65. Outstanding information. I was an M.P. with the 545th M.P. Co.. Feb 8th 1970 to Dec22 1970. We did TOC guard, internal and external perimeter patrol and investigations. Did gate H.Q, CG guard and flew 2 P.W.s at a time down to Binh Hoa. CG guard was done overnight. We were to make sure the General got out to his bunker. Most of the time Gen. Roberts was out the back door while I was at the front. Gen Casey was the same way. I think the village was on limits for less than a week my whole time there. Did some stupid things like standing on a bunker watching 122 rockets fly over. Stood in the Div. HQ guard shack watching mortars walk up the road at my stone shack. Surprised I’m here to write about it.

      1. Mike Kennedy. I went to Bien Hoa late March 70. If you were the Club Manager I no doubt saw you. I was the MP Operations Sgt but was on road quite a bit doing convoy escorts. Only guy I remember was Dennis Carpenter from Scott City KS.

      2. Mike, I was an MP with the 545th from Sep 69 – Oct 70. Was in Phouc Vinh until Feb 70, then went to Tay Ninh. Last name Hamm. Bro’s called me Hamm Bone, Hammer. Hamm Hock etc. all effectionally. Drank a lot of beers with you (mostly Black Label). As I recall you were from NY. I was from KC. Was in Sgt Alverez’s platoon before joining 25th in Tay Ninh. My GF sent me a dear john letter and over a few beers you helped me through it. Thank you. Hope your doing well.
        Ray Hammbone Hamm

    1. William I was in the 545th Dec 69 to Mar 70. I was out there watching those 122s also. Saw 2 hit on top of Division TOC one night and I think one hit the guard shack. Guess you weren’t in it at the time. I went over to see if guard was ok. Seems like maybe the guard was wounded some. I did at least one convoy escort with the 1/12 up to Song Be FSB Buttons. Went on leave in March then back to Bien Hoa for my extension.

    2. There was a platoon of MP’s who shared out mess tent in 1966. They were just ten feet north of our Company A of the 1st Combat Engineers. A few of our guys had snagged a ice machine when on a trip south for supplies. It was open for us and the MP’s around the clock. The gate going down to village was on the south side of our company camp. – In October I was asked to go alone into a valley under fire while about nine guys held the LZ. I’d had a brain tumor and not known how to decline a unfair request, At the first half mile I was under heavy fire and had started to go into shock. But I made it to the bottom of the valley and the Chinook I was to meet to guide in a footbridge was not there. A very brave Officer was waiting down there to warn me out of the valley he was completely alone. He told me the Chinook had been taking heavy ground fire up at it as they hoovered over the stream and had pulled out and were waiting my return up at the LZ. – Never a word was ever said to me about the two day mission. It started to unfold in 1988 following twenty hours of brain surgery when my daughters were little girls. By 2015 with the help of The National Archives and also the staff at Fort McNair I was able to find who it was who waited in the valley for a frightened young kid. He died in 1995 so I never had a chance to thank him. He was the Battalion Commander of the 2nd of the 18th Infantry. I’d never heard of that unit until 2014. We were told there was a infantry unit in big trouble when they asked for volunteers. It’ s a long story and took from 2007 to figure it out.

  66. I was at Phuoc Vinh from Jan 69 to Jun 69, in a Signals Intelligence unit. The area where my company was quartered was pretty obviously an old tree plantation, seemed to be rubber tress – planted in straight, regular rows – and we were told at the time that the place was an old Michelin plantation. Just wondered if you had heard anything about that, or saw anything like that while you were there.

  67. I was a Scout Dog handler with the 37th Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog) in 1970-71. Although our main dog kennel was at Bien Hoa, our forward area kennel was at Phuoc Vinh. During the time I was there our Scout Dog teams, (1 man, 1 dog) were mostly sent up to Phuoc Long Province to the FSBs that formed a “picket line” of sorts. We were on call when elements of the 1st Cav made contact and they used us to walk point on the Jolley Trail System mostly. (Named for Major Charles A. Jolley). Part of our job was to use the dogs to alert on trip wire booby traps, sniff out enemy bunkers and arms cashes. But the because of the German shepherd’s ability to use their ears, eyes and noses to keep patrols from walking into ambushes we lead patrols right on the trails because the bamboo forests up there were often too thick to break trail. The biggest of the fire bases was FSB Snuffy. It was within five miles of the Cambodia border. It was located on a road and had a fixed-wing landing strip in addition to a chopper pad. Other less permanent FSBs up in Phuoc Long along a “picket line” extended W/NW all the way to the border with II Corp. They were FSBs Audie and Betty. At Phuoc Vinh we sometimes were carried by chopper into deep forests in War Zone D directly from Phuoc Vinh (with the 1/12th and or the 2/12th Cav if memory serves). Taking off on combat assault directly into the forest, or sometimes being dropped of at FSB Dragonhead we left Phouc Vinh from a chopper pad with the humorous name the “Guess Who Pad” named after the Canadian rock band. I’ve not met anyone who remembers the Guess Who Pad but if someone does, please confirm for me. While some non-combat personnel considered Phuoc Vinh to be “up country,” to us dog handlers, PV was a welcome relief from living in the bush. We could get a hot meal, a hot shower and even go to the PX. To a grunt in the field, that was like R&R despite the evening rocket and mortar attacks on the runways.

    1. Spent some time with you brother up there in PV and in Bien Hoa hope all is good where did Zero end up

    2. Blayney McEneaney Says saw your post yesterday Black remember you from 37th infantry scout dog platoon 70-71 posted that I was one of the last to leave in March of 71 we were together if I recall right before the cav stood down if you see this post confirm please

    3. Recently saw your post. I was a platoon leader in D Co 2/12 Cav in July 1970. In mid-late July the company was on patrol in the bush, probably somewhere along the “picket line” you mentioned. One day a chopper brought in a scout dog team to work with us. The next morning my platoon had the point as the company out with the scout dog team in front of us. We ran into contact resulting in a short firefight. Unfortunately the dog was killed and his handler wounded. We didn’t have another team with us after that unfortunate encounter.

    4. I was at FSB Dragonhead with the 1/8th Cav. We used it as our rear when we come back from a 2-3 week mission. Never knew where Dragonhead was exactly at. Do you know? I have a pic of a dog handler that was with us checking bunkers at a village. 1970-71. I was sent to Chu Lai in 71 when the cav. went home.

  68. HHC 1/28th..I drove wrecker and did convoys from Long Bing thru Phuoc Vinh, Lai Khe and Quan Loi and every little hole in the wall in between..1968-1969.

  69. The names John Melquist and Robert Maas jumped out at me! I served with you guys at Co. B, 227th AHB from Oct. 69 until we pulled out in 71. I was given a field promotion to straighten out the mess someone made of Tech Supply where I became NCOIC. The C.O. assigned me a full time pilot, Mr Hackett and he helped me make us the flyingest outfit in Nam! He also taught me to fly. I flew as many volunteer missions as I could as gunner. I ran into pilot Troy Wise in Alaska a fellow I flew for quite a bit. I woukd like to find Mr Hackett and Dave Wolfe, anyone else who wants to get in touch. Masher Control……out!
    And I give permission to release my email address to any of you!

    1. Mike just ran across your comments here regarding Co B 227 at Phuoc Vinh. I was with HHC 227 from Nov 69-Nov 70. I came to know a lot of the gunners and crew chiefs serving with B and C Co.’s…Mike Knadler gunned for Bravo during 60-70..I have contacted him on numerous occasions. He is up in Oregon,doing good. I also made contact with John Melquist.He met me at the airstrip and jeeped me to the Co. area on my arrival to Phuoc Vinh. Welocme Home.

      1. Tom, my handle was “moose” in Vietnam. I seemed to remember your name. I was with C Co. 227AHB. Jan70/Dec70. I didn’t realize that there were some many guys from Phouc Vinh on this string of messages. Some sights, sounds and smells that never ever leave you
        John Durda

        1. I was a crew chief in C/227 Jun 69-Dec 70. 398 and 466. The memory of names fading. Sights, sounds, smells (including jp-4), and the shadow of rotor blades haven’t.

          1. Mike I have a photo of a C-227 Huey taken in mid 1970. Maybe you can identify the crew for me. Tail number 69-15368. 368 is on the nose.

          2. Dang, Mike! We had to have flown together. I was a young, dumb warrant, 1/69 to 1/70. I guess there were a number of us, so that description probably didn’t help you. :-)))

  70. I was with the 595th signal co white platoon at Phouc Vinh base camp in 1969 and 1970, we were over near the air strip.

    1. Tom, I was at Phouc Vinh the during the same time frame that you were there.
      I arrived there as a Sp5 from Lai Khe and was put in charge of the telephone exchange.
      Was later promoted to SSG. My name is William (Bill) Winegard.
      Some of the things that I remember is the POW camp was very close to the telephone exchange.
      Our little club and the bar b q we had.
      And of course the regular incoming round.
      Do you remember when the entire company command staff visited the site and got stuck there over night?
      Do you happen to remember the Sgt. E5, 31M, that worked as our motor Sgt.?
      His name was Cutis Welch.

      1. Tom And Bill,
        I was also with the 595th. Signal Company, White Platoon.
        I was 31M40 Radio Relay… I also ran the makeshift radio station WPVT on whatever time that I had off. I went by the name Uncle Rich….
        Incidentally, I was also known to climb the radio tower on the outside instead of the inside.
        Glad that you guys made it back home…
        Sgt. Richard Payne

  71. Was with the 1/28 Inf. 1 Inf Div. Oct 1966 through Oct 1967. The town of Phouc Vinh only had maybe 5 buildings at the most. An we were allowed to take or weapons into town. Then something bad happened an that was the end of taking our weapons into town. Never visited the town again. If we wasn’t out on a operation we on the highway clearing trees back from the highway if you could call it that. Just before I returned to Ft.Knox, We were getting ready to move to Quan Loa. We would r an r there,beautiful place. They let us the pool but not the club. Didn’t know about agent orange till later in life. When I learned I had ischemic heart disease an parkinson disease. Also came home with PTSD .

    1. Hey Mike ! Do you remember LT Todoroff, ? Nick was his first name. He really got weird when he came home . I was part of the reason no weapons in town we had a shoot-out with a few drunken Cambode soldiers no matter it was kinda fun. They were a great bunch of little guys as long as they stayed off the rice wine.

      Your guys were across the road by Nu Ba Ra : I was with the quad 50’s and search lights what a frekin nightmare. Up all night and drunk all day

  72. I arrived at Phuoc Vinh in January 1966 and left about the end of February 1967. It looked nothing like the photos shown here. Narrow dusty dirt roads. My unit was south of the airstrip. The only attacks at the base while I was there were mortars dropped on the airstrip. The VC got lucky one night and hit an ammo dump. Strange war. You had to leave the village by dusk as, as the story goes, the enemy would make their visit during the night. PV was a staging area for operations to An Loc and Tay Ninh. Been there a few times. Convoys down to Bien Hoa were dangerous. I saw a Deuce and a Half trucks get blown off the road in front of my. Can’t forget the Victory Bar. 🙂

  73. Sp5 John D White
    E Btry 82 Artillary
    556 Transport
    1ST Air Cav
    Arrived in Phuoc Vinh May 1970 was in charge of Avionics,then Sgt of guard and did some night hawk mission.When arrived the crew cheif said this place is know as rocket city and he was’t kidding.Constant incoming.I finally learned to lay down instead of running into the bunkers.Got a lot of sharpnel wounds.I have agent oranges issues,heart and prostate.When 1st Cav left several of us did’t have orders so we hitch hiked to Saigon First Cav head Qtrs and got our orders.We were really disrespected when we got home.Americans need to wake up.Amen

    1. John I was with B company 15th TC battalion first at cu chi then at Phouc Vinh from March 69-January 70. I was 35L which was avionics repair. Paul Adler

  74. With the Cav November 70 – March 71, C/1/77 arty FO supporting D 2/12 Cav. We were “palace Guard” Feb to end of March. Supposed to be 30 day rotation but we stayed out there as Cav was going home. Did not have enough time in country so I was sent north to B/2/94 Corps Arty.
    When we came in everyone was gone. Went to battery area, duffle bags left on pavement in pile almost everything was gone including “go home clothes.

    1. Looking for anyone that was part of the 13 th. Signal at Phouc Vinh. I was there from March 1970 until March 1971. Left before the 1st Cavalry pulled out. I was division Currier. Having problems because of agent orange. I would like to hear from some of the guys from the 13th. Bill Russell

      1. Hi, Bill.

        I served with the 13th Signal at Phuoc Vinh from May 1969 until May 1970. I had been trained as a radio teletype operator at Fort Gordon, but when I got to the 1st Cav I was offered a job as an SOI (Signal Operating Instructions) clerk. We had a crew of 4 or 5 guys and we prepared and distributed the SOIs which included all the assigned radio frequencies and call signs to every unit in the division. I returned home in May 1970 just after the Cambodian invasion. Sorry to read about your problems with Agent Orange disabilities. I got lucky and I don’t have any.

        1. I trained at fort Gordon ga. Also. Arrived at Ben hoa air base nov 1st 1968…I was assigned to the 13th signal btn 1st air cav..but flew up to an Kei near DMZ..only to hop on a chopper and go back down to phuoc vinh …I was 20 years old upon night would walk up old dirt rd from 13th signal past the satallite to this little cement bldg where teletype equip was ..sent teletype messages all night from about 11 to 7 the next morning ..then walk back down to 13th signal and try to sleep in the HOOCH with temperatures at 100 or so right in front of the motor pool and air strip covered in dirt and sweat by early afternoon..had good friends Paul quimby who committed suicide after returning to California in eRly 1970..he was so hooked on marijuana..and also had friend Paul Deel from Springfield , oh..Quimby visited My wife and I I in Columbus oh in the summer of 1970 ..his father called me about a month after he’d gotten home t o the Bay Area to tell me he had killed himself ..and left a note to call me to let me know….he was a very troubled soul when he visited me for a week in Columbus..always reading the Bible..he had never done that in NAM..we served in guard duty in green line several times together and with Paul feel..I remember CAPTAIN 13th signal..nice fella too..I left NAM November 1st 1969…had R&Rs in both Tokyo and Tai pei Taiwan ..HOOKER TOWN! Ha! I am now a REMAX REALTOR in Worthington oh ..retired from being insurance agent with Allstate ins for 28 years call
          Me 614-309-5272 or email [email protected]

        2. I trained at fort Gordon ga. Also. Arrived at Ben hoa air base nov 1st 1968…I was assigned to the 13th signal btn 1st air cav..but flew up to an Kei near DMZ..only to hop on a chopper and go back down to phuoc vinh …I was 20 years old upon night would walk up old dirt rd from 13th signal past the satallite to this little cement bldg where teletype equip was ..sent teletype messages all night from about 11 to 7 the next morning ..then walk back down to 13th signal and try to sleep in the HOOCH with temperatures at 100 or so right in front of the motor pool and air strip covered in dirt and sweat by early afternoon..had good friends Paul quimby who committed suicide after returning to California in eRly 1970..he was so hooked on marijuana..and also had friend Paul Deel from Springfield , oh..Quimby visited My wife and I I in Columbus oh in the summer of 1970 ..his father called me about a month after he’d gotten home t o the Bay Area to tell me he had killed himself ..and left a note to call me to let me know….he was a very troubled soul when he visited me for a week in Columbus..always reading the Bible..he had never done that in NAM..we served in guard duty in green line several times together and with Paul feel..I remember CAPTAIN Keple .at 13th signal..nice fella too..I left NAM November 1st 1969…had R&Rs in both Tokyo and Tai pei Taiwan ..HOOKER TOWN! Ha! I am now a REMAX REALTOR in Worthington oh ..retired from being insurance agent with Allstate ins for 28 years call
          Me 614-309-5272

  75. I served with the 227th AHB at PV in 1969, ’70, and early ’71. I recognized some of the descriptions of the place, and even the names of some of the people who posted comments here! There was nothing recognizable in the video, however. Thanks, Jonas, for creating this site.

    1. Thank you for your nice comment John. Yeah I guess the only thing recognizable is the runway. There is an old white church or French colonial building near the runway that I have seen in old pictures. It is still there.Check out the other nearby sites also as Lai Khe, Song Be Bridge and Quan Loi, maybe you came by those places?

  76. I was one of first to go to Phuoc Vihn from Camp Evans in Oct/Nov 1968.I was an RTO in FDC Division Artillery First Air Car.I remember a lot of 107 rockets while there…lot of incoming.I left June 1969.I have had cancer ptsd and other ailments.Agent Orange was heavy.We used to get the coordinates for maps as well as seeing Hueys and trucks spraying.Email me [email protected]

  77. Oct 65, Ft Riley to Oakland, CA by train, sailed under GG bridge, about 21 days at sea. 1 week at temporary base camp-Convoyed from Bien Hoa to Phuoc Vinh in mid Nov 1965, 1st BN, 28th, HHQ Co, RTO & some time in Mortar platoon. Bn Commander Col Haldane, tough and great soldier. 1st few weeks lots of digging, mine field laid at entrance. early casualty was new 2nd Lt who misread map and lost life in our own minefield. Opns usually 3-4 weeks then back to PV for 2-3. Long one in Tay Ninh, lost some friends. What a time that was. I salute all you guys who were there and all vets. Jim Burke

    1. I was on the advanced party from Ft. Riley, Hq Btry 1/5 arty from Oct 1964 to March 1966. We were assigned as train guards for division’s equipment which was railed to Tacoma and loaded onto transport ships. We flew from SeaTac to San Franciso to Travis AFB for our flight to Tan Son Nhat. We were then tasked with setting up base camp at Phouc Vinh. Din’t have to take the boat ride!
      Glad you all made it back.

    2. Sounds like we were both on the beautiful USS Blatchford out of Oakland. I was with the 26th, Bravo Co. 1st platoon medic. We set up the base camp at Phouc Vinh. Glad you made it home.

  78. I was with C Troop 1/9th Cav from Jan 1971 thru Jun 1971. We moved our base camp from Phuoc Vinh to Di-An near the end of April 1971. I remember watching the C-130s and C-5A’s being loaded and then struggling to get airborne. They would sit as far back as they could and revved up their engines almost to red line, before rolling down the runway. Prior to their departure additional trees were cut down at the far end of the runway. Even then they seemed to just barely make it. My last look at Phuoc Vinh was several days later from one of our UH-1H’s as we flew to the base at Di-An. At that point in time we were assigned to the 1st Aviation Brigade, since the 1st Cavalry Division (AM) had officially stood down. We stayed at De-An until the end of June 1971 when C Troop stood down and the colors and troops who had been in country 7 full months went to Fort Hood, TX. Forward was at Tay Ninh during this time period. Since I had not been in country that long I was transferred to the 23rd Artillery Group at Plantation.

    1. Walter, thank you for your comment. It brings a great insight in to the activities there and in the general area. I hope you enjoyed the page.

    2. Any other C troopers remember these dates & locations of C Troop, because I don’t. I was with C Troop in Tay Ninh in ‘71. Got citations if interested….just sayin’ WALTER

  79. I just found your site and enjoyed the post and video. The area has changed so much from the once single dirt road that entered the main gate. I was re-assigned to HHC 1st Cav to General Roberts and then General Casey staff. I left the camp after the death of General Casey and some very good friends the day his chopper went down. I was suppose to have been on that flight with Ken and the old man that day but by the grace I had to the opportunity to travel to a PX in Bien Hoa instead and did not go. I have so many mixed memories of the camp and the Great men I had a chance to serve with in the Cav. Welcome Home Guys!

      1. Jonas keep the work up; I have read post on other sites and it seems like myself so many men are now searching for buddies they served with. So many of us like you said made it out but left so much of ourselves behind. The connection with others can help heal the scars that people can’t see. By the grace of the past few years I am now rated as a 100% permanent DAV. These benefits help but the recognition has been the best part. I pray that my fellow servicemen no matter where you served, what unit you may have been with or what personal horrors you suffered find recognition and fellowship. The Vietnam Veteran deserves praise and recognition of honor and bravery.

        1. Thank you for your comment. We will keep working on this project. In fact we have some very interesting material soon to be published. We have done work with veterans from one of the most public battles and we visited the battlefield a few weeks ago where we managed to make some very interesting finds. Their 50th anniversary is coming up soon so this will be published in a month or so. You have our deepest respect and an important part of our work is to honor those who fought in this war.

    1. This is Mark Williams D 2/8 cav and was wounded in April of 70 after that I was assigned to the HHc under Roberts and Casey as the bartender in the Generals mess was there also when the generals chopper went down. I left Vietnam August 3 1970 . I live in Ohio my email address is mwilli66 l have been looking for some pictures feel free to email me and we can talk

  80. Was with HHB 7/11 arty 25th Inf at Tay Ninh , Fsb Denny south of Katum, and then to Dau Tieng. Assigned to Bn Arty tac ops center as Rto and later acting duty Nco. 25th Inf went back to Hawaii and I got transferred to C 2/19 Arty at Phouc Vinh and later to Firebase Apache near Xuan Loc. I recall waiting all day on the airstrip at Phouc Vinh with our 105mm howitzers to load them on C130s. We loaded 3 of them and one engine would not fire so they decided to take off with 3 engines. Then another engine would not start so had to unload the 105s and return to the parapits and do it all over again the next day. We flew out the next day and landed on some remote airstrip near Bo Dop(not far from Xuan Loc) and the Chinooks took our 105s and us to Firebase Apache. This was in Dec of 1970 and I went home shortly after.

    1. Hi Greg,

      It sounds like you served with my father, Arnold J Stueber. He too was in the 7/11, 25th Division.

      Any chance you remember him?

      Thank you for your service!

  81. Phuoc Vinh was also the home of the 3rd BN 3rd BDE 187th Infantry Regiment (Rakkasans) of the 101st ABN DIV. We deployed from Fort Campbell, KY in Dec 1967 and were based at Phuoc Vinh until moving to Dak To in June of 1968. During that period Phuoc Vinh had the highest concentration of spray of Agents Orange, White and Blue in Vietnam with 484,383 gallons of agent orange, 146,576 gallons of agent white and 12,810 gallons of agent blue totaling 643,769 gallons of defoliant sprayed. I served as a combat squad leader with D company.

    1. I was at phouc Vinh with 101st but was not airborne. Was a replacement troop from Germany April 1968 I remember goin to dak to then to dak pek a plane crashed on runway we were there about two weeks I think . I was chest wounded sept 8 and taken too chu chi hospital

      1. At Dak Pek and Dak To with A Co 101 ABN at that time. We walked up the hill saw the top was totally destroyed. Set up for the night. Lost several men that night and left the hill the next day.
        Also, Medevaced to Chu Chi. From another location down south. Got my Purple Heart issued by the 25 Infantry Div.

    2. I was an MP with the 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne and a dozen of us landed at Bien Hoa on December 5, 1967, having left Ft. Campbell on Dec. 3rd. and then a convoy to Phuoc Vinh and yes off to Dak To in June of that year. Hopefully you had no run-ins with us MPs. Also,
      almost a month in 3 different Field “Hospitals,” from mortar wounds.

  82. I was with the 191st Military Intelligence Detachment of the 1st Cav from Oct 68-Oct 69.
    I was at Camp Evans in I Corps for a short while before we moved to Phuoc Vinh in anticipation of another Tet Offensive for 1969. The Cav’s aerial combat ability was the main reason for the move. The division was to be used to thwart any offensive on Saigon.
    I was responsible for order of battle information on VC and North Vietnamese units operating in the area. I visited many landing zones during my year in country to collect document and to gain other information from Americans serving there.
    The Phuoc Vinh base was frequently shelled during my tour. We all took turns every four or five days manning the well-protected guard sites that encircled the camps. Flares would frequently go off during the night to alert us to any probes of the perimeter wire.
    We worked in small buildings reportedly built by the French that were part of the command tactical operations center, a massive construction piled high with sandbags and surrounded by concertina wire.
    Our living quarters were down the road about one-quarter of a mile. We lived in long tents that held about a dozen guys. The mess hall and the detachment hqs were nearby.
    The village was close to where we worked. Young girls worked at the small commissary and could easily pass through the perimeter wire to return to their homes. I was only in the village market area once. Security was getting stricter during my tour and you needed a written reason to be there. It was not a tourist site.
    I made many friends in the 191st during my time in Phuoc Vinh, but sadly have lost contact with them.
    It’s hard at times to believe over more than half a century has passed since I was there. Thank you for this site. I have just discovered it.

    1. Same time I was there remember what you are talking about…HHB DIV ARTILLERY RTO IN FDC.Pulled a lot of “greenling too”.Also was at Evans and An The

    2. Thank you, Sir. What a relief to see a post from this 191st MI company And time frame. As you served with my dad, also 191st MI company Airmobile detachment, Team 3, Don Welch & his buddy Bob Peck who joined together and we’re from Colorado. I have such a hard time researching this specific Army group, so hard to figure out. My daddy passed away Dec. 30th 2017 and his friend Bob, a few short months later. I have some picture of them playing cards at a table with 2 other soldiers. Though, they would only have been with you a month. They arrived late Sept. 1969-1970 after Fort Hollabird training. Do you know them? If so please text me at 720-256-175zero. If not, please do anyway. I have many questions that I can not find answers to. My dad did die of Agent Orange and was awarded “service related death”, presumptive from CAD listed on his death certificate. Which has nothing to do with my questions. Though, I may have answers if anyone is wondering. My dad never filed for benefits, or went to a VA hospital, never knew he qualified. My mom now get DIC benefits which I filed on her behalf as she never knew of the entitlement. Which would have helped my dad to know while alive. Thank you.

      1. Nacoke,
        I’m sorry for delay. I haven’t been on this site for some while. Unfortunately, I don’t think I served with your father. I am saddened to know he has passed, especially from Agent Orange. You can text me at 540-421-9379. Blessings to you.

  83. I was at Phouc Vinh Sep66 to Sep 67 with a maintenence detachment with the 162nd Assault Helicopter Co.. It looked nothing like this video then. There was no pavement anywhere then. The village was small and open in daylite hours. I can’t believe what I’m seeing here.

    1. Hello, thank you for your comment and visiting our website. Yes fifty years will bring some change in an area that is developing so rapidly.

    2. I was with Co D, 1st Med Battalion Jun 66-jun67. I agree with you Combs, it looked nothing like these pictures.

      1. Dale Endress–I am Warren (Duke) Long, and I was also with Co D, 1st Med Bn . Oct 65-Apr 66. I am trying to verify (in my mind) our location in base camp at Phuoc Vinh. As I recall , we were “set-up” at the east end of the runway, south side @1-2 blocks from the then dirt runway. Does this sound accurate to you? I would welcome an opportunity to speak with you . Hoping you choose to respond. My e-mail is; duke [email protected].

    3. I believe my husband may have served with you the time frame is close.He was then Major Guy New, big guy from Louisiana. A helicopter pilot and with the Maintenance detachment ,I think the 407th. Sorry to say he passed away in 2011 from cancer and kidney failure attributed to AGENT ORANGE but not before he enjoyed many HAPPY years fishing and hunting in our home state of Louisiana.He returned from the 1966. 1967 tour and served out active duty wit AVSCOM IN st.ouis with two more return tours to Vietnam retiring in 1978 as a Lt Col and enjoyed his new life as grandpa and my beloved man for 60 years. hope all is well with you and yours. Sincerely Alice. NEW @ [email protected]

    4. Alice New here, looking fr any info on my husband’s time at PV ,same time Frame

      As you I believe. MAjor Guy New, helicopter pilot and Maintenance, also Major John Holder, hometown author writing book honoring vietnam vets and local servicemen. EMAIL [email protected], wud love to hear from you. GUY passed away in 2011 from cancer etc related to AGENT ORANGE. I know it was soo long ago, but I sincerely hope u remember him, he was my beloved for over 60 years Thanks Alice

  84. The Third Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division replaced the 1st Infantry Division at Phuoc Vinh at the end of November 1967. We were moved North to Camp Evans in September of 1968, when the 1st Air Cav replaced us. We worked in III Corps, and IV Corps, War Zone D, the Iron Triangle, and IV Corps when I left Vietnam in late November 1968. I’m kind of amazed that there is no mention of our presence during that time frame. Delta company 3/187 had a big battle not far from Phuoc Vinh on March 16, 17, and 18th 1968 where we lost a lot of good men. Our company commander Paul Bucha received the Medal of Honor for his actions that day. We had previously secured MACV Headquarters in Saigon during the Tet offensive. Also spent time at the Song Be Bridge on several occasions. Enjoyed perusing your site.

    1. Bill, thank you for your comment. I didn’t know about those units being down there at that time. Let me see how I can add more unit information to the pages. In the other end, our overall aim is to be a travel website, we can not have all historical information on here. We leave that to all the great history websites out there. What we do though is that we put in a lot of effort to make sure the historical information we have on it is correct although it might not be altogether comprehensive, for almost every location we have visited we have direct input from a veteran who were there about some facts. With all the transportation, medical, engineering, helicopter units etc. that were also in these places it would be too big of a task.

      We are very happy with all the additional information you and your brothers add to the site in the comments here. We work hard to keep it clean. Again, thank you for your comment and we would be happy to receive more feedback.

    2. Bill, Sounds like you were part of the “Eagle Airlift” out of Ft. Campbell. I was also part of the 1/506th sent over at that time 1967-68. We were also at the Base Camp at Phouc Vihn. I remember digging large holes for sandbags and putting them around our cot filled barracks along the perimeter. Our group also spent time at the Song Be bridge and in the Iron Triangle. I remember a Company D taking many casualties in a battle and us coming in to support them. Don’t know if it was 3/187th. It was around the same time in 1968.

    3. Hey Bill :
      Your’e right there is no mention of the 101st being there, however i do remember our fire fight at the laterite pit when Chuck overan the quad 50’s bring back any memories ?

  85. Was part of base camp 1967. Located north side from air strip . The further most part with a Arvin camp next door. Rebuilt base camp for a new unit coming in. Dug all position underground. Left and was first unit into song be. A airstrip was built while there. We were Bravo Battery 1st & 5 th arty. 1st infantry Division. We did fire missions for radio unit on the mountian known as the BLACK VIRGIN. We also were the first units set onto the Golf course of Quian Loi my gun was set on number 9 tee. The headquarters company was built on reclaimed trash dump. The swimming pool I never got to see. Once again we were moved before completing our build of camp.
    We moved to the Michelin Rubber Plantation. Located not far from AN LOC . Which was attacked during Tet. The VC WALKED BY US. Not attacking field units but struck the towns and villages. While in Phouc Vhin the town was wide open for all military. I finished my tour in the Plantation never leaving that position. We had Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner in that area.
    Very pleased that you are able to report on these sites for us. Always wanted to see the area. But it would not be the same as it was. Time changes all.
    Just thought it was nice to be reminded of those locations. Time served JAN 1967-thru February 1968. Thank you again for your work. Have research a lot of current photos of Phouc Vhin and Quian Loi which contains a lot of memories for us.

    1. Frank
      My first tour was with 1st Cav in Quan Loi. Thanks for doing a great job up front! Still took a lot of in coming. Launched the Cambodian Invasion from there!!

  86. Spent most of my tour at Phouc Vinh with 1st Cav, HHB, DIVARTY, as a Radio Teletype Operator. Our unit was located facing the village just inside the wire next to a Medivac unit. There was a school house on the other side of the wire. Curious if it’s still there.

    Also spent 6 weeks at FSB Katum during the Cambodian invasion as communication liaison to an ARVN Artillary unit. Also, one month on Nui Ba Den which was a communication relay station.

    Grew up over there, mostly great memories.

    Do you know where to get info/plan a trip to those places.

    1. Hi Tom. Thank you for your comment. Sennd us an email on [email protected] and we will be able to help you in the right direction. We have helped several returning veterans before. We do not sell any services through this website, what we do is help you out with advise and some contacts. You will be able to visit Nui Ba Den and Phuoc Vinh without any problems, Katum is possible sometimes but being so close to the border wight mean access is sometimes restricted. Let’s be in touch.

      1. My email is teast11@ Would be interested in info about visiting the three locations I was at (Phuoc Vink, Nui Ba Den, Kathmandu. Want to plan a trip there with my wife. Thanks for any help.

    2. Hi Tom,
      My dad arrived Nov of 1970 as part of the 1st Cav Division Airmobile 2nd&20th Aerial Artillery (he was 1st brigade, 25th division). He was in the Tactical Operations Center as a Radio Telphone Operator – any chance you knew him?
      He is no longer living and never spoke of the war – I am transcribing the letters he wrote home to my grandparents into a book for my family. Anything you have would be greatly appreciated!

      1. Hi Ann, if your dads last name was Chester it does not ring a bell. As far as his unit, it does not sound like he was in associated with mine directly. Also, I left in Nov 1970. I would be more than happy to give you info on websites that might help you locate people that may know your Dad. If interested, reply to my email at [email protected].

        1. Tom – You and I were with DIVARTY about the same time. I was there from March 1970 to February 1971, almost all that time in Base Defense in the DIVARTY TOC. I have a picture of the school building you mentioned – it was on the other side of the wire from our volleyball net. Like you, I probably left something of myself over there. I’d be interested to know if you make it back there.

          1. Joe, Good to hear from you. I worked in the TOC for most of the first half of my tour. Our radio teletype rig was located in the rear back by the switchboard operators desk. Delivered many messages to you guys. Best thing about that gig was the rig was air conditioned. Not for us but because the equipment needed to be kept cool 😃

          2. Hi Tom – I remember where the switchboard was. Do you remember Colonel Brady and the other officers who had offices there? I was by the back wall where that large map of our AO was, in a row with the FDC guys. Would be glad to reminisce with you if you’re up to it. My e-mail address is [email protected].

          3. Tom and Joe . . . I was in Phuoc Vinh Feb thru Dec 1970. I worked in the S-1 (personnel) office. Chances are that I processed your R&R’s and any awards that you may have received there. I recall seeing the Teletype cubicle in the TOC once. We ran there during a mortar attack, you guys having a much thicker sandbagged roof. I recall the volleyball court, the outdoor shower and elegant 6-hole latrine. I have many several pictures from there, mostly beer parties in our hooch. I also remember COL Brady and his shined boots and airconditioned trailer. I pulled guard duty at night in a bunker on the perimeter that overlooked a rice paddy. Ever hear the “fuck-you” lizzards?

      2. I was there about the same time. I got there in June 70 and left in Feb 71 . I was wounded on Aug of 70. I don’t remember that name . Maybe someone remembers my name. James Broadnax of Georgia

  87. I was with the 8th Engineer Battalion of the 1st Cavalry Division from September, 1968 until November, 1969. I came down from Camp Evans to Phouc Vinh in early November, 1968. We convoyed from Camp Evans to the docks at Hue. We loaded up on a Navy LST for the trip south via the South Chins Sea and the Saigon River to Newport docks in Saigon. We convoyed to Phouc Vinh after a sleepover on the docks and at Bien Hoa I think. I was with S-3 operations of the 8th Engineers. I spent many hours on a drawing board working on varied projects that were to be built all over the III Corps war zone. I was in and out of the field on Hueys checking on projects, etc. Phouc Vinh, like Camp Evams was under frequent shelling from mortars and rockets with occasional snipers. We were located on the western perimeter of the base camp.. Living conditions were very much better at Phouc Vinh than they were at Camp Evans. However being fortunate to spend the vast majority of my time on a large base camp was a distinct advantage over our brave infantry and artillery units at our far flung LZ’s. I extended my tour two months to get an early out from the military. I am proud to have served with the 1st Air Cav. I am one of the fortunate men that was able to make it back to the world. marry and have children and grandchildren. God Bless!!

    1. Lynn, thank you for your comment. That is very interesting information. For other readers here, Phuoc Vinh might have been a large base camp, but it was certainly located in a very active zone with high concentrations of enemy. Do you remember any of the projects you were working on? Were they most smaller Firebases or any larger base camps?

      1. Being in an eighth engineers we had numerous projects I myself And my Platoon built numerous LZ’s

    2. Lynn,
      My name is David Pettengill. I too was with the 8th Engr. S3 70-71. I too sat at the drawing board there and worked on projects. Also did some surveying. I think we can be very very certain we sat at the same drawing board. My memory is not the best but I believe it was a small building that sat by itself. I don’t remember anyone else in the building or any other actives in the building. Does that sound right?
      Hope this finds you well. My email is [email protected]

    3. Lynn, I too was with the 8th Engineers HHC S3 in 1970. I also worked as draftsmen / surveyor. I had a drawing board in a small wood building. Did you also work out of that small wood building? Dave Pettengill

    4. Hi, did your LST anchor out in the South China Sea for about 24 hrs? i might’ve been with you. Your trip sounds just like mine. I was with the 1/30 arty about the same time. We slept on the ground under our trucks at the docks.

    1. Albert, thank you for the insight. That is very interesting. I would have guessed that your enemy would have been very provoked by your presence in this area. I am glad you had the opportunity to enter the village and meet the people. It is an odd place today, heavy army presence and semmingly not very welcoming, although the guard at the cemetery invited us to drop in for a look. We didn’t have time then but hopefully next time I can go in.

    2. My 1st cousin Larry Keith Deal was killed near Phuoc Vinh, July 1, 1966. I think he was killed by friendly fire while on patrol. Not sure about the details, but that is extent of my knowledge I know. I have no clue on how established the base was at that time.

      1. Hey Randy, I am sorry about your cousin. I would guess the base was quite small at that time since it was fairly new having opened during 1965.

  88. What a difference 49 years can make. I was there Nov 69 thru it closing with Company B 227 AHB 1st Cav. Our company overlooked the dump to our west and the air strip was to our south. There wasn’t a tree for miles and as I remember we were on a hill or high ground. I was young and dumb and clueless , I literally grew up there, an experience that shaped my world view to this day.

    1. Robert, thank you for coming to our website and thank you for sharing a bit of your story here. It is all grown up in the area there now, mostly rubber plantations. We never got up to the north west side of the old camp. We were concerned about the Army camp that is there today and do not want to trespass. The areas we went did not have any signs and there was a war cemetery right in the middle of where the camp was, south of the runway. Did you close to the camp or did you turno it over to ARVN?

      1. Yessir. If you visit the War Museum in Saigon and go to the Agent Orange exhibition, there is a map and you can see the Phuoc Vinh base at the heart of the area from where Agent Orange was sprayed.

        1. James; you where at the aid station in Phouc Vinh around April 2nd 70. You help close my neck up from a piece of S&P that exploded in rocket attack at illingworth. Maj Hottell brought me there. I seemed to remember your name?

  89. Hi All,

    I’m looking for information about the start of “Tet 1969” at Camp Gorvad (Phuoc Vinh) Feb. 23. 1969. I lost a cousin on that day at Camp Gorvad.
    He was a Flight Operations Coordinator.
    I hope to visit the area on his 50th anniversary.

    Thanks & Regards

    1. David, thank you for coming to the site. I don’t know much of that offensive but I hope we will get someone here that can shine some light on it. If you manage to go there next year, please don’t hesitate to contact us on the email address available in the “About Us” section. There are some things to think about before visiting this area and we will be glad to help out.

  90. I was at Phouc Vinh with the 15 Med. in 1971 as a cook before we close down Phouc Vinh to move down to Bein Hoa. It was really hectic the last two weeks there. There was a hand full of us and we had to tear down all the hoachs and burn them. Me and a man name Tom that was from Guam took the flag down off of commo. Friends forever.

    1. Thank you for the additional information Malcolm. I was never sure if the base was turned over to the ARVN or just taken down.

      1. Jonas, the ARVN troops could not wait till we left. The final night before we left for Bien Hoa we almost got in to a fight with them if you know what I mean very scary with M16 in our hands. It could have ended real bad.

    2. Do you know exactly when the 1st Cav pulled out of Phouc Vihn? I was there with the sensor platoon attached to the 191st military Intelligence company in the Cav. I got there late October 70. My co sent me to a monitoring station on Nui Ba Ra mtn next to Song Be firebase. I was there until the Cav pulled back and never got back to Phouc Vihn.

      1. Hi,

        I’m looking on behalf of my father. He arrived at the Phouc Vinh base camp in Nov, 1970. He left the 1st Brigrade of the 25th Division and was assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division Airmobile, 2nd & 20th Arial Rocket Artillery. He speaks of Major (Mataka?) spelling? And Lt Colonel (Paeta)? – I am transcribing his letters he wrote home to compile a book of some sort for my 4 brothers/sisters. My dad is no longer living and he never spoke about the war. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

        1. Rodney – my name is Dave Pettengill. I was with the 8th Engineers, HHC, S3 (operations) at PV in 1970 thru April of 71.
          My hooch was above where a couple of cobras were kept. You had to walk past the cobras when going from HHC to the hooch. If memory serves me right.

      2. I was in an Loach (OH6A) helicopter, part of hunter/ killer team ( pink) in 1970 that made a welfare check on your commo group top of Nui Ba Ra., few thousand feet up. After confirming all ok and starting down we had an engine failure but made a safe landing via auto rotation and cool hand by my pilot, WO Davin McClain.
        Owe my life to his skill as a pilot & Grace of God

    1. Rong, thank you for your comment and for visiting our website. I have never heard of that attack. I hope someone will share more information about it. Any idea of which side of the camp was attacked?

      1. I remember being called to green line because of a ground attack in phouc Vinh. Phoo gas pretty much went off all around the green line. I was with the 11thGS Aviation co 01/69-01/70

        1. Hi Eddie,

          We were there at the same time same unit, I was a pilot, flew the Division Support commander every day. Inherited the monkey “Moose” next to the movie screen.

          Morrie McCormmach

        2. hey you guys with the 11thGS I was there also May 69 -apr.70 commo did about everything… gaurd duty. door gunner commo stuff..

    2. I was stationed with the 371st Radio Research Company there at Phuoc Vinh, (Camp Gorvad) from Dec. ’68 to Sept. ’69. I do remember an attack on the base camp. Don’t remember when, but May sounds about right. Being in a non-combat unit, I was scared. (If there is any thing as being non-combat in a war zone.) It was the only time I recall now that the base camp was under a ground attack. Usually we were shelled. I remember we had on all the gear and took up positions. I believe there might have been gas. That’s as much as I can recall at this time.

    3. Rong, I was one of at leat two Cobra gunships that responded to that attack. It was on the southeast perimeter 30 or so meters from our tent area and first spotted by our B battery 2nd/20th Arty (Blue Max) mechanics pulling greenline duty using starlight scopes. The PAVN were just stepping out of the perimeter woods when spotted. One was described to me as as an officer wearing what looked like a pith helmet with a star. He apparently did not participate in the attack. The greenline was instructed not to fire until they were in the wire that was laid in strands about 12″ off the ground. It could be traversed by sliding under–which was sort of the point. Once there were a number in the wire, the greenline opened up and we began rocket runs south to north along the perimeter. I was told it was quite a show in the late evening /early morning darkness. None of the sappers made it any farther than the wire. We were somewhat surprised that they did not know we could see in the dark.

    1. John, thank you for your comment and for visiting our website. Phuoc Vinh was an interesting visit for us, especially since I have been in contact with quite a few people who served there. also because I was told it wouldn’t be possible to visit it as it is an army base today. I went by to have a look anyway and there were no gates as we drove on to the old base area, the army base was off on the northern side of the runway. I wasn’t sure if it was allowed to drive around filming and taking pictures there which is why my material from this visit isn’t the best. We don’t want to trespass or break any laws during our visits as we want to be welcome back to travel the country.

      Did you also move around to other bases in the area such as Lai Khe or Quan Loi?

  91. Served out of Phuoc Vinh with 227 AHB under 1st Cav.Div. ’69-70′. It was a good camp with most needed amenities met there.1st Cav was the greatest.Have many ,many memories of Phuoc Vinh(Camp Gorvad).

    1. Thank you for your comment Thomas. This was an interesting place to visit as there is an army base there today. We do not want to trespass or break any laws on our travels, however there were no signs around saying we couldn’t enter the area. We felt we couldn’t stay too long and take pictures. There are government or army facilities all over the old camp area now and a firing range where the SF camp was.

        1. Malcolm, my apologies for taking time to answer. I had gotten several comments in a short while and thought I had replied to all. Well, driving between Phuoc Vinh and Bien Hoa today is not much of an adventure. 12 hours then might be one and a half to two hours depending on traffic. And the risk of running in to an ambush is very low 🙂

    2. Looking for anyone who might have known my wife’s younger brother. Was with Company C, 227th Aviation Battalion (Assault Helicopter) 1st Calavary Division (Airmobile) His name was Bobby Joe Likens. He died in a attack on the base on 19 August 1969. Commanding Officer’s name was Maj. Charles A. Phipps.

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