I Corps
I Corps was the most northern tactical zone during the war. With its location bordering to the north it saw heavy fighting almost all through 1956 to 1975. It covered the southern part of the DMZ, the bases along the Route 9 in Quang Tri province down through Thua Thien province with the Ashau valley, Quang Nam province where the first Marines landed in 1965 and down to the VC infested Quang Ngai.
An Hoa Combat Base
About 25 kilometer west of Hoi An this large US Marine Corps base played an important role in keeping the areas west and south west of Da Nang safe. A very well worth visit for the history traveler.
Read about our visit to An Hoa Combat Base and how to get there here>>>
Aluoi Airfield – LZ Stallion

Aluoi town is located about halfway through the Ashau Valley where the road from Hue joins the Ho Chi Minh Highway. In this small town was once a small Special Forces Base located, today the old runway is a road through town and it makes for a nice stop for the history traveler coming through the area.
Read more about Aluoi Airfield and hor to get there here>>>
Ashau Valley

The legendary Ashau Valley still holds its secrets hidden for the adventurous traveler to discover.
Read more about our the Ashau Valley and how to visit here>>>
Bunker Hill – Hue

A mysterious installation of bunkers west of Hue overlooking the Perfume River still holds its history hidden.
Read more about visiting this amazing banker installation here>>
Camp Ashau Special Forces
Once the location of a a U.S. Special Forces camp, this site sits quietly on the floor of the Ashau Valley.
Read more about how to find and get to Camp Ashau here>>>
Camp J.J. Carroll
Camp Carroll was one of the highly strategic bases along Route 9 covering the central DMZ.
Read more about visiting Camp JJ Carroll here>>>
Camp Evans
As one of the largest U.S. Base Camps during the war, the site of Camp Evans is an important landmark to visit.
Read more about how to find and visit Camp Evans here>>>
Camp Reasoner

Just west of Da Nang this recon camp was located on Hill 327. Camp Reasoner was established as an outer defense, protecting the important Da Nang airbase
Read about Camp Reasoner here>>>
Dakrong Valley
Dakrong Valley stretches from the Dakrong bridge at Route 9 in the north to the Ashau valley in the south.
Read more about visiting Da Krong Valley here>>>
FSB Bastogne
FSB Bastogne and FSB Birmingham were located south west of Hue just where the mountains starts to climb up towards The Ashau Valley. A visit to these sites is a must for any history traveler due to the importance of these bases during the war,
Read more about visiting FSB Bastogne here>>>
Hai Van Pass
Convoys going between Hue and Da Nang had to pass through this bottleneck making it one of the most dangerous places during the war.
Read more about visiting the Hai Van Pass here>>>
Hill 937 – Hamburger Hill
The legendary Hamburger Hill is possible to visit, it’s not the easiest destination to reach, but when you get there you know you have come to a special place.
Read more about visiting Hamburger Hill here>>>
Hue City

Located on the banks of the Perfume River, Hue City the former capital of Vietnam and the home of the Nguyen Dynasty offers a lot to the traveler. History is present everywhere, centuries old buildings combined with the more recent history of the Vietnam War and the vicinity to the Demilitarized Zone makes Hue one of the country’s most compelling destinations.
Read more about the war history of and how to visit Hue here>>>
Kham Duc Special Forces Camp
The former Special Forces camp in Kham Duc is located along the Ho Chi Minh Highway and anyone who passes through the town will have the opportunity to stop and look around.
Read more about visiting Kham Duc here>>>
Khe Sanh Combat Base
The former USMC base is located in the north west of I Corps along Route 9 featuring a museum well worth visiting.
Read more about visiting Khe Sanh Combat Base here>>>
LZ Peanuts – A special journey
During the night of May 5th 1968, a few kilometers west of Khe Sanh a fierce battle took place when the men from 1st Battalion 5th Cavalry stood their ground against hundreds of attacking NVA troops pouring in from across the Laotian border. The hill today is a peaceful place, one among many in the highland farmlands. but it has a special history and it will reveal some of it for those adventurous enough to seek it out and climb it.
Read more about our special visit to LZ Peanuts here>>>
LZ Stud – Vandegrift Combat Base
One of the important LZs later Combat Bases along Route 9 in Quang Tri province south of the DMZ. There might not be much left to see there, but the mountains ridges will be recognized from some of the most classic photos by Larry Burrows.
Read more about visiting the site of LZ Stud here>>>
My Lai
Many will have heard of My Lai. It is possible to visit this site just outside Quang Ngai City
Read more about visiting My Lai here>>>
Quang Tri Combat Base
Quang Tri Combat Base was established between Dong Ha and Quang Tri city in order to provide a new logistics center out of range from PAVN artillery located north of DMZ.
Read more about visiting Quang Tri Combat Base here>>>
Quang Tri Citadel and city
From the Tet fighting in 1968 and the 1972 Easter Offensive, Quang Tri City and the citadel was the scene of some very heavy battles during the war. So much that after the Easter Offensive 1972, only four structures were still standing. Read more about our visit there here>>>
Quang Tri Province & The DMZ
Quang Tri was the home of the DMZ, Street Without Joy and it required of the fighting forces to master everything from coastal amfibious warfare to fighting in dense jungle on the steep mountains of the western province.
Read more about visiting DMZ and Quang Tri province here>>>
Vinh Moc Tunnels
Not actually located in I Corps, but north of the Ben Hai river, these tunnels will show you another side of the war.
Read more about visiting Vinh Moa tunnels here>>>