Camp Evans was established in late 1966 during Operation Chinook, as The U.S. Marines were performing operations in the Phong Dien area about 25 kilometers north of Hue. The camp started out small but over time grew in to one of the larger base camps in the country. Initially a Marine Regiment and other units such as artillery and support units were in place.

In early 1968 the 1st Cavalry Division moved in as The Marines moved north to Quang Tri. Later on in 1969 the base was taken over by the 101st Airborne Division which occupied it until 1972 when it was turned over the the ARVN.
The camp was used as a launch point for units patrolling and assaulting in to the foothills of the mountains in the west. Evans was also a used for launches further west in to the Ashau Valley and its surroundings. It was also used as a logistical hub to support the numerous firebases in the mentioned areas. Considering its vicinity to the Ashau Valley it was the ideal place to have these large units posted on this site.

Below is a video from our 2017 visit to the site where the camp was located.
Exploring Camp Evans
Today there are few remains from the base in the area. At my 2017 visit, when the video was shot, I spent about half an hour walking around the site and found more or less nothing indicating that this place once sprawled with activity. If I had spent some more time looking around, I would have found what we encountered at our 2023 visit.

Exploring Evans with The Rakkasans
In 2023, I travelled with Ciarán and Stephen, the other two members of the NamWarTravel team together with John and Mike, two veterans of 3/187th,101st Airborne. We had visited their old battlefield on Hamburger Hill and now took a couple of days to explore some other sites where they spent time during the war.
We had started the day with going up to Eagle Beach where they spent some R&R time after Hamburger Hill. It was a good start to the day although the weather didn’t really invite us to take a swim. Not that we had planned it anyway.

We left Eagle Beach and went the short way over to Camp Evans on the west side of QL1, north of Hue. We drove up around 1.5 kilometers and turned right down one of the new roads. Much of that area is forest today and some has been developed. I was certain there would be remains to be found and we had noticed an area while driving into the base area. It is about 800 meters in from QL1 so we drove back there and got out of the car.

Here it was, what we saw was definitely remains from the days this area was a very large base during the Vietnam War. We walked up and found large concrete slabs lying around in one place, some of them painted. As we continued in, we walked on that typical hard packed soil one so often encounter on old installations like this. Large areas were also covered by tarmac and it was very flat. We spent maybe 20 minutes walking around until we were satisfied. John and Mike shared some stories with us from their time there.

Clearly this was a part of the old base, not much, but I am convinced that if one would spend more time driving around the area, there would be more spots like this. Many times visiting old basecamps like Evans, there is an old runway from where one can navigate the area. An Hoa Combat Base is a good example of that. Here at Evans, it’s gone, there might be traces of it, but I wouldn’t know where to start searching.

Camp Evans is a good visit. It was a very important base during some of the most intense years of the war. It was the home of different important infantry units during some of the most important phases of the war. It is also in the vicinity of some popular destinations such as DMZ and Hue which makes it very convenient to get there.
How to get there
The site is very easy to find. Drive north from Hue along QL1, after about 25 kilometers, turn off left on the little side road named DT9. GPS coordinates are 16.562000, 107.380000
Special thanks to veteran and Huey pilot Loren Gee for allowing us to use his wartime pictures.
Back to I Corps>>>
I would like to hear from other MCB 10 Sea Bees in Evans 68-69. Especially C Company. I was Asst Company Commander then Company Commander till the Nixon cut back that decommissioned half the CB battalions in the Navy. Proud of being a Sea Bee. You guys were great.
Hi Lt! I was there with you. Bu 2 C company. Had crews on bridges and culverts mostly. Learned a lot real fast. I remember the good times not so much those bad times. Welcome Home Brother
Hi Lt! I was there with you. Bu 2 C company. Had crews on bridges and culverts mostly and a couple large helicopter maintenance buildings. If I remember correctly you had me change the hand railings in one building. Still think my idea was better 😉. Learned a lot real fast. I remember the good times not so much those bad times. Welcome Home Brother
I was with Hq Btry, 1st Bn, 11th Marines (artillery). The unit started moving from Quang Tri to Camp Evans about January 2-6, 1967. I was part of the group that stayed behind as 12th Marines took over our spot at Quang Tri. I moved to Camp Evans about January 15th. On January 26th we started moving to Phu Bai as the 1st Air Cav was moving in to Camp Evans to take our spot. I got to Phu Bai on January 28th, just before TET started.
did you know Roger Swanson?
I was in the 1st Air Cav 15th Medical Battalion. Was there on May 19,1968 when ammo dump blew up. What a night!!
Anyone remember Rodger Hodge?
Was at Camp Evans in ‘67-‘68 with 1st Cav. Was a Combat Engineer in C Co 8th Engineer Battalion and helped finish construction on the airfield and did maintenance on the airfield and supported Infantry units in the bush. Then extended my tour and transferred to Infantry and moved to 5th Bn 7th Cav, 1st Cav, still at Evans until Oct ‘68 when I DEROSed. Back to the U.S. to flight school and then got assigned to B Co, 158th Assault Helicopter Company, “Lancers” of 101st Abn/Ambl, at Camp Evans from May of ‘70 to May of ‘71. 101st took over Evans in late Oct ‘68 when 1st Cav moved south.
I was there February 1968. C Company 228 Aviation Battalion 1st Cav. Chinooks
Hi John. I was there from January to August 1968 with B Company, 227th, 1st Cav UH-1H. I was glad to get out of there before getting involved with missions to Ashua Valley though we did fly into Khe Sanh.
Hope I didn’t post before thanks for this site Served 70- 71 w b co 158 lancers did various tasks among them was gunner and sometimes flew a c 645. Was hoping to find my friend and crew chief from s Carolina. I was called Ponch and was the armorer. Thanks again
Gerardo, Lancers have a FaceBook page. There are actually two… but one is heavily populated with fakes and people selling stuff… has over 600 members. The best Lancer page has about 159 members that have been vetted with little garbage posted on it. Check/Search FaceBook for: B Co 158th Avn “Lancers” (has a black and white photo of a UH-1 with troops loading onto aircraft with the white dot) If you ask to join answer the questions with when you served, some details and some Lancer names you know so you can be verified.
Just wondering if anyone recalls the gun canister site used to zero I in the guns at Camp Evans it was labeled L C F initial s of three Marines from Ohio in the 3rd Marine Div. 12 th Marines in 1967 we were an artillery survey crew from Dongha.
I was stationed at Evans with the B Trp., 1st of the 9th Air Cav. , helping out the marines chase the NVA back to Laos in “68”. We left there in July and headed to Quan Loi. I have photos of Evans during that time if anyone would like to see them. Stay well Brothers, Steve O
John Bohnert Spec 5 with 3rd 5th Cav, 1969 and 1970, Headquarters Troop. I was at Camp Evans Oct 69 in the motor pool. I had ten 548s in support of line troops plus PCs and tanks. I am glad to find this site and read the stories.
I was with 3/187 Company B from Jan 5, 1970, Camp Evans until I left with a drop on November 28, 1970. I am the one that kicked out ammo for Company B during them running out of ammo during Firebase Ripcord. They had a chopper running the helipad at the control tower with a pilot, a co-pilot, a crew chief, and a gunner and needed someone to kick off the ammo. I’m the one that did that and was promised to be put in for a silver star. I never got the recognition but am grateful that many lives were saved that day by our sacrifice. I’ve always wondered if any of the other participants received the silver star. If so, I would like to hear from you. You can check this out and confirm that my information is accurate.
I was there with MCB 10, 1968-9. Paved hiway 1.
John: This is what was Ltjg Edward Brett. C Company Assistant Company Commander, then Company Commander till Nixon had his first Vietnam cut back and half of the CBS were decommissioned and I got an early out. If this gets back to you I’d love to hear from you.
Ed Brett
[email protected]
I was at Camp Evans with HQ Co. (Comm Platoon) 4th Marines from Sept. ‘67 to Jan. ‘68. Then we moved to Camp Carroll, just in time for Tet. Moved to CaLu/Rockpile after that.
I was with you my fellow Marine. We will always remember 19 February 1968 when rockets rained on us and Richard Roberts was killed. RIP Richard. Semper Fi.
Happy New Year my brother. Delta 1st. Plt. 10/67-08/68. Did you know Tony Rizuto. Lost contact with him. Semper Fi. Cam Lo 02:02:68
Happy New Year my brother. Delta 1st. Plt. 10/67-08/68. Did you know Tony Rizuto. Lost contact with him. Semper Fi.
ible after it has been approved.
Happy New Year my brother. Delta 1st. Plt. 10/67-08/68. Did you know Tony Rizuto. Lost contact with him. Semper Fi. Cam Lo 02:02:68
What a great site. was an interrogator at Evans from Oct 69 to oct 70. Spent time on various fire bases. I will never forget Ripcord and that disaster. Thanks to everyone who served there. Phil
I am glad I found this site. I was stationed at Camp Evans from November 14, 1970 to November 14, 1971.
I was an Air Traffic Controller for Company B, 326th Medical Bn, 101 Air Mobile Division. I made Sgt before my ETS. when I wasn’t on the radio I was helping soldiers kick their heroine addiction so they could pass their medical urinalysis test during their ETS.
The pass 15 years I have been a guest speaker at Chapman University, University Nevada Las Vegas, and two High School schools giving students a first hand experience mixed in with some historical and logistical facts. I reached out though “Rally Point” website to try and connect with other Aero Midical “Dustoff” personnel. I can hopefully be reached through this post.
Larry Haney
My grandpa was stationed there as well with the First Cavalry. He was a chaplain assistant. His name is Danny.
Was your Grandpa from the Memphis area?
I was there the same time you were there. A/ 2nd / 506 grunt. I wonder if we were on the same freedom bird..??
I was a co 2/506 oct 70 to June of 71 bob raisty
I was at the former location of Camp Eagle in April 2019. My guide, Mr Vu brought me to the location. I was doing a recon for my close friend who was there in 1969-1970 as an aviation mechanic on the AH-1 Cobras. From my photos, Camp Eagle was unrecognizable to him, other than the range of mountain tops in the distance. We matched up the peaks from 1969 to the peaks in 2019, and he said I was definetly at the old Camp Eagle location. The former camp is now a cemetary and there’s a dirt road so you can drive in. The landscape slopes down into a valley, which after 50 years is overgrown with trees and brush. Also, part of the old camp is a training site for the PAVN. We saw soldiers and what looked like a small military installation ajacent to the old camp. I enjoy this site and hearing the stories from the men that served. Thank you all!!
Not sure if I am writing in the right spot on here.
My dad was there in 1969 as a LRRP, He is still alive and kick’in and I plan on showing him this site. I love that you did this, and it is something I want to do myself. Thank you for the pics and story. -Rob Greenly
Hey Robert, I’m looking for a friend of mine that I served with who was in the LRRPs with the 101st at Phu Bai. Can you ask your Dad if he knows a Manfred George Lewis? He was an E-5 when he was reassigned to the 82nd Airborne where I knew him. Sometimes the guys who served together in Nam stayed in touch so I am always on the lookout for LRRPs from that period & unit. Thanx, Michael Burton
I was in a Lrrp unit with the 1st Cav , Evans was our base camp. 67/69.
My dad, Gary from Louisiana, was stationed at Camp Evans in 1969-1970. He was a helicopter mechanic on the AH-1 Cobras as well. Glad I found this site so I can show him. : )
I’m Rick uselton, Sp/4 .I was out of camp Evans in Nam in middle of 1971. Was also on FB . The E8 in charge on FB was called the Silver Fox. Great guy . Just checking to see any you guys left to talk to.
Think I remember him I was there 69-70 101st battalion 158th assault helicopter co D redskins first time talkin about this.
I believe Camp Eagle was built on a Vietnamese cemetery as I watched the movie Deliverance ( 1969) on a makeshift movie screen draped in the area of Vietnamese graves which bore the symbol of swastikas which I learned had a more ancient origin then WWII Germany. It is a Buddhist symbol.
My understanding of the topography was that there was the South China sea, then beaches, then rice paddies, then rolling hills, then foothills, then mountains and mountain peaks, then the Asahu Valley followed by foothills, mountains, mountain peaks and then Laos.
Camp Eagle was located on the first set of rolling hills.
Specialist Michael W. McCarrin E-4 ,101st MP Company, Third Platoon, Camp Evans 11-07-1969- 11-06-1970
Did you know Bob Hickmon ?
I was stationed camp ⛺️
Eagle 70/71 was my base camp and the rest of time on fire base Bastogne what an experience vetnam 50 years gone buy 326th combat Engineers A company
I was sent to Camp Evans from Camp Eagle in April 1970. I was a crypto signal corps Spec 4. Became a Spec 5 while there. Bunked with a great group We were hit so often that this one guy never left the hooch for the bunker. His cot was in the corner and he would just roll off and go back to sleep. Was happy to leave and go back to Eagle where it was a bit “safer”.
Choppered in and out so I never got a chance to see the surrounding areas off QL1.
Bob, I was in the 3d Bde comm center from Oct 70 until Oct 71.
My name is Stan Williams
My dad was there in 1969 as a LRRP, He is still alive and kick’in and I plan on showing him this site. I love that you did this, and it is something I want to do myself. Thank you for the pics and story.
-Rob Greenly
Stan. I was an 05C20 or 40 at Eagle and went to Evans as well. I was also in Camp Carroll and left in July 71. Were you an E6 in ’71? My name is John Cahall. You were red headed as I remember?
With the 3/187/101st airborne Division HHC Company from 4-68 to 4-69. Phouc Vinh from 4-68 to 11-68. Camp Evans 11-68 to 4-69. Was in communications telephones and radio repair. Was on the advance party to Camp Evans convoyed from Phouc Vinh to Saigon. On ship down the Saigon River to China Sea up to Da Nang. Would not let us in port because of storms. Back and forth from coast out 500 miles and back for 4-5 days before let into Da Nang harbor. Convoyed from Da Nang to Camp Evans arrived 2 plus days after the main body arrived. Some advanced party? Spent a lot of my time going from one fire support base to another. Got to see a lot of the beautiful country side in I corps area. Traveled HWY 1 to Camp Eagle a lot. Sometime we met the mine sweeping corp as the were heading north. Thought Hue was a beautiful city before destroyed by war. After serving in Phouc Vinh it woke me up about the Vietnam Police Action? There was a war going on!!
My dad Barry English was also there in communications.
I was stationed at Camp Evans with the 555 Maintenance Company from January to August of 1970. Besides working on the track vehicles that came to the camp shop we provided field support for APC’s and M110’s at the surrounding fire bases. Was transferred in September to the 625th S & S in Quang Tri and remained there until December of 70 when I got to come back state side. Have tried over the years to find some of the guys from both companies but have had no luck.
I was the squad leader on the gun truck Dirty Bitch (1970). I used to bring the guys into the Triple Nickle mess hall to eat when I could. I was assigned to the 848 QM POL Plt out of Quang Tri and housed in the same area as the 625 S&S Co..
Gene Strecker
I remember you guys coming in once in a while. I worked in the motor pool. I ended up in Quang Tri with the 625th after our company was disbanded. Feel free to email me.
Email – [email protected]
I was with the 555 maint. company from sept 69 till company was disolved due to a murder im sommer 70. We were sent to different camps. I was at Quang Tri for remainder of time toll September 70
I was sent to Quang Tri also. I ended up with the 625th S&S. Please feel free to email. I would like to talk to you.
Email- [email protected]
I was there the same time, I t.c.ed a m88 retriever
I was with A 158 th Ghostryders when then came in from Ft Carson . I joined them in March 69 and DEROS back to the states I remember Medivac coming in to the pad to the field hospital.24/7.
I was there when we first got there. Came over from Ft Carson. Ghostriders!!!
I was with 4/12 Marines 1st Provisional Battery 3rd Marine. Division that established Camp Evans in March and April 1967. We were a 155 howitzer ( towed) battery organized to provide a larger arty fan in the area north of Hue and Pk 17.
Thank you for the site and thank you all for your service.
My dad was stationed at Camp Evans in 1968 with the 1st Cav. I believe his job title was aeroscout observer. He flew in OV-1 Mohawks.
Sadly he passed in 2007 from complications due to agent orange. He never talked much about the war but I know the memories were always with him. He did mention the ammo dump incident to me several times. His name was Steve Demko.
If anyone served with him please reach out. I would love to hear of any memories.
Thank you,
Ben Demko
[email protected]
I also was one of the MCB#4 Seabees that moved up from Phu Bai after Tet to built up Camp Evans in 1968. (March – Nov). We not only built our camp but all the wooden hooches for the Cav and the air strip. Still have the dated “1944” 105 brass that was blown over our heads destroying our tent the night the POL and ammo dump was hit, May 19, 1968 (now a change dish). I too was standing in the company yard under the mid air collision on Oct 3, 1968. 40-50 years later by some strange coincidence I have crossed paths with both a cousin of the crew chief on the chinook and the brother of a soldier on the C -7 who was going on R&R to meet his girl friend in Hawaii. They all died that day! By chance, anyone out there in the Cav remember, I think a black trooper (the 4th man in line) coming out of the tree line from the North, who stepped on a mine (105 round) at the sand pits (I believe it was August of 68) located about 2 klicks north of Evans on the ocean side of route #1? I am still having trouble with the memory of wiping the “pink mist” off of my face that day. Always thought a name might help. Dave
Hello Dave. Thank you for your comment and for adding some historic context to our article. I am happy you made it out and I hope you find peace one day. I wish I could help you with the name. Do you have any idea of which unit he was in?
The soldier going to meet girlfriend in Hawaii was GOMES ALLEN EDWARD SP5 19681003 HHC 13th Sig Bn. I took him to airstrip and witnessed the collision.
I was with the 1st Cav and saw that crash , saw the aircraft coming off the runway and the chopper lift off and hit the fixed wing aircraft, couldn’t believe what I seen. Still can see it clear as day
David , would like to get in touch with you. I too was a SeaBee , with MCB 4 , company C- a steelworker, at camp evans , same deployment dates and witnessed the same things you mentioned. I was putting the finishing touches on a roof of a steel building and watched the crash as it happened from close proximity . That image is glued into my mind. Our group layed the metal runway there .
Do you remember a SeaBee named William Pfmatter.
I was with the first cav and spent over eight hours in our bunker waiting for the fireworks to stop. I also was there in August when the chinok collided with the c7. I was in k.p. and watched it unfold. May 19 was one of my worst memories.
Hey Gary, my grandpa was there that day with the 1st cav as well. 8th engineers.
I was an EON2 with Four “A”company heavy crew at or around the same time as you. I was a backhoe, dozer and scraper guy who worked on the ammo dump. I also worked on a number of other projects with A company. Came up from DaNang just after the advance party and experienced all the rockets and various other events that made Evans a busy place in ’68.
You mentioned the Caribou and Chinook crash. I remember it as well. I also watched a Huey flip over on the field across Hwy1 from our camp.
Memories…some are vague and others are vivid. [email protected]
Dave Aro
I was scheduled to be on the flight. I got bumped by a Captain who was leaving for R&R to see his family in Hawaii. I didn’t learn of the cash until that night at role call when they told the tram I was killed in it.
I lost a brother outside Camp Evans june 5, 1970. he was with A 3/187. The Company C.O. Capt. Patrick Bryant was also KIA. Does anyone remember this action. A booby trap that they think was a 105 or a 155.
I was a E-6 under Capt. Bryan. I came up from 1/18th 1st Inf. when they went home. Was just sent to the rear with twisted ankle. when they were killed, I had to ride in the chopper to graves Registration. What was your brothers name. I went home 7/70.
Bill Royer E-6 11B40
I was at evans from 1 July 70 untill 16 June 71 with A co. 2/506. On 8 July i was sent out to fire base ripcord and was their untill 23 July. When they was over run.
I was 3rd Platoon Ldr. for A/1/7 (1st Cav) when we went north in late 1967 and settled at Evans.
Ended up at Hue….tough days!
Anyone know troopers from A/1/7?
Hi Mike,
I was a battalion RTO with 1/7; later went to C 1/7.
Do you remember any of the platoon or company RTO names?
Jim Hilts
1600 Ridge Ave. Coraopolis, PA 15108 (Near Pittsburgh, PA)
[email protected]
Sorry for the very late reply as I just saw your response. My RTO was a fellow named Jackson. Really a good trooper but never knew his first name. NW of Hue on 2/24/68 he crawled 200 meters through the rice with me just to keep our coms up.
Does anyone here remember Tom Tindor? He was a pilot in the 158th avn batalion at Camp Evans in 1970, call sign Phoenix 69.
My father was a crew chief. SPC5 Pacheco tail #307. He served with C 1/58th AVN BN in 70-71 at Evans.
He knew and served with LT. Doody, David Barnhart from Arizona I think. and a guy named Bobo. Dad got shot down in the A shau valley as well. My name is Johnny and my number is 951-240-1727. Just trying to help reconnect the pieces for my dad. Also, I followed in my his footsteps as far as combat goes. Cheers and thank you for your service, Sir.
Johnny…..Your post is over 3 years old, but I’ll respond anyway with hopes that you’ll see it. I was a crewchief with C/158th Aviation, call sign Phoenix. You mentioned W/O Doody (pilot) and Sp. Bobo (crewchief). Sorry to say that they both were killed when their Huey went down during Lam Son, the Laos invasion, along with W/O2 Stewart (pilot) and PFC Robertson (gunner). We also lost another full crew during Lam Son.
Was at evans from aug 70 to aug 71 with 666 trans co. It was a so called forward platoon out of eagle. We hit every fire base in the area that was accessible by road even alpha 2 north of dong ha once. Our hoch was across the road from the em club that had the huge parachute over it. Crazy times but the best of friends.
I was at Camp Evans from March 70 till late that year when I was transferred to the MACV compound in Hue. I was in the 63rd Signal battalion.
I was at 63rd signal at Evans, March 69, to Feb 70.
I was first a swithboard operator, then company armorer, finally supply sgt.
M. Hathaway.
I also was assigned to 63rd at Evans but was sent to Hue also. I was the mechanic and in charge of the generator mechanics on the MACV compound and at the citadel.
Anybody here that served in Alpha Company 2/7 from May 1968 through Feb 1969? Looking for someone that was there?
Does the name Ronnie Childers ring a bell? Would have been an E4. Was wounded in an ambush as he describes as an underground village. He is unsure of the exact location but remembers it was very very close to the dmz and remembers being in camp Evans. Any help or knowledge would be very helpful. He is my father and am trying to find old friends.
Yes, Camp Eagle is completely gone. I have flown in and out of the Phu Bai airport a few times in the last 20 years. I spent February, 1968 in a small former French Army compound called PK-17 in the town of Tu Ha, a few clicks north of Hue on QL 1. The Seabee base at Utah Beach is now a primative beach front party area with long tin-roof pole buildings with food and plenty of beer. The lake in the red clay at Camp Evans is about the only thing to see there.
Hue has been fully restored and is a thriving tourist and university center.
By the way, QL 1 (Highway 1, the “Street Without Joy,” is now a divided highway with one wide lane each way, and a concrete barrier strip down the middle. The tiny town of Tu Ha where PK-17 was located now has 2 banks, restaurants, and several other businesses. I have only found 4 people in the town who were there during TET 68.
Hi Doc
On 21 Feb. 1968 I was the medic on a convoy on the way to Hue. We got to the PK 17 area just before dusk a nd the decision was made to stay at PK17 until the next AM. Around 0200 hrs. The compound was hit with a mortar barage and I believe the perimeter was breached. I was sleeping in a houch and a mortar came through an open area and landed on the bedside stand of a 1 Lt with MACV tean 3. He took the direct blast of that hit and saved the lives of the other 4 people that were in the area. I wonder if you have any knowledge of that event. I was medivaced out the next AM for minor injury and heard nothing else of the event. I know the name of the 1st Lt but not of any of the other troopers. I was in HHC 3rd Bde 1ST CAV at camp E a s at the time. Will post E mail address if anyone wishes to reply
Larry Tessmer. [email protected]
I was a Grunt with C company 3rd Bn 187 Infantry Jan thru Dec 1971. We were very rarely on base , hanging out in the A shau valley. A horrible year. I rarely think about it. Very proud of My CIB
Welcome home Matt…I was also a grunt with A company Oct 70 to July 71.. Left Khe Sahn ( operation Lam Son 719) to come home on emergency leave for my 17 year old wife ( I was barely 20). When it came time to return, I refused to go back as short timer. I turned my self in at Ft. Mc Pherson expecting to get court marshalled. Instead they turned my case over to the base chaplin. He had me apply for a compassionate reassigment to the states. While waiting I was put on funeral detail as part of the 21 gun salute at military funerals in Ga. & Tn.. I was turned down for the reassigment and I told the chaplin that I would not go back. He then had me apply for a hardship discharge and it was approved in Oct 71 and I was honorably discharged at the end of October that year on my 21st. birthday. Thank God!
I was with HHC 3/187 Oct. 70-71 and ran generators for the battalion, but was rarely on base. Started off at FB Rakkasan then during Dewey Canyon II (Lam Son 719) I went to FB Shepard, FB Vandergrift, and finally Khe sahn where I was wounded. Lost a couple of friends Jay Fishbeck who was a rigger with HHC, and Wade Rollins from Echo company. I also went home for one of my R&R’s and applied for a compassionate reassignment because my father was very ill. They sent me on a temporary assignment to Ft. Knox for about a week before sending me back to the Nam. Fortunately while I was there the Doctors gave me a medical profile which allowed me to have a sweet assignment taking ammo out to the bunker line at night, and picking it up in the morning. I was also the driver for Major White. The down side was I was assigned to the motor pool that had more than its share of @$$es.
I was a cook at camp Evans 70/71 I knew both Wade Rollins and Jay Fishback. Saw so many faces but not many names can I remember now.
“Baby-Son”, Spec4, 11C20, Echo company, (recon, snipers, mortars, & big-eye) 3/187th Airmobile Infantry. Arrived in country 04/03/71 DEROS 12/17/71. Spent very little time in the rear “Camp Evans” , usually in the bush with a line company and/or an ARVN PFVN or RFVN unit. And somehow I also ended up as the so called “demolitions expert” for whatever unit my mortar squad was working with, probably because I had absent mindedly let it slip that I had done a little demolition work as a civilian. As the year wore on we got stretched thin and were sent all over the country securing units that were standing down.
Thank you Tim for your service, glad you got on with your life as I did !
Vietnam Sucked !!!!!
Thank you all to our Vietnam veterans, God bless you all & your families.
My brother Larry ’lil tex’ Sonnier served ‘70-‘71. Larry”Lil Tex”Sonnier; C Co. 1st Batt. 506th Infantry (1970) 3rd Brigade Airborne Division
Suzanne, Steve Smith here. I served with Charlie Company 1st of the 506th from Nov 69 until May 70. Larry came into the company after I was wounded. I met him in 2003 at a get together held at his house in La. In 2004 he visited me in S. C. I visited him at the VA hospital in La some years later. He was a solid soldier and a good man. Restfully, Steve Smith (Raider).
Daniel thanks for your information. I was with the 8th Engineer Batallion, C Company and HHC Company, Camp Evans, Combat Engineer, 1st Cav from May 1968 to March 1970. I got there after the ammo dump got hit. I actually saw the Chinook and the Caribou collide in mid-air and everything falling from the sky. I was sitting outside my tent drinking a beer with the guys and actually witnessed the collision. I Could not believe it. The 1st Cav moved down south to Phuoc Vinh and other areas at the end of October/November (don’t recall exactly). That was quite the move.
My brother was in camp Evans 69-70. Medic with 101st. Wayne Rose.
Was your brother attached to C. Co. 1st. 506, 101st in 1970?
With 14th engineers..also witnesses air collision as we were coming thru front gate
I was with 4/12 Marines 1st Provisional Battery 3rd Marine. Division that established Camp Evans in March and April 1967. We were a 155 howitzer ( towed) battery organized to provide a larger arty fan in the area north of Hue and Pk 17.
Sounds like you came into my exact location a little while after I left… quite abruptly and unceremoniously. 🙂 I was also with Company C, 8th Engr. Bn., HQ. company, HQ squad at Camp Evans in January 1968. I was as green as grass and had been in-country a bit less than a month when I, and a couple of my fellow Ft. Leonard Wood graduates arrived there. We bounced around quite a bit on our journey via airplanes and convoys from Cam Ranh Bay to Camp Evans. During that time we had several labor intensive assignments such as sand bag filling and fence post pounding. When we arrived at Camp Evans I got lucky. Because I could drive a stick shift I was assigned to be the the Exec. Officer’s jeep driver.
The morning of the day before the first night of Tet was foggy and hazy. We, the Exec officer and I, drove around the perimeter checking the wire and the artillery placements. When we got back to the HQ tent the CO’s jeep driver and I were listening to one of the jeep-mounted radios. A voice on the radio stated, “They’re shooting mortars in the streets of Hue.” A voice came back, “That’s OK, we’ll send in a squad of Marines to clean them out.” So far as I know, that was the beginning of the battle for Hue.
That night I was wounded pretty seriously and flown to Da Nang at dawn for surgery. It is my understanding 37 men were wounded that night. I will never forget Camp Evans.
Sounds like you and I were together in the NAM, at some point… Good to hear from you
I was there for Ho Chi Minh’s birthday May 19th, 1968 when the ammo dump was hit. Spent the longest night of my life in a bunker with all the bombs and fuel bladders exploding. There were times when you could barely breath from the sand in the air. I was an order of battle analyst assigned to G2.
I was with a Duster 1st 44th art remember that night very well didn’t know if we would make it.
I was there May 19, 1968, but on the far west perimeter with a signal company. Just south of us was the 101st including their mess tent where we ate…OMG! Drank water from rice paddy without issue…got dysentery from eating in the mess tent!!
While there in April 1967 with 4/12 Marines half of our 155 battery was placed at Pk 17 a small town about 6 miles south on highway 1 to provide arty mutual arty support . We had the back southwestern corner of a arvn compound that was attacked several times in April 1967 and lost 3 Marines and a Corpsman. Our guns at Camp Evans help blunt the attack.
Hello Corporal Cole.
I was with the 155s that went to PK-17. We were attacked (ground attack)on the night of 4/6/1967. I had joined the 155 battery in December 1966. We went to Camp Evans and were then detached to PK-17. The battery 1st Sgt went with us. A Sgt. Duffy (sp?) from the 155s was killed that night. There were several wounded from the 155 group, including some very serious wounds (Corporal Mike ??? lost both legs). Afterwards, the 1st Sgt also lost both legs when his vehicle hit a mine just outside PK-17.
Do you remember the name of the 155 battery. I remember a decent major was in charge.
Shortly after PK-17, myself and Mabon Cornwell volunteered to join the combine action platoon (CAP) program and both eventually ended up in 4th CAG, Papa Co., 2nd Platooin.
I stayed to Vietnam for 28.5 month. It is very hard for me to recall my time in the 155 (towed) battery. Any information would be appreciated.
Semper Fi,
Jerome (Jerry) Heimiller
I was there during Ho Chi Minh’s birthday too…. what a helluva night… huge pieces of artillery raining down from the skies… you could hear the thumps on our bunker… unexploded ordinance…. then hit the lines… I had just come down from quang tri city MACV for a couple of days headed to Hue…. spent three days with two of my brothers in Dong Ha… a couple of days earlier.. four of us were there together… three of us in combat…. helluva of a time ….
I was with Hotel 2/9th Marines when Camp Evans was nothing but a perimeter. We came from Dong Ha in the late fall and helped establish the base camp. A lot of us marines were then transferred from 2/9 into 3/26th marines. This was to mix veterans that had been in country a while with 3/26 boots. To the best of my recollection 3/26 had made a amphibious landing on the coast and Camp Evans was established for them. 2/9 was suppose to go to okinawa to regroup. I was transferred to Mike 3/26 in this process and 2/9 never went to regroup. 3/26 then went to khe sahn. i would have to get my records to see how accurate my statements are but the time frame is close. Semper Fi brothers.
Another thing, the Army did send Tanks to Camp Evans because that was the first time any Army tank Units were any further North than DaNang. After being transferred from 2/9 and going to 3/26 I stayed a while over a Court Marshall and a bunch of us went to Phu Bia for the trial. A Lt. York and a Sgt. Williams were court marshaled over this. Both of these Marines were lifers with the Corp.
Lt York was found not guilty of any wrong doing., but had civilian lawyers and I believe his dad was a retired Rear Admiral.
Sgt. Williams was convicted, but had appointed military lawyers!
Sgt. Williams was a good man and excellent Marine Sgt.. The country lost a good leader that day!!!!
Sgt. Williams was black and in this day and time this charge would have never taken place. I’m White so I’m not playing a race issue but just saying it would not have taken place!
This was all bull S… and should have never have taken place. All areas around Camp Evans was a free fire zone and this gook was setting booby traps.
I think the gook was with the Army Cak units in one of the villages and a Army Captain was the reason for this Court Marshall. None of us Jar Heads had any use for this Captain needless to say……….
2/9 left Camp Evans and the scuttlebutt was they went to Phu Bia and never made it to Okinawa to regroup. Does anyone remember the Viet Cong sniper that had gotten inside the perimeter? He was finally caught after coming out at night an shooting . All of this took place in early 1967.
Shew, my best friend was with Fox 2/9 at Evans. I was with 9th MT when Evans became a base. We hauled everything including your sorry asses into there. 9th Marines were under 26th at KheSanh during the seige, but almost no 9th Marines were AT Khesahn. They were all out in the hill outposts all arounf Khesahn. Evans was established in 66 during operation Chinook. It was about 25 clicks NW of Hue, just off Hwy1.In early 68 the marines moved out and farther north to QuangTri and turned Evans over to the 1st Cav. I think the 101st took over Evans in early 69, but I was gone by 9/68. I was on the last convoy to Dong Ha for 3rd Med bn resupply and got stuck when the TET offensive started next morning. They re-assigned me to Charlie Med 2nd Clearing Plt at KheSahn where I went on 28 or 28 Jan and was at Khe Sanh until med-evac’d back to PhuBai 3rd med triage with schrapnel AND malaria in late March. Stood listening post duty many a night with 26th Marines at the N.E. corner of the runway. Between charlie probing the perimeter wire and the incoming, we got little sleep, but did leave more than a few of them on and just outside the wire. Semper Fi
Paul, Were you at Camp Evans the first night of Tet?
Would anyone know a Mr. Woods who should have been at Camp Evans? I am trying to help a family friend reunite with him.
Or would anyone know how I can get records to find “Mr. Woods” who served with my friend’s grandpa who was a South Vietnamese Officer?
I was at Hue/Phu Bai with the 1st Cavalry Division (Air Mobile) 15th TC Battalion Co C , from January 1968 to September 1968. I was there during the Tet offensive and remember watching rockets flying overhead night after night.
Glad you made it out Jim. It was a very intense area to be then I understand.
I was pleasantly surprised to find this site! I was based out of Camp Evans april 69-70, 18th Engineers. I had 4 close calls including possible incoming while on guard duty, which actually was one of ours, a short round!
I’m very happy to another 101st guy here. I guess we were late comers to Evans. I was with the 326 Med Bn and did monthly rotations as part of a two ship med-evac unit to better support the troops. The main unit was at camp Eagle. We had a hootch next to the medical facility on the south/west side of Evans. I loved my little tours there because there wasn’t a lot of artillery fire support from Evans and I could get some good sleep. About the only time I used the runway was to practice instrument approaches . . .just in case. My hat’s off to the fixed wing guys who used it, as I recall it was perforated steel planks that didn’t always like to stay nailed to the ground.
i was in d company, 158th avn batalion, at camp evans end of july69-end of july 1970. sitting out on our mini bunker, i think it was late june or early july,1970, we watched fb ripcord get blown away. after it was over, we saw a convoy of trucks coming into camp carrying the walking wounded , and survivors of the firefight.
these are among the most frightening things i’ll never put out of my mind.
Hello Stanley. I was at Evans from Jan 1970 to Aug 1971, D Company, Redskins, 158th Aviation Battalion. I also spent time at Quang Tri.
Towards the end, firebases further north were falling to the NVA as US infantry pulled out. Our Cobras flew missions outside the wire and were getting secondaries from cached ammo. Very interesting.
Hi bill, my grandfather john Lonergan was there in febuary 1968 also in your unit, he was wounded on march 3rd 1968 by a land mine and I’ve been trying to find people he may have been there with, if you have any memory of him would you please email me at [email protected] thank you so much!
I was at Camp Evans with co B 1st bat 7th Cav from Feb 1968 until the end of October when we moved to Tay Ninh Province . As I remember it, we traded AO’s with the 101 st. We ran operations in the Au Shau Valley , Khe Sanh, and other areas in the northern part of the country.
We moved to Tay Ninh around Halloween .
Just saw your comment on the Camp Evans site. I was with HHC, 1/7 at Evans from May 1968 when The Cav moved to Tay Nina in early November, 68. I worked out of the battalion TOC. David Kaufman
I was in E Battery 82nd Arty (Avn) attached to 1st Air Cav Div Arty as a Bird Dog pilot, arriving at Camp Evans in May 1968, and moved south in late November to Phuoc Vinh. We flew recon around the area and into the A Shau. Shelby Horn, Joplin, MO.
Hi David,
I was an RTO with HHC 1/7 FROM 3/68 TO 10/68 WHEN i WENT TO C 1/7.
I am trying to locate platoon and company RTO’s from that time period.
Also trying to find 1/7 company radio call signs. Can you help?
Jim Hilts
1600 Ridge Ave, Coraopolis PA 15108 (near Pittsburgh PA) 412-269-0217
[email protected]
hi David
A couple of radio
call signs that I remember in the 1/7 were; Alpha Co. was Phantom Raider and Charlie co. was Crazy Horse.
The battalion c.c. was Red Baron 6
I was 3/6 in A 1/7 starting in march 68 and then later on I was 5
and then temporary Raider 6
I was with 101st,leaving for the last time,and it seems like the 7th Cav returned.They got off the helicopter,we left on.That was in 1971 probably.
Stationed at Evans 69 -70 with 158th Avn, 101st Abn. Any idea where I could obtain a detailed layout map / street map of Camp Evans.
i was a replacement grunt with Lima 3rd bn 26th marines. my first night in country was on the perimeter at camp evans. mid Jan ’67. still nothing but mud at that time. we ran sweeps around the base till close to spring and then moved further north to dong ha and west. i never really got back to evans. i see people post things about the camp and it’s hard to imagine how big it got.
RIP Lcpl Paul Evans.
Rick, thank you for your comment and sharing a bit of knowledge about the camp and your story. Yes it is quite amazing how big it became over the years. And also surprising that almost nothing is left today. Most of the larger bases are very easy to find and walk around, often the old runway is still there as well.
WOW .. what memories .. the weather man jim taylor and the controller bring it all back I spent 15months at camp evans as air traffic controller also in the three leg tower but we had a new one built by the sea bees a nice one. vantage point of view of the hospital landing pad …never will I ever forget the offloading of all the wounded those nurses and dr,s saved a lot of lives.. I arrived at evans in Mar 69 and left (deros) June 70 did not know or maybe I dont remember Randy Wagner . we were 1st. avn. bgd. attached to 101st. I do remember talking to air force weather team every hour ….
I spent a month hospitalized at Camp Evans, so I got more familiar with the hospital than most, since patients were there for as short a time as possible. So I was amused when gays in the military became a hot topic. There was a separate barracks for gay orderlies at the hospital. Everyone knew, and it was no big deal.
me; 11th Avaition Group. 1st CaV Div, Air Traffic Controller; arrived a few days before Tet started in Jan.1968. Was in a tall tower made of Redwood trees by the Seabees.
We also had a TPN-8 Radar that we provided GCA Ground Controlled Approach (Precision approach radar) to bring this C-130 in by radar to make the air drop in IFR r.e. BAD zero visibility weather. (Air force wanted VFR weather for airdrops), we brought them in right on target by radar. It worked very well and we were able to keep much needed supplies coming in . It was zero-zero and the troops were pretty busy staying close enough to get the loads (without them landing on their heads) before the NVA did. All the C-130 made it out also, NVA couldn’t see them!
Wow, thank you for the information Randolph. That must have been intense days. I am glad you made it out.
My Husband (Dwight Larson) was there with you Randolph. He was providing perimeter support as the c130s dropped their loads. He says those drops had food and ammo and that they were desperate for those items at that time.
I have some movies I took at Camp Evans in 1968. You can see some of those airdrops close to the end of the film. Some of the others that were at Evans might want to see the film. Warning: I was a kid and not a professional photographer.
WAGNER, YOU MAD MAN!!. Son of Fairbanks. I was there with you. still in tough with Mike Piltin and pete gullo. Piltins group brought in the supply chain of C130’s . Have also spoken to earl holmbert the firwman 20 years ago.
I was an Air Force weatherman at Camp Evans, 1/2 of a two man combat weather team, from Oct. 1970 – Sept 1971. I was a SSgt, a part of 5th Weather Squadron. 5th Weather provided weather support for Army units in Vietnam. Our weather unit in northern I Corps, OL-D, provided support for the 101st Airborne. Our hooch/weather station was within a few dozen yards of the control tower at Evans, just south of the air strip on a slight rise overlooking the strip. Other than a unit of Air Force FAC’s across the runway from us, my partner and I were the only Air Force unit at Camp Evans during my year there.
Thanks for your comment and for visiting our website Jimmy.I remember talking about Khe Sanh and Camp Evans with you in one of the history groups on Facebook where you have shared some of your pictures. Glad to see you here. Thank you for sharing some insight on Evans, it really adds to this site gettings some historical context.
Jimmy, your unit was not the only Air Force unit there in 71. We had a radar detachment (3) from the 620th TCS at DaNang . I was TDY up there in December of 71 and again in early 72 just as everyone was bugging out. Callsign was Pamper.
Yes, I was one of the two communications operator personnel. I was there at the end for the evacuation back to Monkey Mountain. There was nothing going on at Monkey Mountain. I got arrested at China Beach. I was locked up by the Army for looking grubby and hitchhiking. I don’t know it you were in the deuce and a half that came and got me out along with another soldier in our unit. They, Army, China Beach, were doing open ranks when they arrested us inside the base. Not only were we grubby, uniforms, hair, no sleep, but armed to the teeth. I personally had an AR15, AK50, 38, Grenades, both frag and incendiary, bandoleers of shells, bush knives, an M79 with shells, and a dog rescued from Evans/Pamper. You probably guessed by now, they locked the two of us up in a holding cell with all the listed arms. I remember Christmas 1971 vividly as the one that has made me not celebrate Christmas since. We got the Ditty bags from the stars. At the time we left, the base was not occupied except by us. I always wondered who got the metal plate runway. We were evacuated quickly, as that was the start of RVN control of the northern provinces. I hope you have had a good life since. I have blocked that period of my life out until recently. I’m sure I would recognize you with a picture from back then. I spent 3 years in SEA. My nickname was Laos.
Hello Jimmy Taylor. Was your unit also known as triple-nickel, (555)? I recall radar dishes at the northern end of the runway.
I was at Evans from Jan 1970 to Aug 1971, D Company, Redskins, 158th Aviation Battalion. I also spent time at Quang Tri.
Towards the end, firebases further north of Evans were falling to the NVA as US infantry pulled out. Our Cobras flew missions outside our wire at night and were getting secondaries from cached ammo. Very interesting.
Interesting. I served with B Troop 1/9 1st Cav at Evans from May 68 until we left to head south after chasing NVA through the Ashau Valley on their retreat to Laos. I do have some photos of Evans if anyone is interested. Very very proud of the men I served with..
Steve. Thank you for your comment. I am happy you made it home. We would be interested in seeing any photos you might want to share. Send us an email on and we can talk via email.
Hi , yup have a few photos of Camp Evans. Let me know the best way for me to get the photos to you. I do need to keep the origional photographs that I took back in 1968.. Glad to share. Thanks, Steve O
Steve, that sounds very interesting. Do you have them scanned? If so you can email me on [email protected] and we can discuss how to go about it. I would be very interested in seeing photos of Evans.
I would be interested any photos you might have of Evans especially any of the 1/7 BN area.
I was an battalion RTO with HHC 1/7 then C 1/7 FOR 3/68 TO 3/69.
Jim Hilts
1600 Ridge Ave. Coraopolis PA 15108 (near Pittsburgh PA) 412-269-0217
[email protected]
Hello! I’m looking for any information about Ronald L. Chapman. He was also B Troop 1/9 1St Cav. I have his letters he had written home about Camp Evans and the damage he witnessed. I’d love to return them to any family members if possible! My email is [email protected] if you have any info. Thank you.
Albert Miral
4th Marine Sniper Platoon, 4th MarRegt
At Camp Evans, Feb. 19-Nov 20 (on or about) 1967. Not one round of incoming. Regiment moved to Camp J. J. Carroll where it rained rockets constantly. What happened at Camp Evans after 4th Marine Regiment left?
Albert, thank you for your comment. I am not sure what happened when the 4th left as I am not sure when that was. The camp was eventually turned over to ARVN and later overrun by NVA when ARVN command had struck a deal with the NVA. US Advisors had to get out under dramatic circumstances.
Yes, I was with 4th Marines Comm. Platoon at Evans. Moved to Camp Carroll Jan. 19th, ‘68 when Tet hit.
I was in Camp Carroll during that time on a detachment from MCB 10. Remember eating lots of beans and spaghetti for a couple weeks
I served as a Shake-N-Bake infantry squad leader with Co. A 2/506th out of Camp Evans from April 1969-March 1970. Whenever we were in base camp for a stand down, the sight I will always remember is the stark mountain range that rose tall from the edge of the flatlands such a short distance away. To me, those mountains always looked ominous and sinister.
You were featured in the Ken Burns Documentary about Vietnam is that correct?
I remember your story about coming home. It was shameful how (Some) Americans treated you men.
God Bless you all, & Thank you for your service.
I was with Hhc 3rd bde 1st cav as a medic at camp Evans from Jan.68 to Nov. 68.
. First time I have heard mention of the mountains. They were impressive and the original of many rocket attacks on Evans. Could hear the rockets coming in and then the impacts as they hit. Was there the night the ammo dump went up. A long night and as far as I know no GI KIA’s
Larry, If you were at Evans the first night of TET I would like to communicate with you. I was seriously wounded during the 1st Mortar attack and one or more of you guys came out in the middle of the attack to rescue me. I literally owe you guys my life!
I was with Hhc 3rd bde 1st cav as a medic at camp Evans from Jan.68 to Nov. 68.
. First time I have heard mention of the mountains. They were impressive and the original of many rocket attacks on Evans. Could hear the rockets coming in and then the impacts as they hit. Was there the night the ammo dump went up. A long night and as far as I know no GI KIA’s
Watching the video it appears the vehicle was traveling south on Highway 1 and turned west toward Evans. I served with MACV Team 3 at Phong Dien, located about 3 Ks NE of Evans. We were a U.S. Army 6-man advisory team with an Aussie warrant officer and lived with and fought with a PF company. I was there in Fall 1967 when Evans was a Marine camp. The Marines would send a squad to help with our nighttime perimeter security. We used to get our drinking water from Evans. The Marines departed in Dec. 67 or early Jan. 68 when the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Cavalry Division moved in. In the Spring of 68 the 101st Abn. began moving in, occupying an area by Evans’ water point. One night a firefight broke out inside the perimeter, and I stood atop our command bunker and watched red tracers going in each direction. Something had obviously gotten screwed up. We called Evans to tell them it appeared to be a friendly fire incident. It was the Cav and 101st firing at each other. Originally, Evans was quite a distance from the highway, but when I rotated home in May 1968 the camp stretched all the way to the highway.
I was there from July 1970 to July 1971 working out of the aid station as a combat medic. After watching the video I felt safer on the base than riding on those roads now.
Charles, thank you for your comment and visiting our website, yes traffic in Vietnam can be intense but staying to the right and not taking chances will go a long way. As you could see in the video and the pictures there is very little that reveals this was once a very large base.
I was in that aid station for 3 days during that time with a high fever. I don’t remember much about those 3 days, but when the fever broke, a medic told me that they had thought at first that I had malaria but it turned out to be something else. I never did find out what. I was with D Co. 1/506
I was with the 3rd Bn 26th Marines who moved into area Dec of 1966 to establish base camp there. It was operation Chinook later named camp Evans after our rocket man Cpl Evans with India company was killed first or second night during perimeter attack. Constant rain and cold. RIP Cpl Evans. It is hard to recognize anything now . I also left Camp Evans to Danang for CONUS Oct ‘66
Hello Cary, thank you for your comment. Yes there is basically nothing left of the base. I am not certain about those concrete slabs along the road, if they could be from the camp?
HHC 1/7th Cav. Camp Evans From May 25th 1968 til Moving South to Phouc Vinh, Dec. 1,1969 I was near the airstrip and Sadly witnessed the air collision, Which I Believe the Chinook Was A Mail Carrier and the Caribou Transported Troopers who were going on R& R Or Going Home , God Rest All Those Who Were Lost That Day In Tragedy , I know I Will Never Forget How Long After The Accident, Letters Fluttered Down From Sky And The Picture Was Forever Frozen, In My Thoughts.
Arrived in country Sept 68 & assigned to 101st Ann. After P training at Camp Ray on Bien Hoa base, sent to Camp Eagle. Bout a week later was sent to the boonies as RTO for Arty FO.
After losing radio antenna, sent to Camp Evans. When your up in Sept 69, flew on loach from Evans to Phu Bai , C130 to Bien Hoa & then freedom bird jet to San Francisco. Saw pics & do remember red clay & the red dust.
Thanks for your comment and visiting our website Charles. Yeah, there isn’t much to see on the site nowadays. For a veteran like yourself I guess the red dirt and perhaps looking west towards the mountains would reveal that you are at the correct place. I understand it’s the same down at Eagle as well. I will go and have look there one day.
I was with Seabee battalion MCB-4 adjacent to the east of Camp Evans in 1968. We built the Navy’s 12th Seabee base in country that year, Camp Haines, as well as rebuilt the Army’s Camp Evans after TET. I was there when the Viet Cong blew up the ammo dump and destroyed the air strip. We rebuilt it it all from the ground up. I was there when a Chinook and a Caribou collided and killed over 20 men on their way home that year too. Our base is no longer there either I hear. Those concrete pads were probably some of our work – probably the 1000 man chow hall.
Daniel Burd UTP-2, USN MCB-4, 1968
Daniel, thank you for your comment and thank you for visiting our website. That is very interesting information. The pictures and video is taken quite far east of what would have been the camp area. I understand the camp was huge. So I don’t know where the chow hall was located, but it is great if we caught on camera at least some of the remains of the camp. The whole area around there is so built up that most is gone. I understand Camp Eagle is also more or less erased.
I was with 2/9 , 3rd Marine Div. and we were one of the first combat units to establish Camp Evans in 1966.
Thanks for sharing that Ralph and thank you for visiting our website. Evans turned out to be quite a large basecamp over time.